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Created March 17, 2016 19:46
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module type Applicative = sig
type 'a t
val pure : 'a -> 'a t
val (<*>) : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t
module type Promise = sig
include Applicative
val fork : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
val get : 'a t -> ('a, exn) result
val get_val : 'a t -> 'a
val run : (unit -> 'a) -> ('a, exn) result
module Promise : Promise = struct
type cont =
| Cont : (unit, 'b) continuation -> cont
type tvar = cont option ref
let mk_tvar k = ref (Some (Cont k))
type 'a status =
| Done of 'a
| Cancelled of exn
| Waiting of tvar list
type 'a t = 'a status ref
effect Fork : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t
effect Wait : 'a t -> unit
let fork f = perform (Fork f)
let enqueue run_q k v =
Queue.push (fun () -> ignore @@ continue k v) run_q
let rec dequeue run_q =
if Queue.is_empty run_q then ()
else (Queue.pop run_q) ()
let mk_status () = ref (Waiting [])
let finish run_q sr v =
match !sr with
| Waiting l ->
sr := Done v;
List.iter (fun tv ->
match !tv with
| None -> ()
| Some (Cont k) ->
tv := None;
enqueue run_q k ()) l
| _ -> failwith "Impossible: finish"
let abort run_q sr e =
match !sr with
| Waiting l ->
sr := Cancelled e;
List.iter (fun tv ->
match !tv with
| None -> ()
| Some (Cont k) ->
tv := None;
enqueue run_q k ()) l
| _ -> failwith "Impossible: abort"
let wait sr k =
match !sr with
| Waiting l -> sr := Waiting (mk_tvar k::l)
| _ -> failwith "Impossible: wait"
let rec get sr =
match !sr with
| Done v -> Ok v
| Cancelled e -> Error e
| Waiting _ -> perform (Wait sr); get sr
let rec get_val sr =
match !sr with
| Done v -> v
| Cancelled e -> raise e
| Waiting _ -> perform (Wait sr); get_val sr
let pure v = ref (Done v)
let rec (<*>) f g =
match !f, !g with
| Cancelled _ as x, _ -> ref x
| _, (Cancelled _ as x) -> ref x
| Waiting _, _ ->
perform (Wait f);
match get f with
| Ok f -> ref (Done f) <*> g
| Error e -> ref (Cancelled e)
| Done f, Done g -> ref (Done (f g))
| Done f, Waiting _ ->
perform (Wait g);
match get g with
| Ok g -> ref (Done (f g))
| Error e -> ref (Cancelled e)
let run main =
let run_q = Queue.create () in
let rec spawn : 'a. 'a status ref -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit =
fun sr f ->
match f () with
| v -> finish run_q sr v; dequeue run_q
| exception e -> abort run_q sr e; dequeue run_q
| effect (Wait sr) k -> wait sr k; dequeue run_q
| effect (Fork f) k ->
let sr = mk_status () in
enqueue run_q k sr; spawn sr f
let sr = mk_status () in
spawn sr main;
get sr
open Promise
open Printf
let test1 () =
let x = pure 10 in
let y = pure 20 in
let z = pure (+) <*> x <*> y in
get_val z
let _ =
match run test1 with
| Ok v -> Printf.printf "test1: %d\n" v
| Error e -> Printf.printf "test2: error: %s\n" @@ Printexc.to_string e
let test2 () =
let x = fork (fun () -> printf "test2: x\n%!"; 10) in
let y = fork (fun () -> printf "test2: y\n%!"; raise Exit) in
let z = fork (fun () -> printf "test2: z\n%!"; 20) in
let add3 x y z =
let _ = printf "test2: add %d %d %d\n" x y z in
x + y + z
let r = pure add3 <*> x <*> y <*> z in
get_val r
let _ =
match run test2 with
| Ok v -> Printf.printf "test2: %d\n" v
| Error e -> Printf.printf "test2: error: %s\n" @@ Printexc.to_string e
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