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Last active December 21, 2022 12:40
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// Each #kernel tells which function to compile; you can have many kernels
#pragma kernel InitParticles
#pragma kernel InitInput
#pragma kernel Simulate
#pragma kernel Reset
#pragma kernel DiffuseDecay
// Create a RenderTexture with enableRandomWrite flag and set it
// with cs.SetTexture
RWTexture2D<float4> _resultTexture;
// texture of input patterns; use r channel
Texture2D<float4> _inputTexture;
// use texture for input or use noise instead
bool _useInputTexture;
// number of particles
int _particleNum;
// particle to move around
struct Particle
float2 position;
float2 direction;
// buffer for particles
RWStructuredBuffer<Particle> _particles;
// rotation matrix for sensor right
float3x3 _sensorRRot;
// rotation matrix for sensor left
float3x3 _sensorLRot;
// rotation matrix for turn right
float3x3 _turnRRot;
// rotation matrix for turn left
float3x3 _turnLRot;
// sensor angle in degrees
float _sensorAngle0;
float _sensorAngle1;
// turn angle in degrees
float _turnAngle0;
float _turnAngle1;
// move distance of particles per frame
float _moveDistance0;
float _moveDistance1;
// sensor distance of particles
float _sensorDistance0;
float _sensorDistance1;
// deposit value
float _depositValue0;
float _depositValue1;
// decay of the input
float _decayFactor0;
float _decayFactor1;
// texture resolution
uint2 _resultTexRes;
/* noise functions */
// get float random value
float random(float3 value, float3 dotDir)
float3 smallV = sin(value);
float random = dot(smallV, dotDir);
random = frac(sin(random) * 123574.43212);
return random;
// get 3d vector random value
float3 random3d(float3 value)
return float3 (random(value, float3(12.898, 68.54, 37.7298)),
random(value, float3(39.898, 26.54, 85.7238)),
random(value, float3(76.898, 12.54, 8.6788)));
// get noise
float3 noise3d(float3 value, float scale, float offset)
value *= scale;
value.x += offset * 5;
float3 interp = frac(value);
interp = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, interp);
float3 ZValues[2];
for (int z = 0; z <= 1; z++)
float3 YValues[2];
for (int y = 0; y <= 1; y++)
float3 XValues[2];
for (int x = 0; x <= 1; x++)
float3 cell = floor(value) + float3(x, y, z);
XValues[x] = random3d(cell);
YValues[y] = lerp(XValues[0], XValues[1], interp.x);
ZValues[z] = lerp(YValues[0], YValues[1], interp.y);
float3 noise = -1.0 + 2.0 * lerp(ZValues[0], ZValues[1], interp.z);
return noise;
// wrap position by the texture resolution
float2 WrapPosition(float2 pos)
float wrappedPos = pos;
pos.x = pos.x > _resultTexRes.x ? pos.x - _resultTexRes.x : pos.x;
pos.x = pos.x < 0 ? pos.x + _resultTexRes.x : pos.x;
pos.y = pos.y > _resultTexRes.y ? pos.y - _resultTexRes.y : pos.y;
pos.y = pos.y < 0 ? pos.y + _resultTexRes.y : pos.y;
return pos;
// initialize rotation matrix
float3x3 GetRotMatrix(float degree)
float3x3 newRotMatrix =
cos(radians(degree)), -sin(radians(degree)), 0,
sin(radians(degree)), cos(radians(degree)), 0,
0, 0, 1
return newRotMatrix;
// initialize particles for simulation
[numthreads(8, 1, 1)]
void InitParticles(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
Particle newParticle;
// get resolution of the _resultTexture
_resultTexture.GetDimensions(_resultTexRes.x, _resultTexRes.y);
float3 baseNoise = noise3d((float3)id, 1, (float)id.x) * 0.5 + 0.5;
// set initial position
newParticle.position = baseNoise.xy * _resultTexRes;
newParticle.position = WrapPosition(newParticle.position);
// set initial direction
newParticle.direction = float2(lerp(-1, 1, baseNoise.z), lerp(-1, 1, baseNoise.y));
newParticle.direction = normalize(newParticle.direction);
_particles[id.x] = newParticle;
// initialize input grid for simulation
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void InitInput(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
//float3 baseNoise = noise3d((float3)id, 0.05, 0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
//_resultTexture[id.xy] = float4(, 1);
_resultTexture[id.xy] = float4(0, 0,0, 1);
// actual physarum simulation
void Simulate(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
// separate parameters by the optional input
float sensorAngle;
float turnAngle;
float sensorDistance;
float moveDistance;
float depositValue;
if (_useInputTexture && _inputTexture[(uint2)_particles[id.x].position].r > 0.5)
sensorAngle = _sensorAngle1;
turnAngle = _turnAngle1;
sensorDistance = _sensorDistance1;
moveDistance = _moveDistance1;
depositValue = _depositValue1;
sensorAngle = _sensorAngle0;
turnAngle = _turnAngle0;
sensorDistance = _sensorDistance0;
moveDistance = _moveDistance0;
depositValue = _depositValue0;
// calculate sensor position
float2 sensorCPos = _particles[id.x].position + _particles[id.x].direction * sensorDistance;
float2 sensorLPos = _particles[id.x].position + mul(_sensorLRot, _particles[id.x].direction) * sensorDistance;
float2 sensorRPos = _particles[id.x].position + mul(_sensorRRot, _particles[id.x].direction) * sensorDistance;
// wrap sensor position
sensorCPos = WrapPosition(sensorCPos);
sensorLPos = WrapPosition(sensorLPos);
sensorRPos = WrapPosition(sensorRPos);
// read texture value
float centerValue = _resultTexture[uint2(sensorCPos)].r;
float leftValue = _resultTexture[uint2(sensorLPos)].r;
float rightValue = _resultTexture[uint2(sensorRPos)].r;
// initialize rotation matrix
_sensorRRot = GetRotMatrix(sensorAngle);
_sensorLRot = GetRotMatrix(-sensorAngle);
_turnRRot = GetRotMatrix(turnAngle);
_turnLRot = GetRotMatrix(-turnAngle);
// calculate turn angle
float2 newDir = _particles[id.x].direction;
if (rightValue > centerValue && leftValue > centerValue)
newDir = random(float3(_particles[id.x].position, 0), float3(_particles[id.x].direction, 0)) < 0.5 ?
mul(_turnRRot, _particles[id.x].direction) : mul(_turnLRot, _particles[id.x].direction);
else if (leftValue > centerValue && leftValue > rightValue)
// in case the leftValue is the largest
newDir = mul(_turnLRot, _particles[id.x].direction);
else if (rightValue > leftValue && rightValue > centerValue)
// in case the rightValue is the largest
newDir = mul(_turnRRot, _particles[id.x].direction);
newDir = mul(_turnRRot, _particles[id.x].direction);
_particles[id.x].direction = newDir;
// set new position of particles
float2 newPos = _particles[id.x].position + _particles[id.x].direction * moveDistance;
newPos = WrapPosition(newPos);
_particles[id.x].position = newPos;
// deposit
uint2 depositCoord = (uint2)newPos;
_resultTexture[depositCoord] += depositValue;
_resultTexture[depositCoord] = clamp(_resultTexture[depositCoord], 0, 1);
// decay texture paint result
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void DiffuseDecay(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
// separate parameters by the optional input
float decayFactor;
if (_useInputTexture && _inputTexture[id.xy].r > 0.5)
decayFactor = _decayFactor1;
decayFactor = _decayFactor0;
// diffuse result texture
// define sample range in pixels neareby the target pixel
int2 sampleRage = int2(-5, 5);
// sum of the color value
float4 colorSum = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
// number of pixels to add
int count = 0;
// sample pixel color
for (int x = sampleRage.x; x <= sampleRage.y; x++)
for (int y = sampleRage.x; y < sampleRage.y; y++)
uint2 coord = uint2((int)id.x + x, (int)id.y + y);
// execute in the range of the resolution of _resultTexture
//if (coord.x < 0 || coord.x >_resultTexRes.x || coord.y < 0 || coord.y >_resultTexRes.y) { continue; }
colorSum += _resultTexture[coord];
colorSum /= (float)count;
// apply decay
colorSum /= decayFactor;
_resultTexture[id.xy] = float4(, 1);
// reset simulation
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
void Reset(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
_resultTexture[id.xy] = float4(0,0,0,1);
//float3 baseNoise = (noise3d((float3)id, 0.05, 0) + 1) / 2;
//_resultTexture[id.xy] = float4(, 1);
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