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Last active October 14, 2019 13:44
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using Plots, ForwardDiff, StaticArrays, Distributions, Test
g(x) = sin.(x)
function newton(g, x0, n=10)
out = zeros(length(x0), n)
x = x0
for i in 1:n
out[:, i] = x
dg = ForwardDiff.jacobian(g, x)
x = x - dg \ g(x)
return out
function quasinewton(g, x0, n=10)
out = zeros(length(x0), n)
x = x0
dg = ForwardDiff.jacobian(g, x)
for i in 1:n
out[:, i] = x
x = x - dg \ g(x)
return out
function newtonplot(g, x0; n=10, op=newton, title="newton's method", xstar=0)
n = 10
xs = op(g, [x0], n)
ys = g.(xs)
xs = xs[:]
ys = ys[:]
p = plot(sin, range(-3.0, 3.0, length=100), xlim=(-pi, pi), legend=false, title=title, foreground_color_border=:transparent, foreground_color_axis=:transparent)
for i in 1:n-1
plot!(p, Shape([ (xs[i], 0), (xs[i], ys[i]) ]), linecolor=:orange)
plot!(p, Shape([ (xs[i], ys[i]), (xs[i+1], 0) ]))
plot!(p, [xs[1]], [0.], marker=true, markerstrokewidth=0)
if abs(xstar - xs[n]) < .01
plot!(p, [xstar], [0.], marker=true, markercolor=RGB(.3,.9,0.), markerstrokewidth=0, markersize=5.)
plot!(p, [xstar], [0.], marker=true,
xs = op(g, [x0], n)
ys = g.(xs)
xs = xs[:]
ys = ys[:]
p = plot(sin, range(-3.0, 3.0, length=100), xlim=(-pi, pi), legend=false, title=title, foreground_color_border=:transparent, foreground_color_axis=:transparent)
for i in 1:n-1
plot!(p, Shape([ (xs[i], 0), (xs[i], ys[i]) ]), linecolor=:orange)
plot!(p, Shape([ (xs[i], ys[i]), (xs[i+1], 0) ]))
plot!(p, [xs[1]], [0.], marker=true, markerstrokewidth=0)
if abs(xstar - xs[n]) < .01
plot!(p, [xstar], [0.], marker=true, markercolor=RGB(.3,.9,0.), markerstrokewidth=0, markersize=5.)
plot!(p, [xstar], [0.], marker=true, markercolor=:red, markerstrokewidth=0, markersize=5.)
anim = @animate for y in range(0, 2pi, length=180)
x = cos(y) * 1.3
plot(newtonplot(g, x, op=newton), newtonplot(g, x, op=quasinewton, title="quasinewton method"), layout=(2,1), dpi=200)
gif(anim, "newton.gif")
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