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Created April 27, 2017 20:46
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(* Requires: OCaml 4.03.0+ *)
(* Usage: `ocaml` *)
(** Identifiers *)
module Ident = struct
type t = string
let id = ref 0
let create base =
incr id;
base ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int !id)
module Map = Map.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t
let compare =
(* Our lambda calculus, which is standard lambda-calculus, plus:
- atoms;
- primitives: basically ocaml functions, applied to λ-terms.
The arguments are guaranteed to be reduced before being given
to the function;
- effects primitives: handle & perform.
type term = ..
type atom =
| Unit
| Int of int
| String of string
and handlers = {
hv: Ident.t * term; (* Value *)
hx: Ident.t * term; (* Exception *)
hf: Ident.t * Ident.t * term (* Effect *)
(* A runtime value: a closure of a term with its environment.
It is defined now as primitives can access and modify the runtime
environment; and thus take it as an argument and return it.
and value = Closure of environment * term
and environment = value Ident.Map.t
type term +=
| Var of Ident.t
| Lambda of Ident.t * term
| App of term * term
| Atom of atom
| Prim of string * (term list -> term) * term list
| Handle of term * handlers
| Perform of term
| Raise of term
(* Helpers ********************************************************************)
(* Lambda and App constructors are the simplest possible. To define
lambdas with multiple identifiers at the same time, or application
with multiple arguments, use the [lam] and [app] helpers.
let lam (idents: Ident.t list) (body: term): term =
List.fold_right (fun id acc -> Lambda (id, acc)) idents body
let app (f: term) (args: term list): term =
let hd, args = (List.hd args), ( args) in
List.fold_left (fun acc arg -> App (acc, arg)) (App (f, hd)) args
let rec seq : term list -> term = function
| [] -> Atom Unit
| [e] -> e
| e :: es ->
let dummy = Ident.create "_" in
App (Lambda (dummy, seq es), e)
let letin (x: Ident.t) (e1: term) (e2: term): term =
App (Lambda (x, e2), e1)
(* Helpers for building atomic terms. *)
let int (x: int): term = Atom (Int x)
let string (s: string): term = Atom (String s)
let unit : term = Atom Unit
(* Effects wrappers. *)
let handle body handlers = Handle (body, handlers)
let delegate =
let ve = Ident.create "ve" in
let vk = Ident.create "vk" in
ve, vk, App (Var vk, Perform (Var ve))
let continue k v = App (k, v)
(* Printers. *)
let print_atom ppf = function
| Unit -> Format.fprintf ppf "()"
| Int i -> Format.fprintf ppf "%d" i
| String s -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s" s
let print_t ppf =
let open Format in
let rec aux paren ppf = function
| Var x -> fprintf ppf "%s" x
| Lambda (x, e) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(aux_lambda [x]) e
(if paren then ")" else "")
| App (u, v) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(aux_app [v]) u
(if paren then ")" else "")
| Atom a -> print_atom ppf a
| Prim (name, f, args) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s%a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(fun ppf _ ->
List.iter (fun arg -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (aux false) arg) args)
(if paren then ")" else "")
| Perform e ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%sperform@ %a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(aux false) e
(if paren then ")" else "")
| Handle (body, {hv = (v, hv); hx = (x, hx); hf = (e, k, hf)}) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%a@ with@ %s@ ->@ %a@ |@ exn@ %s@ ->@ %a@ |@ effect@ %s@ %s@ ->@ %a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(aux true) body
v (aux false) hv x (aux false) hx e k (aux false) hf
(if paren then ")" else "")
| Raise e ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%sraise@ %a%s@]"
(if paren then "(" else "")
(aux false) e
(if paren then ")" else "")
| _ -> failwith "aux : unknown term"
and aux_lambda idents ppf = function
| Lambda (i, e) -> aux_lambda (i :: idents) ppf e
| e ->
fprintf ppf "λ";
List.iter (fun id -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" id) (List.rev idents);
fprintf ppf ".@ %a" (aux false) e
and aux_app args ppf = function
| App (u, v) -> aux_app (v :: args) ppf u
| e ->
fprintf ppf "%a"
(aux true) e;
List.iter (fun arg -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (aux true) arg) args
aux false ppf
(* Printing primitives. *)
let debug = ref true
let printl t =
let f = function
| [t] when !debug ->
Format.(fprintf str_formatter "%a\n%!" print_t t);
| [t] -> Format.printf "%a\n%!" print_t t; unit
| _ as l ->
Printf.printf "printl.args_length = %d\n%!" (List.length l);
List.iter (fun t -> Format.printf "%a\n%!" print_t t) l;
raise (Invalid_argument "printl")
Prim ("printl", f, [t])
(* CPS transform **************************************************************)
(* Variable substitution. Only used to perform administrative
reductions. *)
let rec subst map e =
match e with
| Var x -> (try Ident.Map.find x map with Not_found -> e)
| Lambda (x, e) -> Lambda (x, subst map e)
| App (u, v) -> App (subst map u, subst map v)
| Prim (name, f, args) -> Prim (name, f, (subst map) args)
| _ -> e
let rec cps e =
let k = Ident.create "k" in
(* [cont e c] "continues" term [e] with continuation [c].
It is semantically equivalent to [app e [c]], but can
perform some administrative reductions.
let cont e c =
let is_value = function
| Var _ | Atom _ | Prim _ -> true
| _ -> false
match e with
| Lambda (k, App (Var k', e')) when k = k' && is_value e' ->
begin match c with
| Var k -> App (Var k, e')
| Lambda (x, body) ->
subst Ident.Map.(add x e' empty) body
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "cont")
| _ -> app e [c]
match e with
| Var _ | Atom _ -> lam [k] (App (Var k, e))
| Prim (name, f, args) ->
let args_idents = (fun _ -> Ident.create "v") args in
lam [k] @@
List.fold_right (fun (arg, id) e -> cont (cps arg) (Lambda (id, e)))
(List.combine args args_idents)
(App (Var k, Prim (name, f, (fun v -> Var v) args_idents)))
| Lambda (x, e) -> lam [k] (App (Var k, Lambda (x, cps e)))
| App (u, v) ->
let val_u = Ident.create "v" in
let val_v = Ident.create "v" in
lam [k] @@
(cont (cps u) (lam [val_u]
(cont (cps v) (lam [val_v]
(cont (App (Var val_u, Var val_v)) (Var k))))))
| Handle (body, { hv = (v, hv); hx = (vx, hx); hf = (ve, vk, hf) }) ->
let _1 = Ident.create "_" in
let _2 = Ident.create "_" in
lam [k] @@
app (cps body) [lam [v; _1; _2] (cps hv);
lam [vx] (cps hx);
lam [ve; vk] (cps hf);
Var k]
| Perform e ->
let val_e = Ident.create "e" in
let x = Ident.create "x" in
let hx = Ident.create "hx" in
let hf = Ident.create "hf" in
let k' = Ident.create "k'" in
let return_k =
lam [x; k'] @@ app (Var k) [Var x; Var hx; Var hf; Var k']
lam [k] @@
cont (cps e) (lam [val_e; hx; hf]
(app (Var hf) [ Var val_e; return_k ]))
| Raise e ->
let val_e = Ident.create "ve" in
let hx = Ident.create "hx" in
let hf = Ident.create "hf" in
lam [k] @@
cont (cps e) (lam [val_e]
(lam [hx; hf] (app (Var hx) [Var val_e])))
| _ -> failwith "cps: unhandled term"
let unhandled_effect ?(cps=false) e k =
let f = function
| [e; k] ->
Format.printf "Unhandled effect: %a\n%!" print_t e;
if cps then
let _k = Ident.create "_" in
lam [_k] unit
else unit
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "unhandled_effect") in
Prim ("unhandled_effect", f, [e; k])
let unhandled_exn ?(cps=false) e =
let f = function
| [e] ->
Format.printf "Unhandled exception: %a\n%!" print_t e;
if cps then
let _k = Ident.create "_" in
lam [_k] unit
else unit
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "unhandled_exn") in
Prim ("unhandled_exception", f, [e])
(* CPS transformation for a toplevel term: CPS transforms it, and
applies it to "identity" continuations. *)
let cps_main e = := 0;
let x = Ident.create "x" in
let k = Ident.create "k" in
let kv = Ident.create "kv" in
let _1 = Ident.create "hx" in
let _2 = Ident.create "hf" in
let res =
app (cps e) [
lam [x; _1; _2; k] (app (Var k) [Var x]);
lam [x] (unhandled_exn ~cps:true (Var x));
lam [x; kv] (unhandled_effect ~cps:true (Var x) (Var kv));
lam [x] (Var x)
(* Interpreter ****************************************************************)
let rec eval env = function
| Var v ->
begin try Ident.Map.find v env
with Not_found ->
Printf.printf "DEBUG: %s\n%!" v;
failwith "Unbound identifier"
| Lambda (_, _) | Atom _ as e -> Closure (env, e)
| Prim (name, f, args) ->
let args_values_r =
List.fold_left (fun args_values_r arg ->
let Closure (_, arg_val) = eval env arg in
arg_val :: args_values_r) [] args
let ret = f (List.rev args_values_r) in
eval env ret
| App (u, v) ->
let f = eval env u in
let x = eval env v in
apply f x
| _ -> failwith ("not handled by the interpreter")
and apply (Closure (envu, u)) (Closure (envv, v) as cv) =
match u with
| Lambda (x, e) -> eval (Ident.Map.add x cv envu) e
| _ ->
Format.eprintf "DEBUG: %a\n" print_t u;
failwith "trying to apply a value that is not a function"
(* CEK machine *******************************************************************)
module Cek_machine = struct
type nonrec environment = environment
type prim =
{ prim : term list -> term;
todo_args : term list;
done_args_r : term list }
type continuation =
| Done
| EvalArg of term * environment * continuation
| Call of term * environment * continuation
| CallPrim of prim * environment * continuation
| CallRaise
| CallPerform of continuation
type handler = {
hv : term;
hx : term;
hf : term;
env : environment;
k : continuation
type term += Continue of Ident.t * handler
type control = term
type machine = control * environment * handler list * continuation
type step_result =
| Todo of machine
| Done of value
let step : machine -> step_result = function
| Var x, e, h, k ->
begin match Ident.Map.find x e with
| Closure (e', t) -> Todo (t, e', h, k)
| exception Not_found ->
Printf.printf "Cek_machine.step.Var: %s\n%!" x;
failwith "Unbound identifier"
| App (t1,t2), e, h, k ->
Todo (t1, e, h, EvalArg(t2,e,k))
| Prim (_, prim, arg::todo_args), e, h, k ->
let p = {prim; todo_args; done_args_r = []} in
Todo (arg, e, h, CallPrim (p, e, k))
| Handle (body, {hv = v,vv; hx = x, vx; hf = f, vk, vf}), e, h, k ->
let h' = {hv = lam [v] vv; hx = lam [x] vx;
hf = lam [f;vk] vf; env = e; k}
Todo (body, e, h'::h, Done)
| Continue (x, h), e, hs, k ->
let e' = Ident.Map.add x (Ident.Map.find x e) h.env in
Todo (Var x, e', {h with k = k; env = e}::hs, h.k)
| Raise t, e, h, k -> Todo (t, e, h, CallRaise)
| Perform t, e, h, k -> Todo (t, e, h, CallPerform k)
| Lambda (x,t), e, h, EvalArg (t',e',k) ->
Todo (t', e', h, Call(Lambda(x,t), e, k))
| t, e, h, Call(Lambda(x',t'),e',k) ->
let e'' = Ident.Map.add x' (Closure(e, t)) e' in
Todo (t', e'', h, k)
| t, _, h, CallPrim ({prim; todo_args; done_args_r}, e', k) ->
begin match todo_args with
| [] -> Todo (prim (List.rev (t::done_args_r)), e', h, k)
| x::xs ->
let p = {prim; todo_args = xs; done_args_r = t::done_args_r} in
Todo (x, e', h, CallPrim (p, e', k))
| t, _, h::hs, CallRaise -> Todo (App (h.hx, t), h.env, hs, h.k)
| t, e, h::hs, CallPerform k ->
let x = Ident.create "cv" in
let cont = lam [x] (Continue (x, {h with k = k; env = e})) in
Todo (app h.hf [t; cont], h.env, hs, h.k)
| t, e, [], Done -> Done (Closure (e,t))
| t, e, h::hs, Done -> Todo (App (h.hv, t), h.env, hs, h.k)
| t,_,_,_ ->
Format.eprintf "DEBUG: %a\n" print_t t;
failwith "Cek_machine.step: no step defined"
let default_handler =
let x = Ident.create "x" in
let k = Ident.create "k" in
{ hv = lam [x] (Var x);
hx = lam [x] (unhandled_exn (Var x));
hf = lam [x; k] (unhandled_effect (Var x) (Var k));
env = Ident.Map.empty;
k = Done}
let rec eval p =
let rec loop i m =
match step m with
| Todo m -> loop (i+1) m
| Done v -> v
loop 0 (p,Ident.Map.empty,[default_handler],Done)
(* Examples *******************************************************************)
let eval = eval Ident.Map.empty
(* Prints a term, evaluates it, and prints the result. *)
let ev t =
Format.printf "%a\n" print_t t;
let Closure (_, res) = eval t in
Format.printf "\n>> %a\n%!" print_t res
let rec check_scope env = function
| Var v -> (try Ident.Map.find v env; [] with Not_found -> [Var v])
| Lambda (x, e) -> check_scope (Ident.Map.add x () env) e
| App (e1, e2) ->
(check_scope env e1) @ (check_scope env e2)
| Atom _ -> []
| Prim (_,_,_) -> []
| _ -> failwith "not handled"
(* default handlers *)
let identity =
let v = Ident.create "v" in
v, Var v
let reraise =
let vx = Ident.create "vx" in
let f = function
| [e] -> Raise e
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "reraise") in
vx, Prim ("reraise", f, [Var vx])
let test s p ret out =
assert (!debug = true);
Printf.printf "(** Test %s **)\n%!" s;
let run k e p =
Printf.printf "%s: %!" k;
let Closure (_,x) = e p in
assert (x = ret);
let out_seen = (Format.flush_str_formatter ()) in
assert (String.equal out out_seen);
print_endline "success"
run "simple" eval (cps_main p);
run "cek" Cek_machine.eval p
(** Examples *)
let ex0 =
let x = Ident.create "x" in
app (lam [x] (Var x)) [int 3]
let _ = test "ex0" ex0 (int 3) ""
let ex01 = int 3
let _ = test "ex01" ex01 (int 3) ""
let ex1 =
let x = Ident.create "x" in
printl (app (lam [x] (Var x)) [Atom (Int 3)])
let _ = test "ex1" ex1 unit "3
let ex11 =
seq [printl (string "a"); printl (string "b")]
let _ = test "ex11" ex11 unit "a
let ex12 =
let x = Ident.create "x" in
app (lam [x] (Var x)) [app (lam [x] (Var x)) [int 3]]
let _ = test "ex12" ex12 (int 3) ""
let ex13 = Raise (int 0)
let _ = test "ex13" ex13 unit ""
let ex14 = Perform (int 0)
let _ = test "ex14" ex14 unit ""
let ex2 =
seq [printl (int 3);
printl (string "abc");
printl (string "def")]
let _ = test "ex2" ex2 unit "3
let ex30 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (string "abc")])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, continue (Var k) (int 18) }
let _ = test "ex30" ex30 unit "abc
let ex31 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (Perform (int 0))])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, int 18 }
let _ = test "ex31" ex31 (int 18) ""
let ex32 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(Perform (int 0))
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, continue (Var k) (int 18) }
let _ = test "ex32" ex32 (int 18) ""
let ex3 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (string "abc");
printl (Perform (int 0));
printl (string "def")])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, continue (Var k) (int 18) }
let _ = test "ex3" ex3 unit "abc
let ex4 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (string "abc");
printl (Perform (int 0));
printl (string "def")])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = delegate; })
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, continue (Var k) (int 18) }
let _ = test "ex4" ex4 unit "abc
let ex5 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (string "abc");
printl (Perform (int 0));
printl (string "def")])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, seq [continue (Var k) (int 18);
printl (string "handler end")] }
let _ = test "ex5" ex5 unit "abc
handler end
let ex6 =
seq [
handle unit
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = delegate; };
printl (string "abc")
let _ = test "ex6" ex6 unit "abc
let ex7 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
let v = Ident.create "my_v" in
(seq [Perform unit; Perform unit])
{ hv = v, seq [printl (string "hv"); Var v];
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, seq [
printl (string "hf1");
continue (Var k) unit;
printl (string "hf2")
let _ = test "ex7" ex7 unit "hf1
let ex8 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
(seq [printl (string "a");
printl (Perform (int 0));
printl (string "b")])
{ hv = identity;
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, continue (seq [printl ex31; Var k]) (int 19) }
let _ = test "ex8" ex8 unit "a
(* Evaluates to 1 *)
let ex9 =
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
let v = Ident.create "my_v" in
(Perform unit)
{ hv = identity;
hx = v, int 0;
hf = e, k, Raise unit; };)
{ hv = identity;
hx = v, int 1;
hf = delegate; }
let _ = test "ex9" ex9 (int 1) ""
let ex10 =
let v = Ident.create "my_v" in
let e = Ident.create "my_e" in
let k = Ident.create "my_k" in
{ hv = v, Perform unit;
hx = reraise;
hf = delegate })
{ hv = v, printl (Var v);
hx = reraise;
hf = e, k, int 3 }
let _ = test "ex10" ex10 unit "3
let debug = ref false
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