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Created July 29, 2013 04:13
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carton install with mysql
do '';
requires 'DBD::mysql';
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
use Cwd;
my $MYSQL_VERSION = '5.5.32'; # 5.5.x or 5.6.x
$MYSQL_VERSION =~ m!^(5\.[5-6])\.\d+$! or die "non supported version";
my $version_major = $1;
my $cwd = getcwd();
my @path = split /:/,$ENV{PATH};
push @path, '/usr/local/mysql/bin';
push @path, $cwd.'/local/bin';
my $mysql_config;
my $bin_path;
for my $path (@path){
if ( -x $path . '/mysql_config' ) {
$mysql_config = $path . '/mysql_config';
$bin_path = $path;
if ( $mysql_config ) {
warn "mysql_config found in $mysql_config";
my $version = `$mysql_config --version`;
if ( $version =~ m!^4! ) {
$mysql_config = undef;
if ( !$mysql_config ) {
my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $shell = <<'EOF';
set -e
CDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
cd $CDIR
wget<% VERSION_MAJOR %>/mysql-<% VERSION %>.tar.gz
tar zxf mysql-<% VERSION %>.tar.gz
cd mysql-<% VERSION %>
-DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci \
make install
$shell =~ s!<% VERSION_MAJOR %>!$version_major!g;
$shell =~ s!<% VERSION %>!$MYSQL_VERSION!g;
$shell =~ s!<% INSTALL_PREFIX %>!$cwd!g;
open my $fh, '>', "$dir/";
my $ret = system('/bin/bash',"$dir/");
die "failed to install mysql to local" if $ret != 0;
$ENV{PATH} = "local/bin:".$ENV{PATH};
elsif ( $bin_path eq '/usr/local/mysql/bin' || $bin_path eq "$cwd/local/bin" ) {
$ENV{PATH} = $bin_path.":".$ENV{PATH};
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