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Created February 26, 2015 23:10
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// Vladimir Yaroslavskiy's Dual-pivot quick sort.
// Optimization based on [Dart implementation].
public func dualPivotQuickSort<T : Comparable>(inout a: [T]) {
dualPivotQuickSort(&a) { $0 < $1 }
public func dualPivotQuickSort<T>(inout a: [T], isOrderedBefore: (T, T)->Bool) {
dualPivotQuickSort(&a, indices(a), isOrderedBefore)
public func dualPivotQuickSort<T : Comparable>(inout a: [T], range: Range<Int>) {
dualPivotQuickSort(&a, range) { $0 < $1 }
public func dualPivotQuickSort<T>(inout a: [T], range: Range<Int>, isOrderedBefore: (T, T)->Bool) {
let start = range.startIndex, end = range.endIndex
let d = end - start
if d <= 1 { return }
if d < _InsertionSortThreshold {
return insertionSort(&a, range, isOrderedBefore)
let left = start, right = end - 1
// Choose pivots
// Take 5 indices, choose 2nd and 4th after sorting them.
let sixth = d/6
let idx1 = left + sixth, idx5 = right - sixth
let idx3 = left + (right - left)/2 // (left + right)/2
let idx2 = idx3 - sixth, idx4 = idx3 + sixth
// Sorts 5 inputs by 7 comparisons
sort5(&a[idx1], &a[idx2], &a[idx3], &a[idx4], &a[idx5], isOrderedBefore)
/// (x < y) ? -1 : (x > y) ? 1 : 0
let cmp: (T, T)->Int = {
isOrderedBefore($0, $1) ? -1 : isOrderedBefore($1, $0) ? 1 : 0
// Save and move the pivots out
let P1 = a[idx2], P2 = a[idx4]
let pivotsEqual = cmp(P1, P2) == 0
a[idx2] = a[left]
a[idx4] = a[right]
var less = left + 1 // First index of middle, lesser border.
var great = right - 1 // Last valid index of middle, greater border.
// Partition
if pivotsEqual {
// If P1 == P2, the partioning becomes a [Dutch National Flag] problem.
// [ < P | == P | > P ]
// Invariants:
// 1) a[i] < P (left < i < less)
// 2) a[i] == P (less ≤ i < k)
// 3) a[i] > P (great < i < right)
// [ | < P | == P | ??? | > P | ]
// ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
// left less k great right
__DNF(&a, &less, &great) { cmp($0, P1) }
} else {
// If P1 != P2, partition into 3 parts.
// a[i] < P1, P1 <= a[i] <= P2, a[i] > P2
// Invariants:
// 1) a[i] < P1 (left < i < less)
// 2) P1 ≤ a[i] ≤ P2 (less ≤ i < k)
// 3) P2 < a[i] (great < i < right)
// [ | < P1 | >= P1 && <= P2 | ??? | > P2 | ]
// ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
// left less k great right
let ltP1 = { isOrderedBefore($0, P1) }
let gtP2 = { isOrderedBefore(P2, $0) }
__partition3(&a, &less, &great, ltP1, gtP2)
// Move pivots back into their final positions by swapping both ends.
(a[left], a[less - 1]) = (a[less - 1], P1)
(a[right], a[great + 1]) = (a[great + 1], P2)
// Array is now partitioned into 3 parts
// [ < P1 | >= P1 && <= P2 | > P2 ]
// Recursively sort left and right partitions
// up to index (less - 1) since a[less - 1] == P1
dualPivotQuickSort(&a, left..<(less - 1), isOrderedBefore) // < P1
// from index (great + 2) since a[great + 1] == P2
dualPivotQuickSort(&a, (great + 2)..<(right + 1), isOrderedBefore) // > P2
// If P1 == P2, sorting is done because
// all elements in the middle partition are equal to the pivot.
// [ < P | == P | > P ]
if pivotsEqual { return }
// Optimization taken from Dart implementation.
// If the middle partition is more than 2/3 of the list,
// remove the pivot elements from the range for the recursive call.
if (less < idx1 && great > idx5) {
// Shrink the middle partition by partitioning into 3 parts.
// a[i] == P1, P1 < a[i] < P2, a[i] == P2
// Invariants:
// 1) a[i] == P1 (i < less)
// 2) P1 < a[i] < P2 (less ≤ i < k)
// 3) P2 == a[i] (i < great)
// | == P1 | > P1 && < P2 | ??? | == P2 |
// ↑ ↑ ↑
// less k great
let isP1 = { cmp($0, P1) == 0 }, isP2 = { cmp(P2, $0) == 0 }
while isP1(a[less]) { less++ }
while isP2(a[great]) { great-- }
__partition3(&a, &less, &great, isP1, isP2) // | > P1 && < P2 |
// Recursively sort the middle partition
// | >= P1 && <= P2 | or | > P1 && < P2 |, if optimized
dualPivotQuickSort(&a, less..<(great + 1), isOrderedBefore)
private let _InsertionSortThreshold = 32
// f = compare(x, P)
private func __DNF<T>(inout a: [T], inout L: Int, inout R: Int, f: (T)->Int) {
// Invariants:
// 1) f(a[i]) < 0, where i < L
// 2) f(a[i]) == 0, where L ≤ i < k
// 3) f(a[i]) > 0, where R < i
for var k = L; k <= R; k++ {
let x = a[k]
let c = f(x)
if c == 0 { continue }
if c < 0 {
if k != L {
a[k] = a[L]
a[L] = x
while true {
let y = a[R]
let cy = f(y)
if cy > 0 { R--; continue }
if cy < 0 { // Triple exchange
a[k] = a[L] // 2 3 1
a[L++] = y // \ \
a[R--] = x // 1 2 3
} else {
a[k] = y
a[R--] = x
// Partition into 3 parts using 2 functions which shouldn't overlap.
private func __partition3<T>(inout a: [T], inout L: Int, inout R: Int, f: (T)->Bool, g: (T)->Bool) {
// Invariants:
// 1) f(a[i]), where i < L
// 2) !f(a[i]) && !g(a[i]), where L ≤ i < k
// 3) g(a[i]), where R < i
// [ | f(x) | !f(x) && !f(g) | ??? | g(x) | ]
// ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
// left less k great right
for var k = L; k <= R; k++ {
let x = a[k]
if f(x) {
if k != L {
a[k] = a[L]
a[L] = x
if !g(x) { continue }
while true {
let y = a[R]
if g(y) {
if --R < k { break }
if f(y) { // Triple exchange
a[k] = a[L] // 2 3 1
a[L++] = y // \ \
a[R--] = x // 1 2 3
} else {
a[k] = y
a[R--] = x
// MARK: - References
// - [Dart implementation] :
// - [DNF] :
// > Description
// > -----------
// > The classical Quicksort algorithm uses the following scheme:
// >
// > 1. Pick an element P, called a pivot, from the array.
// > 2. Reorder the array so that all elements, which are less than
// > the pivot, come before the pivot and all elements greater than
// > the pivot come after it (equal values can go either way). After
// > this partitioning, the pivot element is in its final position.
// > 3. Recursively sort the sub-array of lesser elements and the
// > sub-array of greater elements.
// >
// > The invariant of classical Quicksort is:
// >
// > [ <= p | >= p ]
// >
// > There are several modifications of the schema:
// >
// > [ < p | = p | > p ] or [ = p | < p | > p | = p ]
// >
// > But all of them use *one* pivot.
// >
// > The new Dual-Pivot Quicksort uses *two* pivots elements in this manner:
// >
// > 1. Pick an elements P1, P2, called pivots from the array.
// > 2. Assume that P1 <= P2, otherwise swap it.
// > 3. Reorder the array into three parts: those less than the smaller
// > pivot, those larger than the larger pivot, and in between are
// > those elements between (or equal to) the two pivots.
// > 4. Recursively sort the sub-arrays.
// >
// > The invariant of the Dual-Pivot Quicksort is:
// >
// > [ < P1 | P1 <= & <= P2 } > P2 ]
// >
// > The new Quicksort is faster than current implementation of Quicksort
// > in JDK (L. Bentley and M. Douglas McIlroy) and classical Quicksort.
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