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Created July 31, 2018 04:04
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Strengths & Storytelling Reflection

  1. Who are you: Write 1-2 paragraphs about how you've seen yourself using your StrengthsFinder themes and/or how you've seen yourself grow during this module at Turing.
    Even though deliberative was my top strength, I don't believe I was being deliberate enough during my first week here at Turing.
    After getting the chance to re-examine myself, I was able to step back from myself and look at who I am through the eyes of others. This gave me the chance to rethink my actions, my situation, and my methods. I believe that although I am not quite there
    yet, I have definitely grown and become a more deliberate person in the past 6 weeks

  2. Why are you here: When have you struggled at Turing? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?
    I struggled at Turing during the whole 6 weeks. From code, to personal interactions, to maintaining motivation, I have had to re-assess my struggles
    and knock them out one by one. I realised that I had succeeded when I laid out my final project correctly in my first try. Throughout my time here
    I did many projects but I would always struggle with things such as positioning and layout. But when I saw that I was able to accomplish
    a solid layout on my Static-Comp 3 in my first try, I felt a great sense of achievement of which I am sure there are many more to come.

  3. What's next: Share your vision statement for what you see as your place in the tech industry and how your journey into this new career ends.
    My vision in the tech industry to become an integral part of thep progress that this field shows. The advancements in tech, are not limited to the
    technology within. The tech industry pioneered casual workplaces, friendly atmospheres and innovation. I hope that I can add to this growth
    my inspiring a work environment in which everyone can thrive.

  4. After you practice storytelling in the session, answer this question: What was particularly easy or difficult about telling your story? What are 1-2 steps that you can take to continue to improve your abilities to tell your story, talk about yourself with ease, and examine your strengths?
    I always find it hard to talk about myself. I have never seen the need to before, I always thought that self-reflection was something to be done in one's head.
    But being able to express oneself in an appropriate manner can bring about positive feedback and different insights about the self. I need to learn
    how to express my thoughts and emotions in a more articulate way.

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