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Last active February 2, 2020 23:17
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  • Save kazazes/c8b441c4e0a67a40d708d6a1a040b249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kazazes/c8b441c4e0a67a40d708d6a1a040b249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM ubuntu:xenial as pybombs-slim
# Set prefix variables
ENV PyBOMBS_prefix skyscraper
ENV PyBOMBS_init /usr/local
# Update apt-get and install some dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
automake \
git \
libarmadillo-dev \
libgnutls28-dev \
libmatio-dev \
libpugixml-dev \
pkg-config \
python3-apt \
python3-dev \
python3-pip \
python3-setuptools \
python3-yaml \
python-mako \
python3-mako \
python-six \
python3-six \
swig \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install PyBOMBS
RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip
RUN pip3 install git+
# Apply a configuration
RUN pybombs auto-config \
&& pybombs config makewidth $(($(nproc)>8?$(nproc):8)) \
&& pybombs recipes add-defaults
# Customize configuration of some recipes
RUN echo "vars:\n config_opt: \"-DENABLE_OSMOSDR=ON -DENABLE_FMCOMMS2=ON -DENABLE_PLUTOSDR=ON -DENABLE_AD9361=ON -DENABLE_RAW_UDP=ON -DENABLE_PACKAGING=ON -DENABLE_UNIT_TESTING=OFF -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3\"\n" >> /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnss-sdr.lwr \
&& echo "vars:\n config_opt: \" -DINSTALL_LIB_DIR=\$prefix/lib -DENABLE_PYTHON3=ON\"\n" >> /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/uhd.lwr \
&& sed -i '/cppunit/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/gsl/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/alsa/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/wxpython/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/thrift/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/pygtk/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/pycairo/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/pyqt4/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/qwt/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/gitbranch/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/vars/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/config_opt/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/ssl/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/apache-thrift.lwr \
&& echo "gitbranch: v3.7.13.4\n" >> /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gnuradio.lwr \
&& sed -i '/gitrev/d' /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gr-iio.lwr \
&& sed -i 's/git+git:\/\/\/gr-osmosdr/git+https:\/\/\/Nuand\/gr-osmosdr.git/' ~/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gr-osmosdr.lwr \
&& echo "gitbranch: master\n" >> /root/.pybombs/recipes/gr-recipes/gr-iio.lwr \
&& pybombs prefix init ${PyBOMBS_init} -a ${PyBOMBS_prefix}
RUN apt-get -qq update \
&& pybombs -vv install --deps-only gnuradio gr-osmosdr bladeRF gr-iqbal \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& rm -rf ${PyBOMBS_init}/src/*
# Setup environment
RUN echo "export PYTHONPATH=\"\$PYTHONPATH:/pybombs/lib/python3.5/dist-packages\"" >> ${PyBOMBS_init}/ \
&& echo "source "${PyBOMBS_init}"/" > /root/.bashrc \
&& . ${PyBOMBS_init}/
# Install optional drivers via Pybombs
RUN apt-get -qq update \
&& pybombs -p ${PyBOMBS_prefix} -v install gnuradio gr-osmosdr bladeRF gr-iqbal \
&& apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& rm -rf ${PyBOMBS_init}/src/*
RUN rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
CMD ["bash"]
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Hello! This looks great! I have a question: I am new with pybombs. I got a docker image running bash based on your dockerfile, but now I don't know how to run gnuradio-companion form there. How can I do it?

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kazazes commented Feb 2, 2020

@JuanCabre the Dockerfile skips GUI components. I'd run a VM if your situation allows.

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