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Created July 5, 2012 04:28
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QuickSort with Array
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Criterion.Main
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as Intro
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (STVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as VUM
import System.Random
type Index = Int
type Value = Int
type SUA s = STUArray s Index Value
type VUA s = STVector s Value
main :: IO ()
main = do
!r1 <- randomList 10000 10000
!r2 <- randomList 100000 100000
defaultMain $ [
bgroup "" [
bench "sort rnd 10^4" $ nf sort r1
, bench "sort rnd 10^5" $ nf sort r2
, bench "quickSortList rnd 10^4" $ nf quickSortList r1
, bench "quickSortList rnd 10^5" $ nf quickSortList r2
, bench "quickSortST rnd 10^4" $ nf quickSortST r1
, bench "quickSortST rnd 10^5" $ nf quickSortST r2
, bench "quickSortVec rnd 10^4" $ nf quickSortVec r1
, bench "quickSortVec rnd 10^5" $ nf quickSortVec r2
, bench "introSort VU rnd 10^4" $ nf introSortVU r1
, bench "introSort VU rnd 10^5" $ nf introSortVU r2
, bench "introSort VS rnd 10^4" $ nf introSortVS r1
, bench "introSort VS rnd 10^5" $ nf introSortVS r2
randomList :: Index -> Value -> IO [Value]
randomList n boundary = replicateM n randomInt
randomInt :: IO Value
randomInt = getStdRandom (randomR (0,boundary))
quickSortList :: [Value] -> [Value]
quickSortList [] = []
quickSortList (x:xs) = quickSortList lt ++ [x] ++ quickSortList gt
lt = filter (<x) xs
gt = filter (>=x) xs
quickSortST :: [Value] -> [Value]
quickSortST xs = runST $ do
arr <- newListArray (beg,end) xs
quicksortST beg end arr
toListST beg end arr
beg = 0
end = length xs - 1
quicksortST :: Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s ()
quicksortST l u arr
| l >= u = return ()
| otherwise = do
-- swapST l random arr -- good pivot
t <- readArray arr l
let i = l
j = u + 1
nj <- loopST t u i j arr
swapST arr l nj
quicksortST l (nj-1) arr
quicksortST (nj+1) u arr
loopST :: Value -> Index -> Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s Index
loopST !t !u !i !j arr = do
ni <- doWhile i (+1) (< t)
nj <- doWhile j (subtract 1) (> t)
if ni > nj then
return nj
else do
swapST arr ni nj
loopST t u ni nj arr
{-# INLINE doWhile #-}
doWhile k op p
| nk > u = return nk
| otherwise = do
x <- readArray arr nk
if p x then
doWhile nk op p
return nk
nk = op k
swapST :: SUA s -> Index ->Index -> ST s ()
swapST sua i j = do
xi <- readArray sua i
xj <- readArray sua j
writeArray sua i xj
writeArray sua j xi
toListST :: Index -> Index -> SUA s -> ST s [Value]
toListST i lim arr
| i > lim = return []
| otherwise = (:) <$> readArray arr i <*> toListST (i+1) lim arr
quickSortVec :: [Value] -> [Value]
quickSortVec xs = runST $ do
arr <- VU.unsafeThaw $ VU.fromList xs
let beg = 0
end = VUM.length arr - 1
quicksortVec beg end arr
VU.toList <$> VU.unsafeFreeze arr
quicksortVec :: Index -> Index -> VUA s -> ST s ()
quicksortVec l u arr
| l >= u = return ()
| otherwise = do
-- VUM.unsafeSwap arr l random -- good pivot
t <- VUM.unsafeRead arr l
let i = l
j = u + 1
nj <- loopVec t u i j arr
VUM.unsafeSwap arr l nj
quicksortVec l (nj-1) arr
quicksortVec (nj+1) u arr
loopVec :: Value -> Index -> Index -> Index -> VUA s -> ST s Index
loopVec !t !u !i !j arr = do
ni <- doWhile i (+1) (< t)
nj <- doWhile j (subtract 1) (> t)
if ni > nj then
return nj
else do
VUM.unsafeSwap arr ni nj
loopVec t u ni nj arr
{-# INLINE doWhile #-}
doWhile k op p
| nk > u = return nk
| otherwise = do
x <- VUM.unsafeRead arr nk
if p x then
doWhile nk op p
return nk
nk = op k
introSortVU :: [Value] -> [Value]
introSortVU xs = runST $ do
vum <- VU.unsafeThaw $ VU.fromList xs
Intro.sort vum
VU.toList <$> VU.unsafeFreeze vum
introSortVS :: [Value] -> [Value]
introSortVS xs = runST $ do
vum <- VS.unsafeThaw $ VS.fromList xs
Intro.sort vum
VS.toList <$> VS.unsafeFreeze vum
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                 10^4       10^5
sort            15.09825   256.7437
quickSortList   12.97226   193.1537
quickSortST      7.502490   92.16319
quickSortVec     6.115590   71.58241
introSort VU     3.233967   35.04761
introSort VS     3.267389   35.36919

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