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digital insecticide service

Marko Kaznovac kaznovac

digital insecticide service
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nikic / coroutine.php
Created July 14, 2012 13:25
A coroutine example: Streaming XML parsing using xml_parser
/* Data can be send to coroutines using `$coroutine->send($data)`. The sent data will then
* be the result of the `yield` expression. Thus it can be received using a code like
* `$data = yield;`.
/* What we're building in this script is a coroutine-based streaming XML parser. The PHP
dergachev /
Created October 10, 2012 16:49
Vagrant tutorial

Vagrant Setup

This tutorial guides you through creating your first Vagrant project.

We start with a generic Ubuntu VM, and use the Chef provisioning tool to:

  • install packages for vim, git
  • create user accounts, as specified in included JSON config files
  • install specified user dotfiles (.bashrc, .vimrc, etc) from a git repository

Afterwards, we'll see how easy it is to package our newly provisioned VM

soarez /
Last active May 28, 2024 02:57
How to setup your own CA with OpenSSL

How to setup your own CA with OpenSSL

For educational reasons I've decided to create my own CA. Here is what I learned.

First things first

Lets get some context first.

What's the difference between cascade="remove" and orphanRemoval=true in Doctrine 2

TLDR: The cascade={"remove"} is like a "software" onDelete="CASCADE", and will remove objects from the database only when an explicit call to $em->remove() occurs. Thus, it could result in more than one object being deleted. orphanRemoval can remove objects from the database even if there was no explicit call to ->remove().

I answered this question a few times to different people so I will try to sum things up in this Gist.

Let's take two entities A and B as an example. I will use a OneToOne relationship in this example but it works exactly the same with OneToMany relationships.

class A
mgummelt / gist:e26908fec9eea7078212
Last active March 29, 2021 16:12
Github Interview

GitHub Infrastructure Engineer Questionnaire

Thanks again for applying to the Infrastructure Engineer job at GitHub! The purpose of this gist is to get a better sense of your technical skills and overall communication style. Take as much time as you need to answer these questions.

Section 1

Engineers at GitHub communicate primarily in written form, via GitHub Issues and Pull Requests. We expect our engineers to communicate clearly and effectively; they should be able to concisely express both their ideas as well as complex technological concepts.

Please answer the following questions in as much detail as you feel comfortable with. The questions are purposefully open-ended, and we hope you take the opportunity to show us your familiarity with various technologies, tools, and techniques. Limit each answer to half a page if possible; walls of text are not required, and you'll have a chance to discuss your answers in further detail during a phone interview if we move forward in the process. Finally, feel

Rich-Harris /
Last active June 1, 2024 17:52
Top-level `await` is a footgun

Edit — February 2019

This gist had a far larger impact than I imagined it would, and apparently people are still finding it, so a quick update:

  • TC39 is currently moving forward with a slightly different version of TLA, referred to as 'variant B', in which a module with TLA doesn't block sibling execution. This vastly reduces the danger of parallelizable work happening in serial and thereby delaying startup, which was the concern that motivated me to write this gist
  • In the wild, we're seeing (async main(){...}()) as a substitute for TLA. This completely eliminates the blocking problem (yay!) but it's less powerful, and harder to statically analyse (boo). In other words the lack of TLA is causing real problems
  • Therefore, a version of TLA that solves the original issue is a valuable addition to the language, and I'm in full support of the current proposal, which you can read here.

I'll leave the rest of this document unedited, for archaeological

Rich-Harris /
Last active April 19, 2023 09:11
Dynamic module loading done right

Dynamic module loading done right

Follow-up to Top-level await is a footgun – maybe read that first

Here are some things I believe to be true:

  1. Static module syntax is beneficial in lots of ways – code is easier to write (you get better linting etc) and easier to optimise (tree-shaking and other things that are only really possible with static syntax), and most importantly, faster to load (it's trivial for a module loader to load multiple dependencies concurrently when they're declared with a static syntax – not so with imperative statements like require(...) or await import(...)).
  2. App startup time is perhaps when performance is most critical. (You already know this, I don't need to cite the studies.)
  3. If you're in favour of constructs that jeopardise app startup time, you are anti-user. Top-level await is such a construct.
binaryaaron /
Last active August 7, 2023 20:19
Script to open magic the gathering arena on MacOS with correct resolution.
# Display Help
echo "Launches MTGA with Epic's command line options and fills in screen
echo "Syntax: [h|r]"
echo "options:"