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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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Save kazmura11/10023067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
const int CardNumber = 13;
const int JokerIndex = 13;
enum SuitElement
C, D, H, S, Jo
struct Suit
SuitElement se_;
Suit(SuitElement se)
se_ = se;
std::string toString() const
std::string s;
switch (se_)
case C: s = "Clover "; break;
case D: s = "Diamond"; break;
case H: s = "Heart "; break;
case S: s = "Spade "; break;
case Jo: s = "Joker "; break;
return s;
class Card
Card(const std::string& s);
SuitElement getSuit() const;
int getNumber() const;
std::string getName() const;
std::string getSuitName() const;
bool operator<(const Card& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const Card& rhs) const;
void set(const std::string& s);
Suit suit_;
int number_;
std::string name_;
Card::Card(const std::string& s)
: suit_(Jo), number_(0), name_("")
SuitElement Card::getSuit() const
return suit_.se_;
int Card::getNumber() const
return number_;
std::string Card::getName() const
return name_;
std::string Card::getSuitName() const
return suit_.toString();
void Card::set(const std::string& s)
switch (s[0])
case 'C': suit_ = C; break;
case 'D': suit_ = D; break;
case 'H': suit_ = H; break;
case 'S': suit_ = S; break;
default: suit_ = Jo; break;
switch (s[1])
case '3': number_ = 0; break;
case '4': number_ = 1; break;
case '5': number_ = 2; break;
case '6': number_ = 3; break;
case '7': number_ = 4; break;
case '8': number_ = 5; break;
case '9': number_ = 6; break;
case 'T': number_ = 7; break;
case 'J': number_ = 8; break;
case 'Q': number_ = 9; break;
case 'K': number_ = 10; break;
case 'A': number_ = 11; break;
case '2': number_ = 12; break;
case 'o': number_ = 13; break;
name_ = s;
bool Card::operator<(const Card& rhs) const
if (number_ < rhs.number_) { return true; }
else if (number_ == rhs.number_)
if (suit_.se_ < rhs.suit_.se_) { return true; }
else { return false; }
else { return false; }
bool Card::operator==(const Card& rhs) const
if (number_ == rhs.number_)
if (suit_.se_ == rhs.suit_.se_) { return true; }
return false;
class CardHelper
CardHelper(const std::string& s);
void dump();
std::string getCandidate();
void setFieldPairNum();
void setHandPairNum();
std::vector<Card> field_;
int fieldPairNum_[CardNumber+1];
std::vector<Card> hand_;
int handPairNum_[CardNumber+1];
CardHelper::CardHelper(const std::string& s)
// Analyze field cards
int index = s.find(",");
for (int i = 0; i < index - 1; i += 2)
field_.push_back(Card(s.substr(i, 2)));
// Analyze hand cards
int length = s.length();
for (int i = index + 1; i < length; i += 2)
hand_.push_back(Card(s.substr(i, 2)));
// sort
std::sort(field_.begin(), field_.end());
std::sort(hand_.begin(), hand_.end());
// set numbers of pair
void CardHelper::setFieldPairNum()
for (int i = 0; i < CardNumber+1; i++)
fieldPairNum_[i] = 0;
int prevNumber = -1;
int cnt = 1;
for (auto it = field_.begin(); it != field_.end(); ++it)
if (prevNumber == it->getNumber()) { cnt++; }
else { cnt = 1; }
fieldPairNum_[it->getNumber()] = cnt;
prevNumber = it->getNumber();
void CardHelper::setHandPairNum()
for (int i = 0; i < CardNumber+1; i++)
handPairNum_[i] = 0;
int prevNumber = -1;
int cnt = 1;
for (auto it = hand_.begin(); it != hand_.end(); ++it)
if (prevNumber == it->getNumber()) { cnt++; }
else { cnt = 1; }
handPairNum_[it->getNumber()] = cnt;
prevNumber = it->getNumber();
// for debuging
void CardHelper::dump()
std::cout << "[filed cards]" << std::endl;
for (auto it = field_.begin(); it != field_.end(); ++it)
std::cout << it->getName()
<< " suitname: " << it->getSuitName()
<< " strength: " << it->getNumber() << std::endl;
std::cout << "[hand cards]" << std::endl;
for (auto it = hand_.begin(); it != hand_.end(); ++it)
std::cout << it->getName()
<< " suitname: " << it->getSuitName()
<< " strength: " << it->getNumber() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < CardNumber+1; i++)
std::cout << i << ":" << fieldPairNum_[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < CardNumber+1; i++)
std::cout << i << ":" << handPairNum_[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::string CardHelper::getCandidate()
std::string answer = "";
auto rFieldIt = field_.rbegin();
int maxValue;
int fieldPairNum;
int fieldJokerNum = fieldPairNum_[JokerIndex];
if (static_cast<int>(field_.size()) > fieldJokerNum)
rFieldIt += fieldJokerNum;
maxValue = rFieldIt->getNumber();
fieldPairNum = fieldPairNum_[maxValue];
int index = 0;
bool isFirst = true;
int handPairNum = 0;
int handValue = 0;
int handJokerNum = handPairNum_[JokerIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(hand_.size()) - handJokerNum;)
handValue = hand_[i].getNumber();
if (handValue > maxValue)
handPairNum = handPairNum_[handValue];
if (handPairNum + handJokerNum >= fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum)
// extract pairs of cards and convert to string
// start pos and slide pos
for (int j = 0;
j < ((handPairNum + handJokerNum) - (fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum) + 1);
if (fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum == 1)
if (!isFirst)
answer += ",";
isFirst = false;
answer += hand_[i + j].getName();
else if (fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum == 2)
for (int k = j + 1; k < handPairNum + handJokerNum; k++)
if (!isFirst)
answer += ",";
isFirst = false;
answer += hand_[i + j].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& k == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + k].getName();
else if (fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum == 3)
for (int k = j + 1; k < handPairNum + handJokerNum; k++)
for (int l = k + 1; l < handPairNum + handJokerNum; l++)
if (!isFirst)
answer += ",";
isFirst = false;
answer += hand_[i + j].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& k == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + k].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& l == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + l].getName();
else if (fieldPairNum + fieldJokerNum == 4)
for (int k = j + 1; k < handPairNum + handJokerNum; k++)
for (int l = k + 1; l < handPairNum + handJokerNum; l++)
for (int m = l + 1; m < handPairNum + handJokerNum; m++)
if (!isFirst)
answer += ",";
isFirst = false;
answer += hand_[i + j].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& k == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + k].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& l == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + l].getName();
if ((handJokerNum == 1 || handJokerNum == 2)
&& l == (handPairNum + handJokerNum - 1))
answer += "Jo";
answer += hand_[i + m].getName();
i += handPairNum;
if (answer.empty())
answer = "-";
return answer;
void test(const std::string question, const std::string answer)
static int qno = 1; // question number
std::cout << "/*#" << qno++ << "*/" << std::endl;
std::string ret;
CardHelper ch(question);
ret = ch.getCandidate();
std::cout << "question : " << question << std::endl;
std::cout << "answer : " << answer << std::endl;
std::cout << "ret : " << ret << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
int main()
/*#1*/ test("DJ,", "-");
/*#2*/ test("H7,HK", "HK");
/*#3*/ test("S3,D4D2", "D4,D2");
/*#4*/ test("S9,C8H4", "-");
/*#5*/ test("S6,S7STCK", "CK,ST,S7");
/*#6*/ test("H4,SAS8CKH6S4", "S8,CK,H6,SA");
/*#7*/ test("ST,D6S8JoC7HQHAC2CK", "Jo,C2,CK,HA,HQ");
/*#8*/ test("SA,HAD6S8S6D3C4H2C5D4CKHQS7D5", "H2");
/*#9*/ test("S2,D8C9D6HQS7H4C6DTS5S6C7HAD4SQ", "-");
/*#10*/ test("Jo,HAC8DJSJDTH2", "-");
/*#11*/ test("S4Jo,CQS6C9DQH9S2D6S3", "DQCQ,D6S6,H9C9");
/*#12*/ test("CTDT,S9C2D9D3JoC6DASJS4", "JoC2,SJJo,DAJo");
/*#13*/ test("H3D3,DQS2D6H9HAHTD7S6S7Jo", "JoHA,JoD6,JoH9,D6S6,D7S7,JoS6,HTJo,JoDQ,S2Jo,JoD7,JoS7");
/*#14*/ test("D5Jo,CQDAH8C6C9DQH7S2SJCKH5", "CQDQ");
/*#15*/ test("C7H7,S7CTH8D5HACQS8JoD6SJS5H4", "HAJo,JoSJ,H8S8,H8Jo,CQJo,CTJo,JoS8");
/*#16*/ test("SAHA,S7SKCTS3H9DJHJH7S5H2DKDQS4", "-");
/*#17*/ test("JoC8,H6D7C5S9CQH9STDTCAD9S5DAS2CT", "CTDT,H9D9,S9D9,DACA,CTST,H9S9,DTST");
/*#19*/ test("C7D7,S8D8JoCTDTD4CJ", "D8S8,JoS8,CTJo,DTJo,JoCJ,CTDT,D8Jo");
/*#20*/ test("DJSJ,DTDKDQHQJoC2", "JoDK,HQDQ,DQJo,C2Jo,JoHQ");
/*#21*/ test("C3H3D3,CKH2DTD5H6S4CJS5C6H5S9CA", "S5H5D5");
/*#22*/ test("D8H8S8,CQHJCJJoHQ", "JoCQHQ,JoHJCJ");
/*#23*/ test("H6D6S6,H8S8D8C8JoD2H2", "D2H2Jo,D8JoS8,D8S8C8,C8D8H8,JoC8S8,H8JoC8,S8H8C8,JoS8H8,C8JoD8,D8H8S8,D8JoH8");
/*#24*/ test("JoD4H4,D3H3S3C3CADASAD2", "DACASA");
/*#26*/ test("H3D3Jo,D4SKH6CTS8SAS2CQH4HAC5DADKD9", "HASADA");
/*#27*/ test("C3JoH3D3,S2S3H7HQCACTC2CKC6S7H5C7", "-");
/*#28*/ test("H5C5S5D5,C7S6D6C3H7HAH6H4C6HQC9", "C6D6S6H6");
/*#29*/ test("H7S7C7D7,S5SAH5HAD5DAC5CA", "SADACAHA");
/*#32*/ test("JoS8D8H8,S9DTH9CTD9STC9CAC2", "H9C9D9S9");
return 0;
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