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Created November 16, 2023 08:57
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(* *)
open Effect
open Effect.Shallow
module type State = sig
type a
type _ Effect.t += Get : a Effect.t
type _ Effect.t += Set : a -> unit Effect.t
module Make (S : State) = struct
let rec loop : type x y . S.a -> (x, y) continuation -> x -> y =
fun s k x ->
continue_with k x {
retc = (fun y -> y);
exnc = raise;
effc = fun (type b) (e : b Effect.t) ->
match e with
| S.Get ->
Some (fun (k : (b, _) continuation) -> loop s k s);
| S.Set s ->
Some (fun (k : (b, _) continuation) -> loop s k ());
| _ ->
let handle (s : S.a) (f : unit -> 'a) : 'a =
loop s (fiber f) ()
let get () = perform S.Get
let set v = perform (S.Set v)
module IntState = struct
type a = int
type _ Effect.t += Get : int Effect.t
type _ Effect.t += Set : int -> unit Effect.t
module StringState = struct
type a = string
type _ Effect.t += Get : string Effect.t
type _ Effect.t += Set : string -> unit Effect.t
let main () =
let depth = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
let ops = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
Printf.printf "Running deepstate: depth=%d ops=%d\n" depth ops;
let module SS = Make(StringState) in
let rec setup_deep_state n () =
if n = 0 then begin
for i=1 to ops do
(* SS.set (SS.get () ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int i)) *)
SS.set (SS.get ())
(* print_endline @@ SS.get() *)
end else begin
let module IS = Make(IntState) in
IS.handle 0 @@ setup_deep_state (n-1)
SS.handle "Hello, world!" @@ setup_deep_state depth
let _ = main ()
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