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Forked from enomoto/swiftc_help.txt
Created March 30, 2021 10:03
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$ swiftc -help
OVERVIEW: Swift compiler
USAGE: swiftc [options] <inputs>
-dump-ast Parse and type-check input file(s) and dump AST(s)
-dump-parse Parse input file(s) and dump AST(s)
-dump-scope-maps <expanded-or-list-of-line:column>
Parse and type-check input file(s) and dump the scope map(s)
Type-check input file(s) and dump type refinement contexts(s)
-emit-assembly Emit assembly file(s) (-S)
-emit-bc Emit LLVM BC file(s)
-emit-executable Emit a linked executable
-emit-imported-modules Emit a list of the imported modules
-emit-ir Emit LLVM IR file(s)
-emit-library Emit a linked library
-emit-object Emit object file(s) (-c)
-emit-sibgen Emit serialized AST + raw SIL file(s)
-emit-sib Emit serialized AST + canonical SIL file(s)
-emit-silgen Emit raw SIL file(s)
-emit-sil Emit canonical SIL file(s)
-index-file Produce index data for a source file
-parse Parse input file(s)
-print-ast Parse and type-check input file(s) and pretty print AST(s)
-typecheck Parse and type-check input file(s)
-api-diff-data-dir <path>
Load platform and version specific API migration data files from <path>. Ignored if -api-diff-data-file is specified.
-api-diff-data-file <path>
API migration data is from <path>
-application-extension Restrict code to those available for App Extensions
-assert-config <value> Specify the assert_configuration replacement. Possible values are Debug, Release, Unchecked, DisableReplacement.
Continue building, even after errors are encountered
Emit the compiler invocation in the debug info.
Disable the Migrator phase which automatically applies fix-its
Prints the total time it took to execute all compilation tasks
-dump-migration-states-dir <path>
Dump the input text, output text, and states for migration to <path>
-dump-usr Dump USR for each declaration reference
-D <value> Marks a conditional compilation flag as true
-embed-bitcode-marker Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker
-embed-bitcode Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data
-emit-dependencies Emit basic Make-compatible dependencies files
-emit-loaded-module-trace-path <path>
Emit the loaded module trace JSON to <path>
Emit a JSON file containing information about what modules were loaded
-emit-module-path <path>
Emit an importable module to <path>
-emit-module Emit an importable module
-emit-objc-header-path <path>
Emit an Objective-C header file to <path>
-emit-objc-header Emit an Objective-C header file
Emit all type metadata accessors as public (deprecated: now does nothing)
-emit-tbd-path <path> Emit the TBD file to <path>
-emit-tbd Emit a TBD file
Enforce law of exclusivity
-fixit-all Apply all fixits from diagnostics without any filtering
-framework <value> Specifies a framework which should be linked against
-Fsystem <value> Add directory to system framework search path
-F <value> Add directory to framework search path
-gdwarf-types Emit full DWARF type info.
-gline-tables-only Emit minimal debug info for backtraces only
-gnone Don't emit debug info
-g Emit debug info. This is the preferred setting for debugging with LLDB.
-help Display available options
Implicitly imports the Objective-C half of a module
-index-file-path <path> Produce index data for file <path>
Avoid indexing system modules
-index-store-path <path>
Store indexing data to <path>
-I <value> Add directory to the import search path
-j <n> Number of commands to execute in parallel
-L <value> Add directory to library link search path
-l<value> Specifies a library which should be linked against
When migrating, add '@objc' to declarations that would've been implicitly visible in Swift 3
-migrator-update-sdk Does nothing. Temporary compatibility flag for Xcode.
-migrator-update-swift Does nothing. Temporary compatibility flag for Xcode.
-module-cache-path <value>
Specifies the Clang module cache path
-module-link-name <value>
Library to link against when using this module
-module-name <value> Name of the module to build
-nostdimport Don't search the standard library import path for modules
-num-threads <n> Enable multi-threading and specify number of threads
-Onone Compile without any optimization
-Osize Compile with optimizations and target small code size
-Ounchecked Compile with optimizations and remove runtime safety checks
-output-file-map <path> A file which specifies the location of outputs
-O Compile with optimizations
-o <file> Write output to <file>
-parse-as-library Parse the input file(s) as libraries, not scripts
-parse-sil Parse the input file as SIL code, not Swift source
-parseable-output Emit textual output in a parseable format
Generate coverage data for use with profiled execution counts
-profile-generate Generate instrumented code to collect execution counts
-profile-use=<profdata> Supply a profdata file to enable profile-guided optimization
-remove-runtime-asserts Remove runtime safety checks.
-Rpass-missed=<value> Report missed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
-Rpass=<value> Report performed transformations by optimization passes whose name matches the given POSIX regular expression
Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers and additional options separated by commas
-sanitize=<check> Turn on runtime checks for erroneous behavior.
-save-optimization-record-path <value>
Specify the file name of any generated YAML optimization record
Generate a YAML optimization record file
-save-temps Save intermediate compilation results
-sdk <sdk> Compile against <sdk>
-serialize-diagnostics Serialize diagnostics in a binary format
-static-executable Statically link the executable
-static-stdlib Statically link the Swift standard library
-suppress-warnings Suppress all warnings
-swift-version <vers> Interpret input according to a specific Swift language version number
-target-cpu <value> Generate code for a particular CPU variant
-target <value> Generate code for the given target
-tools-directory <directory>
Look for external executables (ld, clang, binutils) in <directory>
-use-ld=<value> Specifies the linker to be used
-verify-debug-info Verify the binary representation of debug output.
-version Print version information and exit
-v Show commands to run and use verbose output
Warn about deprecated @objc inference in Swift 3 for every declaration that will no longer be inferred as @objc in Swift 4
Warn about deprecated @objc inference in Swift 3 based on direct uses of the Objective-C entrypoint
-warnings-as-errors Treat warnings as errors
Optimize input files together instead of individually
-working-directory <path>
Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory
-Xcc <arg> Pass <arg> to the C/C++/Objective-C compiler
-Xlinker <value> Specifies an option which should be passed to the linker
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