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Created October 21, 2013 01:14
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grunt-contrib-watchで監視対象のファイルの中で変更されたファイルを取得するサンプル。 Sample to get the files that have been changed in the file to be monitored in the grunt-contrib-watch.
module.exports = (grunt) ->
changedFiles = Object.create null
# Project configuration.
# Metadata.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON 'package.json'
files: ['javascripts/**/*.coffee']
tasks: ['coffeelint']
gruntfile: ['']
lib_test: ['javascripts/**/*.coffee']
# bind watch event
grunt.event.on 'watch', (status, filepath, taskTargetName) ->
changedFiles[filepath] = status
changedCoffeeFile() if /\.(coffee)$/.test filepath
changedCoffeeFile = ->
paths = Object.keys changedFiles
for path in paths
# Log which file has changed.
grunt.log.ok "change file is #{path}"
# Reset changedFiles
changedFiles = Object.create null
# These plugins provide necessary tasks.
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-contrib-watch'
# Default task.
grunt.registerTask 'default', ['watch']
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