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Created April 29, 2015 10:19
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Save kayasax/dcc59f119b759548a430 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Comment parser un fichier organisé "en lignes" plutôt qu'en "colonnes"
PARSING (log) files.
when log files contains several colums on the same line we can use importfrom-csv
but how to do when log files is organized 'by lines' ?
Name: ENC1
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbit, Full Duplex
Name: ENC2
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbit, Full Duplex
$data = (@'
Name: ENC1
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbit, Full Duplex
Name: ENC2
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbit, Full Duplex
Name: ENC3
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbps, Full Duplex
Name: ENC4
IPv4 Address:
Link Settings: Forced, 100 Mbps, Full Duplex
'@).split("`n") |
foreach {$_.trim()}
Switch -Regex ($data)
'^Name: (.+)' {$obj = [PSCustomObject]@{Name=$Matches[1];IP=$null;Settings=$null}}
'^IPv4 Address: (.+)' {$obj.IP = $matches[1]}
'^Link Settings: (.+)' {$obj.Settings = $Matches[1]$obj}
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