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Last active December 24, 2017 16:51
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Save kazimuth/7853524 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A universe in 125 lines of haskell
--A universe in 125 lines of haskell:
--Note: I had made a better version but that computer died :/
--to build: cabal install random gloss && ghc -O3 -threaded Newtonian.hs && ./Newtonian
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Picture
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Vector
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Simulate
import Data.List
import System.Random
addV :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
addV (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1+x2, y1+y2)
subV :: Vector -> Vector -> Vector
subV (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1-x2, y1-y2)
mulV :: Float -> Vector -> Vector
mulV s (x, y) = (x*s, y*s)
divV :: Vector -> Float -> Vector
divV (x, y) s = (x/s, y/s)
--a simple representation of a point mass, with a mass, location, and velocity
data Body = Body { mass :: !Float, loc :: !Point, vel :: !Vector } deriving (Eq, Show)
--a force (mass * acceleration)
type Force = Vector
--a Universe state (a list of bodies)
type Universe = [Body]
--a law of physics (given a body and a universe, it calculates the force acting on the body from the universe)
type Law = Body -> Universe -> Force
--calculate the net force acting on a body given a list of forces
net :: [Force] -> Force
net = foldr addV (0,0)
--calculate the next state of a body, given the list of forces acting on it
stepBody :: Float -> [Force] -> Body -> Body
stepBody t vs m = Body (mass m) --mass
((loc m) `addV` (t `mulV` (vel m))) --location + velocity*dt
((vel m) `addV` (t `mulV` ((net vs) `divV` (mass m)))) --velocity + dt*net_force/m
--calculate all of the forces acting on all of the bodies within a universe, given a set of laws
forces :: [Law] -> Universe -> [[Force]]
forces laws u = map forcesIndiv u
where forcesIndiv m = [l m u | l <- laws]
--simple downward acceleration (at 9.81 pixels / second^2)
fall :: Law
fall m u = (mass m) `mulV` (0, -9.81)
--gravity a la Newton
gravity :: Law
gravity m u = foldl addV (0, 0) $ map (attract m) u
attract :: Body -> Body -> Force
attract m1 m2
| (loc m1) == (loc m2) = (0,0)
| otherwise = g * ((mass m1) * (mass m2) / (magV diff)**2) `mulV` (normaliseV diff)
where diff = subV (loc m2) (loc m1)
g = 50 --gravitational constant
--keeping the bodies within view
cohese :: Law
cohese m u
| (loc m) == (0, 0) = (0,0)
| otherwise = (-1)*(mass m) `mulV` (loc m)
--physics is just a list of laws
physics :: [Law]
physics = [gravity] --only gravity, to start
--adjust parameters at will
count :: Int
count = 50 --number of masses
initial :: Universe
initial = zipWith5 (\a b c d e -> Body a (b, c) (d,e)) masses xls yls xvs yvs
where masses = randomListBounded (10, 20) count $ mkStdGen 0 --upper and lower bound for mass
xls = randomListBounded ((-100), 100) count $ mkStdGen 1 --upper and lower bound for initial x location
yls = randomListBounded ((-100), 100) count $ mkStdGen 2 --y location
xvs = randomListBounded ((-10), 10) count $ mkStdGen 3 --x velocity
yvs = randomListBounded ((-10), 10) count $ mkStdGen 4 --y velocity
randomListBounded :: (Float, Float) -> Int -> StdGen -> [Float] --convenience
randomListBounded (a,b) n = take n . unfoldr (Just . randomR (a, b))
renderForce :: Float -> Force -> Picture
renderForce r v = Translate rx ry $ Pictures [long, chev1, chev2]
where (rx, ry) = r `mulV` n
long = Line [(0,0), v]
chev1 = Rotate 15 $ Line [(0,0), n]
chev2 = Rotate (-15) $ Line [(0,0), n]
n = normaliseV v
renderBody :: Body -> [Force] -> Picture
renderBody m fs = Translate x y $ Pictures [op, velp, fsp]
where (x, y) = loc m
r = sqrt $ mass m
op = Color red $ Circle r --circle for body
velp = Color green $ Line [(0,0), r `mulV` (normaliseV $ vel m)] --green line for velocity
fsp = Color white $ Pictures $ map (renderForce r) $ map (mulV (-1)) fs --white arrows for forces
--calculate the next state of the universe
step :: ViewPort -> Float -> Universe -> Universe
step v t u = zipWith (stepBody (t*1)) (forces physics u) u
--draw the universe with Gloss
render :: Universe -> Picture
render u = Pictures $ zipWith renderBody u $ forces physics u
main :: IO ()
main = simulate (InWindow "Newtonian" (500,500) (200,200)) black 60 initial render step
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