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Created December 26, 2014 11:30
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Pivot table Procs
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2//
create procedure dynamic_view2(in userid int, in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select task_name,sub_task_name, ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task where user_id=",userid,"
group by task_name,sub_task_name");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2(14,'2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_all//
create procedure dynamic_view2_all(in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select task_name,sub_task_name,get_user_name(user_id), ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task where task_name <> ''
group by task_name,sub_task_name,user_id");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_all('2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
select task_name,sub_task_name,hours,creation_date from task where user_id=14 and category='task';
select task_name,sub_task_name,hours,creation_date,id from task where user_id=14 and category='task' and task_name='GE Setup :: US-NGS Server';
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_category//
create procedure dynamic_view2_category(in userid int, in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select category,description, ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task where user_id=",userid,"
group by category,description");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_category(14,'2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_category_all//
create procedure dynamic_view2_category_all(in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select get_user_name(user_id),category, ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task
group by category,user_id");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_category_all('2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_sp_tasks//
create procedure dynamic_view2_sp_tasks(in tid double, in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select task_name,sub_task_name,get_user_name(user_id), ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task where task_id =",tid,"
group by task_name,sub_task_name,user_id");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_sp_tasks(21659167624364,'2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_all_users//
create procedure dynamic_view2_all_users(in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select get_user_name(user_id), ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from task
group by user_id");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_all_users('2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
select full_name from users where user_id not in (select user_id from task where creation_date = '2014-12-22' group by user_id,creation_date order by creation_date);
select full_name from users where user_id not in (select user_id from task where creation_date between '2014-12-17' and '2014-12-23' group by user_id,creation_date order by creation_date);
select u.full_name,t.creation_date,SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '2014-12-22' then hours else 0 end))) as Hours from users u left join task t on u.user_id = t.user_id group by u.user_id order by Hours;
delimiter //
drop procedure if exists dynamic_view2_all_users_task//
create procedure dynamic_view2_all_users_task(in sdate date,in edate date)
declare finish int default 0;
declare cdate date;
declare str varchar(10000) default "select u.full_name, ";
declare curs cursor for select creation_date from task where creation_date between sdate and edate group by creation_date;
declare continue handler for not found set finish = 1;
open curs;
fetch curs into cdate;
if finish = 1 then
leave my_loop;
end if;
set str = concat(str, "SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(case when creation_date = '",cdate,"' then hours else 0 end))) as `",cdate,"`,");
end loop;
close curs;
set str = substr(str,1,char_length(str)-1);
set @str = concat(str," from users u left join task t on u.user_id = t.user_id group by u.user_id order by u.full_name");
prepare stmt from @str;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
delimiter ;
call dynamic_view2_all_users_task('2014-12-01','2014-12-22');
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