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Created August 26, 2017 16:40
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OCaml multicore GC stress test
(* GC stress/performance test.
Uses only core GC features - no finalisers, weak references, etc. *)
type work = F : (int -> 'a) * ('a -> int) -> work
type bintree = Leaf of int | Branch of bintree * bintree
let tree =
let rec mktree = function
| 0 -> Leaf 1
| n -> Branch (mktree (n-1), mktree (n-1)) in
let rec sum = function
| Leaf n -> n
| Branch (a, b) -> sum a + sum b in
F (mktree, sum)
let sorted_list =
let rec list len acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n -> list len (((n * 7843723) land (len - 1)) :: acc) (n-1) in
let rec check acc k = function
| [] -> acc
| n :: ns -> check ((n - k) + acc) (k+1) ns in
F ((fun n -> list (1 lsl n) [] (1 lsl n)), check 0 (-1))
let bit_inc =
let rec inc i num =
if i == Array.length num then false
else match num.(i) with
| None ->
num.(i) <- Some i;
| Some _ ->
num.(i) <- None;
inc (i+1) num in
let rec dec i num =
if i == Array.length num then false
else match num.(i) with
| Some _ ->
num.(i) <- None;
| None ->
num.(i) <- Some i;
dec (i+1) num in
let make n =
let num = Array.make n None in
while inc 0 num do () done;
num in
let consume num =
let copy = Array.copy num in
let count = ref 1 in
ignore (dec 0 copy);
while dec 0 copy do incr count done;
!count in
F (make, consume)
let mutrec_fns =
let rec fns = function
| 0 -> fun acc -> acc + 1
| n ->
let l = fns (n-1) and r = fns (n-1) in
let rec f b acc =
if acc land 0x40 = 0 then
r acc
if b then
l (r acc)
(* impossible, but makes the functions look recursive *)
g acc
and g acc =
if acc land 0x40 = 0 then
l (f false acc)
f true acc
in g in
F (fns, fun f -> f 0)
type bigtree = Bigtree of bigtree array
let veb =
let rec mk = function
| 0 -> Bigtree [| |]
| n ->
let half = n - (n lsr 1) in
let rootsz = 1 lsl half in
Bigtree (Array.init rootsz (fun _ -> mk (n - half))) in
let rec sum = function
| Bigtree [| |] -> 1
| Bigtree b -> Array.fold_left sum_acc 0 b
and sum_acc s b = s + sum b in
F (mk, sum)
let fns = [| tree; sorted_list; bit_inc; mutrec_fns; veb |]
let grow rand xs =
let F (create, consume) = fns.( rand (Array.length fns)) in
let n = rand 15 in
let x = create n in
(fun () -> let n' = consume x in assert (1 lsl n = n')) :: xs
let rec shrink rand = function
| [] -> []
| x :: xs when rand 100 < 5 ->
x (); xs
| x :: xs ->
x :: shrink rand xs
let rec loop rand xs =
if List.length xs >= 100 then () else
loop rand (shrink rand (grow rand xs))
let noop _ _ =
for i = 1 to 10000000
let go f n =
let rand = Random.State.make [| 42; n |] in
let tstart = Unix.gettimeofday () in
f rand [];
let tend = Unix.gettimeofday () in
(tend -. tstart) *. 1000.
let run f =
let _ = Gc.full_major() in
let ndoms = 3 in
let med = ndoms / 2 in
let others = Array.init (ndoms - 1) (fun i -> Domain.spawn (fun () -> go f i)) in
let mine = go f (ndoms - 1) in
let par_results =
Array.concat [[| mine |]; Domain.join others] in
Array.sort compare par_results;
let seq_results = Array.init ndoms (go f) in
Array.sort compare seq_results;
let par_mean = Array.fold_left (fun acc e -> acc +. e) 0. par_results /. float_of_int ndoms in
let seq_mean = Array.fold_left (fun acc e -> acc +. e) 0. seq_results /. float_of_int ndoms in
Printf.printf "Mean:\npar: %.0fms\nseq: %.0fms\n" par_mean seq_mean;
Printf.printf "Median:\npar: %.0fms\nseq: %.0fms\n" par_results.(med) seq_results.(med)
let _ =
Printf.printf "**Control**\n";
run noop;
Printf.printf "**Main**\n";
run loop
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