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Created April 20, 2023 13:52
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version "1.0.0"
avatar "ma10ya2-spring" {
parameters {
// 顔
int "Eyebrows"
int "Eyelids"
int "Pupils"
int "Mouth"
bool "Cheek"
bool "Tears"
bool "Sweat"
// 猫要素
bool "Kemono"
// 乳
float "Breasts"
bool "Nipples"
// 服装
int "Clothes"
animations {
group "Eyebrows" {
parameter "Eyebrows"
mesh "Face"
option "上" shape="眉_上"
option "下" shape="眉_下"
option "笑顔" shape="にこり"
option "怒り" shape="怒り"
option "困惑" shape="困る"
option "悲しみ" shape="眉_悲"
group "Eyelids" {
parameter "Eyelids"
mesh "Face"
prevent eyelids=true
option "笑顔" shape="笑い"
option "まったり" shape="なごみ"
option "はぅ" shape="はぅ"
option "じと" shape="ジト目"
option "怒り" shape="怒る"
option "閉じ" shape="まばたき"
option "ウィンク左1" shape="ウィンク"
option "ウィンク左2" shape="ウィンク2"
option "ウィンク右1" shape="ウィンク右"
option "ウィンク右2" shape="ウィンク2右"
option "笑い"
option "笑い2"
option "びっくり"
option "おっとり"
option "怒る"
option "おねむ"
group "Pupils" {
parameter "Pupils"
mesh "Face"
option "キラキラ" shape="しいたけ"
option "ハート" shape="ハート"
option "白目" shape="丸白目"
option "ぐるぐる" shape="ぐるぐる"
option "ハイライト消し" shape="ハイライト消し"
option "小1" shape="瞳小" value=0.3
option "小2" shape="瞳小" value=0.6
group "Mouth" {
parameter "Mouth"
mesh "Face"
prevent mouth=true
option "笑顔" shape=""
option "V" shape="v"
option "ワ" shape="□"
option "ω" shape="ω"
option "ωワ" shape="ω□"
option "Λ" shape="Λ"
option "Δ" shape="△"
option "舌出し1" shape="ぺろっ"
option "舌出し2" shape="ぺろっ2"
option "舌出し3" shape="ぺろっ3"
switch "Cheek" {
parameter "Cheek"
mesh "Face"
shape "照れ" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
switch "Tears" {
parameter "Tears"
mesh "Face"
shape "涙1" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
switch "Sweat" {
parameter "Sweat"
mesh "Face"
shape "汗1" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
switch "Kemono" {
parameter "Kemono"
object "Kemono" disabled=false enabled=true
puppet "Breasts" {
parameter "Breasts"
keyframe 0.0 {
shape "Big breasts" mesh="Body" value=0.0
shape "Shrink" mesh="SW_Swimwear1" value=1.0
shape "Top_BreastBigSize" mesh="ML_Tops" value=0.0
keyframe 0.9 {
shape "Big breasts" mesh="Body" value=0.8
shape "Shrink" mesh="SW_Swimwear1" value=0.1
shape "Top_BreastBigSize" mesh="ML_Tops" value=0.9
keyframe 1.0 {
shape "Big breasts" mesh="Body" value=1.0
shape "Shrink" mesh="SW_Swimwear1" value=0.0
shape "Top_BreastBigSize" mesh="ML_Tops" value=1.0
switch "Nipples" {
parameter "Nipples"
shape "TKB" mesh="Body" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
shape "TKB Big2" mesh="Body" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
shape "Nipple" mesh="SW_Swimwear1" disabled=0.0 enabled=1.0
group "Clothes" {
parameter "Clothes"
default {
object "ML_Shoes" value=true
object "ML_Tops" value=true
object "ML_Pants" value=true
option "NoShoes" {
object "ML_Shoes" value=false
object "ML_Tops" value=true
object "ML_Pants" value=true
option "Bikini" {
object "ML_Shoes" value=false
object "ML_Tops" value=false
object "ML_Pants" value=false
menu {
submenu "表情" {
submenu "眉" {
toggle "上" group="Eyebrows" option="上"
toggle "下" group="Eyebrows" option="下"
toggle "笑顔" group="Eyebrows" option="笑顔"
toggle "怒り" group="Eyebrows" option="怒り"
toggle "困惑" group="Eyebrows" option="困惑"
toggle "悲しみ" group="Eyebrows" option="悲しみ"
submenu "瞼" {
toggle "笑顔" group="Eyelids" option="笑顔"
toggle "まったり" group="Eyelids" option="まったり"
toggle "はぅ" group="Eyelids" option="はぅ"
toggle "じと" group="Eyelids" option="じと"
toggle "怒り" group="Eyelids" option="怒り"
toggle "閉じ" group="Eyelids" option="閉じ"
submenu "瞳" {
toggle "キラキラ" group="Pupils" option="キラキラ"
toggle "ハート" group="Pupils" option="ハート"
toggle "白目" group="Pupils" option="白目"
toggle "ぐるぐる" group="Pupils" option="ぐるぐる"
toggle "ハイライト消し" group="Pupils" option="ハイライト消し"
toggle "小1" group="Pupils" option="小1"
toggle "小2" group="Pupils" option="小2"
submenu "口" {
toggle "笑顔" group="Mouth" option="笑顔"
toggle "V" group="Mouth" option="V"
toggle "ワ" group="Mouth" option="ワ"
toggle "ω" group="Mouth" option="ω"
toggle "ωワ" group="Mouth" option="ωワ"
toggle "Λ" group="Mouth" option="Λ"
toggle "Δ" group="Mouth" option="Δ"
submenu "顔" {
toggle "頬染め" switch="Cheek"
toggle "涙" switch="Tears"
toggle "汗" switch="Sweat"
submenu "身体" {
radial "胸サイズ" parameter="Breasts"
toggle "TKB" switch="Nipples"
submenu "服装" {
toggle "裸足" group="Clothes" option="NoShoes"
toggle "ビキニ" group="Clothes" option="Bikini"
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