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Last active January 12, 2023 04:38
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Syncthing: bash script to move the latest version of all files from a given folder to a target folder

Syncthing: script to MOVE the latest version of all files from a given folder to a target folder

This is useful in case you've mistakenly deleted a very large folder and it takes forever to restore the files via "file copy". In this case, we're literally MOVING the old version files to the target location! So be careful, this cannot be reverted!


./ srcFolder dstFolder


./ "My Pictures/.stversions" "My Pictures/restored versions"

NOTE: you should run this script as the "sc-syncthing" user to avoid file permission issues (See

# Script to run a given bash command as another user hard-coded to "sc-syncthing"
for arg in "$@"; do
args="$args $(printf %q "$arg")"
sudo su -s /bin/bash -c "$(printf %q "$args" | xargs)" sc-syncthing
# Syncthing: script to MOVE the latest version of all files from a given folder to a target folder
# This is useful in case you've mistakenly deleted a very large folder and it takes forever to restore
# the files via "file copy".
# In this case, we're literally MOVING the old version files to the target location!
# So be careful, this cannot be reverted!
# Usage: scriptName srcFolder dstFolder
# Example:
# ./ "My Pictures/.stversions" "My Pictures/restored versions"
# NOTE: you should run this script as the "sc-syncthing" user to avoid file permission issues (See
echo srcPath=$srcPath
echo dstPath=$dstPath
relPathToDst=$(realpath "--relative-to=$srcPath" "$dstPath")
echo relPathToDst=$relPathToDst
cd "$srcPath"
# Find versioned files and list them in reverse order so that the latest versions appear first
find -O3 . -type f -regextype posix-awk -regex '.*~[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}.*$' | \
sort -r |
while read -r srcFile; do
# strip version suffix from filename
targetFile=$(echo $srcFile | sed -r 's/(.*)~[0-9]{8}-[0-9]{6}(\.[^~]+)?$/\1\2/g')
echo Source file: "$srcFile", Target file: "$targetFile"
if [[ -f "$targetFile" ]]
echo File already exists! target="$targetFile"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$targetFile")" && mv -n "$srcFile" "$targetFile"
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