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Created September 2, 2014 13:48
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fuelphp Cache_Storage_Memcachier to use memcachier on heroku
* Part of the Fuel framework.
* @package Fuel
* @version 1.7
* @author Fuel Development Team
* @license MIT License
* @copyright 2010 - 2014 Fuel Development Team
* @link
namespace Fuel\Core;
class Cache_Storage_Memcachier extends \Cache_Storage_Driver
* @const string Tag used for opening & closing cache properties
const PROPS_TAG = 'Fuel_Cache_Properties';
* @var array driver specific configuration
protected $config = array();
* @var Memcached storage for the memcached object
protected static $memcached = false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
public function __construct($identifier, $config)
parent::__construct($identifier, $config);
$this->config = isset($config['memcachier']) ? $config['memcachier'] : array();
// make sure we have a memcache id
$this->config['cache_id'] = $this->_validate_config('cache_id', isset($this->config['cache_id'])
? $this->config['cache_id'] : 'fuel');
// check for an expiration override
$this->expiration = $this->_validate_config('expiration', isset($this->config['expiration'])
? $this->config['expiration'] : $this->expiration);
if (static::$memcached === false)
// make sure we have memcached servers configured
$this->config['servers'] = $this->_validate_config('servers', $this->config['servers']);
// do we have the PHP memcached extension available
if ( ! class_exists('Memcached') )
throw new \FuelException('Memcached cache are configured, but your PHP installation doesn\'t have the Memcached extension loaded.');
// instantiate the memcached object
static::$memcached = new \Memcached();
// add auth condition
static::$memcached->setSaslAuthData( getenv("MEMCACHIER_USERNAME"), getenv("MEMCACHIER_PASSWORD") );
// add the configured servers
// check if we can connect to the server(s)
if (static::$memcached->getVersion() === false)
throw new \FuelException('Memcached cache are configured, but there is no connection possible. Check your configuration.');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if other caches or files have been changed since cache creation
* @param array
* @return bool
public function check_dependencies(array $dependencies)
foreach($dependencies as $dep)
// get the section name and identifier
$sections = explode('.', $dep);
if (count($sections) > 1)
$identifier = array_pop($sections);
$sections = '.'.implode('.', $sections);
$identifier = $dep;
$sections = '';
// get the cache index
$index = static::$memcached->get($this->config['cache_id'].$sections);
// get the key from the index
$key = isset($index[$identifier][0]) ? $index[$identifier] : false;
// key found and newer?
if ($key === false or $key[1] > $this->created)
return false;
return true;
* Delete Cache
public function delete()
// get the memcached key for the cache identifier
$key = $this->_get_key(true);
// delete the key from the memcached server
if ($key and static::$memcached->delete($key) === false)
if (static::$memcached->getResultCode() !== \Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND)
throw new \FuelException('Memcached returned error code "'.static::$memcached->getResultCode().'" on delete. Check your configuration.');
* Purge all caches
* @param limit purge to subsection
* @return bool
public function delete_all($section)
// determine the section index name
$section = $this->config['cache_id'].(empty($section)?'':'.'.$section);
// get the directory index
$index = static::$memcached->get($this->config['cache_id'].'__DIR__');
if (is_array($index))
// limit the delete if we have a valid section
if ( ! empty($section))
$dirs = in_array($section, $index) ? array($section) : array();
$dirs = $index;
// loop through the indexes, delete all stored keys, then delete the indexes
foreach ($dirs as $dir)
$list = static::$memcached->get($dir);
foreach ($list as $item)
// update the directory index
$index = array_diff($index, $dirs);
static::$memcached->set($this->config['cache_id'].'__DIR__', $index);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prepend the cache properties
* @return string
protected function prep_contents()
$properties = array(
'created' => $this->created,
'expiration' => $this->expiration,
'dependencies' => $this->dependencies,
'content_handler' => $this->content_handler
$properties = '{{'.static::PROPS_TAG.'}}'.json_encode($properties).'{{/'.static::PROPS_TAG.'}}';
return $properties.$this->contents;
* Remove the prepended cache properties and save them in class properties
* @param string
* @throws UnexpectedValueException
protected function unprep_contents($payload)
$properties_end = strpos($payload, '{{/'.static::PROPS_TAG.'}}');
if ($properties_end === FALSE)
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cache has bad formatting');
$this->contents = substr($payload, $properties_end + strlen('{{/'.static::PROPS_TAG.'}}'));
$props = substr(substr($payload, 0, $properties_end), strlen('{{'.static::PROPS_TAG.'}}'));
$props = json_decode($props, true);
if ($props === NULL)
throw new \UnexpectedValueException('Cache properties retrieval failed');
$this->created = $props['created'];
$this->expiration = is_null($props['expiration']) ? null : (int) ($props['expiration'] - time());
$this->dependencies = $props['dependencies'];
$this->content_handler = $props['content_handler'];
* Save a cache, this does the generic pre-processing
* @return bool success
protected function _set()
// get the memcached key for the cache identifier
$key = $this->_get_key();
$payload = $this->prep_contents();
// calculate relative expiration time (eg. 60s)
$expiration = !is_null($this->expiration) ? $this->expiration - time() : 0;
// if expiration value is less than 30 days, use relative value, otherwise use unix timestamp:
$expiration = $expiration <= 2592000 ? (int) $expiration : (int) $this->expiration;
// write it to the memcached server
if (static::$memcached->set($key, $payload, $expiration) === false)
throw new \FuelException('Memcached returned error code "'.static::$memcached->getResultCode().'" on write. Check your configuration.');
// update the index
return true;
* Load a cache, this does the generic post-processing
* @return bool success
protected function _get()
// get the memcached key for the cache identifier
$key = $this->_get_key();
// fetch the cached data from the Memcached server
$payload = static::$memcached->get($key);
catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e)
return false;
return true;
* validate a driver config value
* @param string name of the config variable to validate
* @param mixed value
* @return mixed
protected function _validate_config($name, $value)
switch ($name)
case 'cache_id':
if (empty($value) or ! is_string($value))
$value = 'fuel';
case 'expiration':
if (empty($value) or ! is_numeric($value))
$value = null;
case 'servers':
// do we have a servers config
if ( empty($value) OR ! is_array($value))
$value = array('default' => array('host' => '', 'port' => '11211'));
// validate the servers
foreach ($value as $key => $server)
// do we have a host?
if ( ! isset($server['host']) OR ! is_string($server['host']))
throw new \FuelException('Invalid Memcached server definition in the cache configuration.');
// do we have a port number?
if ( ! isset($server['port']) OR ! is_numeric($server['port']) OR $server['port'] < 1025 OR $server['port'] > 65535)
throw new \FuelException('Invalid Memcached server definition in the cache configuration.');
// do we have a relative server weight?
if ( ! isset($server['weight']) OR ! is_numeric($server['weight']) OR $server['weight'] < 0)
// set a default
$value[$key]['weight'] = 0;
return $value;
* Get's the memcached key belonging to the cache identifier
* @param bool if true, remove the key retrieved from the index
* @return string
protected function _get_key($remove = false)
// get the current index information
list($identifier, $sections, $index) = $this->_get_index();
// get the key from the index
$key = isset($index[$identifier][0]) ? $index[$identifier][0] : false;
if ($remove === true)
if ( $key !== false )
static::$memcached->set($this->config['cache_id'].$sections, $index);
// create a new key if needed
$key === false and $key = $this->_new_key();
return $key;
* Generate a new unique key for the current identifier
* @return string
protected function _new_key()
$key = '';
while (strlen($key) < 32)
$key .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax());
return md5($this->config['cache_id'].'_'.uniqid($key, TRUE));
* Get the section index
* @return array containing the identifier, the sections, and the section index
protected function _get_index()
// get the section name and identifier
$sections = explode('.', $this->identifier);
if (count($sections) > 1)
$identifier = array_pop($sections);
$sections = '.'.implode('.', $sections);
$identifier = $this->identifier;
$sections = '';
// get the cache index and return it
return array($identifier, $sections, static::$memcached->get($this->config['cache_id'].$sections));
* Update the section index
* @param string cache key
protected function _update_index($key)
// get the current index information
list($identifier, $sections, $index) = $this->_get_index();
// create a new index and store the key
is_array($index) or $index = array();
// store the key in the index and write the index back
$index[$identifier] = array($key, $this->created);
static::$memcached->set($this->config['cache_id'].$sections, $index, 0);
// get the directory index
$index = static::$memcached->get($this->config['cache_id'].'__DIR__');
if (is_array($index))
if (!in_array($this->config['cache_id'].$sections, $index))
$index[] = $this->config['cache_id'].$sections;
$index = array($this->config['cache_id'].$sections);
// update the directory index
static::$memcached->set($this->config['cache_id'].'__DIR__', $index, 0);
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