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Created July 2, 2010 06:22
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function-data/relation mapper


table mail {
    id int primary key,
    from_addr varchar[50],
    date datetime,
    mailbox varchar[50]
  • Ord id, Ord datetime
  • Eq from, Eq mailbox

設問1 (filter)

差出人が のメールを全部取得

入力: '(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (from_addr x) "")) (mail)) $(filter (\x -> fromAddr x == ""))

出力: "select * from mail where from_addr=''"

議論:S式中の自由変数はなくすべきでは? '(lambda (mail) (filter (lambda (x) (equal? (from_addr x) ""))) mail)

設問2 (sort)


入力: (sort (lambda (x y) (< (date x) (date y))) (mail)) $(sortBy (\x y -> data x < date y))

出力: "select * from mail order by date asc"

設問3 (map, sort)


入力: (map domain (map from_addr (mail))) $(map (domain . fromAddr))

出力: "select domain(from_addr) from mail"

設問4 (fold)


入力: (fold (lambda (next summary) (let ((current (assoc (mailbox next) summary))) (if current (acons (mailbox next) (+ 1 (cdr current)) (assoc-delete (mailbox next) summary)) (acons (mailbox next) 1 summary)))) '() (mail))

出力: "select count(*) from mail group by mailbox"

設問5 (filter, map, sort)

最新 1 週間以内のメールを日付が新しいものから順に最大20件取得。

入力: (take (sort (lambda (x y) (> (date x) (date y))) (mail)) 20) $(take 20 (sortBy (\x y -> date x > date y)))

出力: "select * from mail order by date desc limit 20"

設問6 (filter, map, sort, fold)



出力: "select from_addr, count(*) as A1 from mail group by from_addr order by A1 desc limit 20"

設問7 (sort, join)

メールボックス box1 に存在しメールボックス box2 に存在しないメールを最新のものから順に全部取得。

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