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Created November 11, 2012 16:09
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import scala.math._
object healthparameter {
def healthparameter(name : String, years : Int, sex : String, height : Double, weight : Double) : List[String] = {
lazy val heightm = if (height > 3.0) (height / 100.0) else height
val bmi = weight / pow(heightm, 2)
val sbw = pow(heightm, 2) * 22
val rohrerindex = weight / pow(height, 3) * 10000000
lazy val bmr = if (!sex.contains("f")) (13.397 * height) + (4.799 * height) - (5.677 * years) + 88.362
else (9.247 * height) + (3.098 * height) - (4.33 * years) + 447.593
("名前:" + name) ::
("年齢:" + years) ::
("性別:" + sex) ::
("身長:" + height) ::
("体重:" + weight) ::
("BMI:" + bmi) ::
("適正体重:" + sbw) ::
("ローレル指数:" + rohrerindex) ::
("基礎代謝量:" + bmr) :: Nil
def main(args : Array[String]) {
lazy val name = if (args.size == 0 || args(0) == "") "guest" else args(0)
lazy val years = try { args(1).toInt } catch { case ex : java.lang.NumberFormatException => { println("年齢指定が間違っています。指定年齢:" + args(1)); return ; } }
lazy val sex = if (args(2).equalsIgnoreCase("f") ||
args(2).equalsIgnoreCase("m") ||
args(2).equalsIgnoreCase("female") ||
args(2).equalsIgnoreCase("male")) args(2).slice(0, 1)
else { println("性別指定が間違っています。指定性別:" + args(2)); return ; }
lazy val height = try { if (args(3).toDouble > 3.0) args(3).toDouble else args(3).toDouble * 100 } catch { case ex : java.lang.NumberFormatException => { println("身長指定が間違っています。指定身長:" + args(3)); return ; } }
lazy val weight = try { args(4).toDouble } catch { case ex : java.lang.NumberFormatException => { println("体重指定が間違っています。指定体重:" + args(4)); return ; } }
healthparameter(name, years, sex, height, weight).foreach(println)
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