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Ahmad Kayyali kayyali18

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kayyali18 /
Last active June 13, 2018 02:07
PreWork Gist for Turing School of Software & Design

HTML CSS (Ch.1 & 2)

  • On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?
    HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language) is the structure of a web page

  • What is the difference between an element and a tag?
    Tags identify the element. The element is contained within two tags (open & close) and they tell the browser what is contained within the tags

  • Why do we use attributes in HTML elements?
    In order to alter the element or supply information about it

kayyali18 / Gear Up! Pre-work
Last active June 13, 2018 05:19
Professional Development Pre Work for Turing School

Gear Up!

  • What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you ?
    I recently adopted a cat that was recently pregnant and had been a stray. I never really owned a cat before
    Clara, and I didn't understand why she would be scared of certain things; as a result, I would attempt to make
    her face her fears. As I started building a bond with Clara, I realised she only needed empathy in scary
    situations. When things got scary, I'd pet her and tell her that she's got the 'heart of a lion' in a
    loving manner. Empathizing with her - actively - she responded postively towards her fears. She realised
    that I'm here for her no matter what and adjusted to life accordingly.
kayyali18 / PD
Last active June 13, 2018 05:34
Professional Development Pre Work for Turing School

29 Behaviours that will make me an unstoppable programmer

  • Acknowledge that most major decisions don’t matter that much.
    An absolute homerun with me. In the example in the article, tests and the tools used to complete them are mentioned.
    This will definitley affect me later on, but as a self-taught programmer, I spent 2 years jumping from
    language to language trying to become an expert programmer. I didn't realise it until recently, but had I stuck to 1
    language I would have become a more well-rounded programmer overall. I could have switched languages later, but jumping from one to the other so early hindered my development.

Introductory Strengths Reflection & Coaching Request

In-Class Reflections Using the Signature Themes Report

Read through the definitions:

  1. What words or phrases stick out to you for each theme?
  • Restorative:
    'You love to solve problems'

  • Deliberative:

Strengths & Storytelling Reflection

  1. Who are you: Write 1-2 paragraphs about how you've seen yourself using your StrengthsFinder themes and/or how you've seen yourself grow during this module at Turing.

  2. Why are you here: When have you struggled at Turing? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?

  3. What's next: Share your vision statement for what you see as your place in the tech industry and how your journey into this new career ends.

  4. After you practice storytelling in the session, answer this question: What was particularly easy or difficult about telling your story? What are 1-2 steps that you can take to continue to improve your abilities to tell your story, talk about yourself with ease, and examine your strengths?

Strengths & Storytelling Reflection

  1. Who are you: Write 1-2 paragraphs about how you've seen yourself using your StrengthsFinder themes and/or how you've seen yourself grow during this module at Turing.
    Even though deliberative was my top strength, I don't believe I was being deliberate enough during my first week here at Turing.
    After getting the chance to re-examine myself, I was able to step back from myself and look at who I am through the eyes of others. This gave me the chance to rethink my actions, my situation, and my methods. I believe that although I am not quite there
    yet, I have definitely grown and become a more deliberate person in the past 6 weeks
  2. Why are you here: When have you struggled at Turing? How have you dealt with struggle? When have you succeeded at Turing? How did you accomplish those successes?
    I struggled at Turing during the whole 6 weeks. From code, to personal interactions, to maintaining motivation, I have had to re-assess my struggles

#DTR Memo for 2Do-Box Pivot - Kevin Simpson and Ahmad Kayyali Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
What are your learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
Kevin - My goal is to meet the specs for the project through the second phase.
Ahmad - To complete all phases
What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
Kevin - My style for collaboration is generally a divide-and-conquer style, but working with Ahmad, who has quite a bit more experience with JS than I do, I would prefer a paired approach so that I can learn from him.
Ahmad - All styles work for me, as long as I get to code
How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
Kevin - Slack generally works best for me.
Ahmad - Slack

kayyali18 /
Last active September 16, 2018 22:44
Agile Reflection Turing Mod 2

How you've used agile as a process at Turing and what kind of project management tools you utilized.

  • I believe that I am a naturally agile deveoper. Of course I follow some techniques of the waterfall,
    but overall I like to have my projects well-rounded. In Mod 2, I definitely found it difficult to implement tests
    at a pace I would like. I was able to alleviate part of the problem by joining up with those who are strong at tests
    and learning from them. As for my future projects, I aim to have better written tests. I will also be working on my styling more in order to have a balance between pretty code and pretty websites.

  • In my pair projects this module I played the initiator for the most part. I was blessed to be able to come up with solutions
    to problems easily, and as a result I had to take the lead on many of my projects. I would communicate my thought

kayyali18 / Professional
Created September 16, 2018 22:54
My professional story and what brought me here today

Deliverable 1-2 paragraph of a professional story telling

After I got my Associate's Degree, I had to put college on hold for financial reasons. I was scared and decided
to learn something that can make me a living despite no formal education. I found code, and I was in love.
I went back to college and switched from a business major to a Computer Information Systems major. I was able to
revive the Association of Computer Machinery at Wichita State University and managed to set the foundations for a hackathon; I was never able to see it through because life took me to Denver.

In Denver, I attempted to resume my education, but was faced with roadblocks such as taking 1 class a semester for 1 year

kayyali18 / Network & Outreach
Created September 17, 2018 01:09
My plan to network with developers and who I can reach out to for a possible opportunity
Identify a contact you will reach out to by the end of Module 3. This could be a mentor, alum, anyone from your current network, or a completely cold contact. Describe:
* Contact: Paul Saab
I met Paul when I was working as a valet. He's a software dev at Facebook. He gave me his personal e-mail
and told me to contact him when I feel like I have the skillset to do so. I don't know what we can talk about
I'm too intimidated, would love some help with this next mod. I intemd to contact Paul sometime near the end
of Mod 3. I think by then I'll have the confidence to shoot him a message. I plan to continue to communicate with
him throughout my time at Turing, he's definitely a great connect