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Created November 19, 2017 00:49
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using VirtualJtag.Constant;
using VirtualJtag.Instruction;
namespace VirtualJtag.Communicate
public unsafe class TmsControl
// プラットフォームターゲットを常にx86(32bit)にしてビルドすること
const string DLL_PATH = "ftd2xx.dll";
unsafe private static extern UInt32 FT_Open( Int16 DeviceNumber, UInt32* ftHandle );
private static extern UInt32 FT_Close( UInt32 ftHandle );
unsafe private static extern UInt32 FT_Write( UInt32 ftHandle,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] short[] bdata, UInt32 BufferSize, UInt32* BytesWriten );
unsafe private static extern UInt32 FT_Read( UInt32 lngHandle,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] byte[] bdata, UInt32 lngBufferSize, UInt32* lngBytesReturned );
const short L = 0x2D2C;
const short H = (short)(L | 0x1010);
const short TMS = (short)(L | 0x0202);
const short TMS_H = (short)(TMS | H);
const short WR = 0x81;
const short RD = 0xC0;
const short OFF = 0x0D0C;
private UInt32 ftHandle;
DataByteLength DataByteLength = new DataByteLength();
private uint MoveIdle()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS, TMS, TMS, TMS, TMS, L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private uint MoveIdleToShiftir()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS, TMS, L, L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private uint MoveShiftirToShiftdr()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS, TMS, TMS, L, L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private uint MoveShiftdrToShiftir()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS_H, TMS, TMS, TMS, L, L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private List<byte> ReadShiftdr( short drCodeByteLength )
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { (short)((0 << 8) | (RD | drCodeByteLength)), TMS_H, TMS, TMS, L, L };
FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
var rxDataBuf = new List<byte>();
for (var i = 0; i < drCodeByteLength; i++)
byte[] rxData = new byte[64];
FT_Read(ftHandle, rxData, 1, &size);
return rxDataBuf;
private uint WriteShiftir( byte irCodeValue )
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { (short)((irCodeValue << 8) | WR), L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private uint WriteShiftdr( byte drCodeValue )
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { (short)((drCodeValue << 8) | WR)};
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
private uint LoopShiftdr()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS_H, TMS, TMS, L, L };
return FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
// FT_GetDeviceInfoList or FT_ListDevices → FT_OpenEx
protected uint DeviceOpen()
UInt32 ftStatus;
UInt32 ftHandle_;
ftStatus = FT_Open(0, &ftHandle_);
ftHandle = ftHandle_;
return ftStatus;
protected uint DeviceClose()
uint size;
var memory = new List<short> { TMS_H, TMS, OFF };
FT_Write(ftHandle, memory.ToArray(), (UInt32)memory.Count << 1, &size);
return FT_Close(ftHandle);
protected List<byte> GetBasicInformation( byte basicInstructionCode )
return ReadShiftdr(DataByteLength.Basic(basicInstructionCode));
private void VirtualInstruction( int virtualInstructionCode )
public void VirtualInstructionForMultipleBytes( List<byte> virtualInstructionCode )
foreach (byte tx in virtualInstructionCode)
protected void SetVirtualInstruction( int virtualInstructionCode, List<byte> virtualInstructionData )
foreach(var x in virtualInstructionData)
protected List<byte> GetVirtualInstruction( byte virtualInstructionCode )
var rx = new List<byte>(ReadShiftdr((short)(DataByteLength.User(virtualInstructionCode)+1)));
for (var i = 0; i < rx.Count; i++)
rx[i] = (byte)(rx[i] >> 1);
if((i < rx.Count - 1) && ((rx[i+1] & 0x01) == 1))
rx[i] = (byte)(rx[i] + 0x80);
rx.RemoveAt(rx.Count - 1);
return rx;
public class De0Control : TmsControl
public uint Connection => DeviceOpen();
public uint DisConnection => DeviceClose();
public int Idcode
var rx = GetBasicInformation((byte)BasicInstruction.IdCode);
return BitConverter.ToInt32(rx.ToArray(), 0);
public void MultipleBytesSendingTest()
var tx = new List<byte>{(byte)LedSegment.Zero, (byte)LedSegment.One, (byte)LedSegment.Two, (byte)LedSegment.Three};
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity Cyclone is
port (
HEX0_D : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);
HEX1_D : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);
HEX2_D : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);
HEX3_D : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);
LEDG : out std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0)
end Cyclone;
architecture RTL of Cyclone is
signal cnt : integer := 0;
signal tck : std_logic;
signal tdi : std_logic;
signal tdo : std_logic;
signal ir_in : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
signal ir_out : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
signal virtual_state_uir : std_logic;
signal virtual_state_sdr : std_logic;
signal r_ir : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
constant build_number : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0)
:= (conv_std_logic_vector(20171117, 32));
top_connection : entity work.virtualjtag
port map(
tck => tck,
tdi => tdi,
tdo => tdo,
ir_in => ir_in,
ir_out => ir_out,
virtual_state_uir => virtual_state_uir,
virtual_state_sdr => virtual_state_sdr
if(tck'event and tck='1') then
if(virtual_state_uir = '1') then
LEDG <= conv_std_logic_vector(cnt, 10);
case cnt is
when 0 => HEX3_D( 6 downto 0) <= ir_in( 6 downto 0);
when 1 => HEX2_D( 6 downto 0) <= ir_in( 6 downto 0);
when 2 => HEX1_D( 6 downto 0) <= ir_in( 6 downto 0);
when 3 => HEX0_D( 6 downto 0) <= ir_in( 6 downto 0);
when others => null;
end case;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif(virtual_state_sdr='1') then
cnt <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end RTL;
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