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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Result of `h2o --help` (version 1.1.0)
h2o version 1.1.0
h2o [options]
-c, --conf FILE configuration file (default: h2o.conf)
-t, --test tests the configuration
-v, --version prints the version number
-h, --help print this help
Configuration File:
The configuration file should be written in YAML format. Below is the list
of configuration directives; the flags indicate at which level the directives
can be used; g=global, h=host, p=path.
hosts: [g]
map of `host[:port]` -> map of per-host configs
paths: [h]
map of URL-path -> configuration
limit-request-body: [g]
maximum size of request body in bytes (e.g. content of POST)
(default: unlimited)
max-delegations: [g]
limits the number of delegations (i.e. internal redirects using the
`X-Reproxy-URL` header) (default: 5)
http1-request-timeout: [g]
timeout for incoming requests in seconds (default: 10)
http1-upgrade-to-http2: [g]
boolean flag (ON/OFF) indicating whether or not to allow upgrade to HTTP/2
(default: ON)
http2-idle-timeout: [g]
timeout for idle connections in seconds (default: 10)
http2-max-concurrent-requests-per-connection: [g]
max. number of requests to be handled concurrently within a single HTTP/2
stream (default: 16)
listen: [gh]
port at which the server should listen for incoming requests (mandatory)
- if the value is a scalar, it is treated as the port number (or as the
service name)
- if the value is a mapping, following properties are recognized:
port: incoming port number or service name (mandatory)
host: incoming address (default: any address)
ssl: mapping of SSL configuration using the keys below (default: none)
certificate-file: path of the SSL certificate file (mandatory)
key-file: path of the SSL private key file (mandatory)
minimum-version: minimum protocol version, should be one of: SSLv2,
SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 (default: TLSv1)
cipher-suite: list of cipher suites to be passed to OpenSSL via
SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list (optional)
dh-file: PEM file of dhparam to use (optional)
interval for updating the OCSP stapling data (in
seconds), or set to zero to disable OCSP stapling
(default: 14400 = 4 hours)
number of consecutive OCSP queriy failures before
stopping to send OCSP stapling data to the client
(default: 3)
- if the value is a sequence, each element should be either a scalar or a
mapping that conform to the requirements above
user: [g]
user under with the server should handle incoming requests (default: none)
pid-file: [g]
name of the pid file (default: none)
max-connections: [g]
max connections (default: 1024)
num-threads: [g]
number of worker threads (default: getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
num-name-resolution-threads: [g]
number of threads to run for name resolution (default: 32)
access-log: [ghp]
path and optionally the format of the access log (default: none)
- if the value is a scalar, it is treated as the path of the log file
- if the value is a mapping, its `path` property is treated as the path
and `format` property is treated as the format
- if the path starts with `|`, the rest of the path is considered as a
command pipe to which the logs should be emitted
following format strings are recognized:
%h: remote host
%l: remote logname (always '-')
%u: remote user (always '-')
%t: request time
%r: first line of request
%s: status
%b: size of the response body in bytes
%{Foobar}i: the contents of the request header `Foobar`
%{Foobar}o: the contents of the response header `Foobar`
expires: [ghp]
sets `Cache-Control: max-age` header (default: OFF)
- if the value is `OFF` then the feature is not used
- if the value is `<number> <unit>` then the header is set
- the units recognized are: `second`,`minute`,`hour`,`day`,`month`,`year`
- the units can also be in plural forms
example: `expires: 1 day` sets `Cache-Control: max-age=86400`
file.dir: [p]
directory under which to serve the target path
file.index: [ghp]
sequence of index file names (default: index.html index.htm index.txt)
file.mime.settypes: [ghp]
map of mime-type -> (extension | sequence-of-extensions)
file.mime.addtypes: [ghp]
map of mime-type -> (extension | sequence-of-extensions)
file.mime.removetypes: [ghp]
sequence of extensions
file.mime.setdefaulttype: [ghp]
default mime-type
file.etag: [ghp]
whether or not to send etag (ON or OFF, default: ON)
file.send-gzip: [ghp]
whether or not to send .gz variants if possible (ON or OFF, default: OFF)
file.dirlisting: [ghp]
whether or not to send directory indexes (ON or OFF, default: OFF)
header.add: [ghp]
adds a new header line to the response headers
header.append: [ghp]
adds a new header line, or appends the value to the existing header with
the same name (separated by `,`)
header.merge: [ghp]
adds a new header line, or merges the value to the existing header of
comma-separated values
header.set: [ghp]
sets a header line, removing headers with the same name (if exist)
header.setifempty: [ghp]
sets a header line, only when a header with the same name does not exist
header.unset: [ghp]
removes headers with the specified name
proxy.reverse.url: [p]
upstream URL (only HTTP is suppported)
proxy.preserve-host: [ghp]
boolean flag (ON/OFF) indicating whether or not to pass Host header
from imcoming request to upstream (default: OFF) [ghp]
sets upstream I/O timeout (in milliseconds, default: (5 * 1000))
proxy.timeout.keepalive: [ghp]
timeout for idle conncections (set to zero to disable persistent connections
upstream; in milliseconds, default: 2000)
reproxy: [ghp]
boolean flag (ON/OFF) indicating whether or not to accept Reproxy-URL
response headers from upstream (default: OFF)
redirect: [p]
redirects the request to given URL prefix
- if the value is a scalar, it is considered as the destination URL prefix
- if the value is a mapping, it should contain the following properties:
status: HTTP status code to be sent (e.g. 301)
url: the destination URL prefix
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