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Created February 10, 2011 21:54
Show Gist options
  • Save kballenegger/821427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kballenegger/821427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Adapted by Kenneth Ballenegger
// From
function arguments ($args) {
$endofoptions = false;
$ret = array(
'commands' => array(),
'options' => array(),
'flags' => array(),
'arguments' => array(),
while ($arg = array_shift($args)) {
// if we have reached end of options,
// we cast all remaining argvs as arguments
if ($endofoptions) {
$ret['arguments'][] = $arg;
// Is it a command? (prefixed with --)
if (substr($arg, 0, 2) === '--') {
// is it the end of options flag?
if (!isset($arg[3])) {
$endofoptions = true;; // end of options;
$value = "";
$com = substr($arg, 2);
// is it the syntax '--option=argument'?
if (strpos($com, '='))
list($com, $value) = split("=", $com, 2);
// is the option not followed by another option but by arguments
else if (strpos($args[0], '-') !== 0) {
while (strpos($args[0],'-') !== 0)
$value .= array_shift($args).' ';
$value = rtrim($value, ' ');
$ret['options'][$com] = !empty($value) ? $value : true;
// Is it a flag or a serial of flags? (prefixed with -)
if (substr($arg, 0, 1) === '-') {
for ($i = 1; isset($arg[$i]); $i++)
$ret['flags'][] = $arg[$i];
// finally, it is not option, nor flag, nor argument
$ret['commands'][] = $arg;
if (!count($ret['options']) && !count($ret['flags'])) {
$ret['arguments'] = array_merge($ret['commands'], $ret['arguments']);
$ret['commands'] = array();
return $ret;
require_once 'arguments.php';
require_once 'plist_parser.php';
$args = arguments($argv);
if(empty($args['arguments'])) {
echo "Pass in .bex timesheet as argument\n";
$timesheet_file = $args['arguments'][0];
$parser = new PlistParser();
$timesheet_data = $parser->parseFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$timesheet_file);
$slip = $timesheet_data['objects'][0];
$entries = $slip['timeEntries'];
foreach($entries as $entry) {
$create_date_timestamp = @strtotime($entry['createDate']);
$start_date_timestamp = @strtotime($entry['startDateTime']);
$end_date_timestamp = @strtotime($entry['endDateTime']);
$date = @date("m/d/Y", $create_date_timestamp);
$duration = $end_date_timestamp - $start_date_timestamp;
if ($duration>5) {
echo $date.",".$duration."s\n";
// Originally plistParser
// Forgot URL, use Google
class PlistParser extends XMLReader
public function parse($file) {
return $this->parseFile($file);
public function parseFile($file) {
if(basename($file) == $file) {
throw new Exception("Non-relative file path expected", 1);
$this->open("file://" . $file);
return $this->process();
public function parseString($string) {
return $this->process();
private function process() {
// plist's always start with a doctype, use it as a validity check
if($this->nodeType !== XMLReader::DOC_TYPE || $this->name !== "plist") {
throw new Exception(sprintf("Error parsing plist. nodeType: %d -- Name: %s", $this->nodeType, $this->name), 2);
// as one additional check, the first element node is always a plist
if(!$this->next("plist") || $this->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT || $this->name !== "plist") {
throw new Exception(sprintf("Error parsing plist. nodeType: %d -- Name: %s", $this->nodeType, $this->name), 3);
$plist = array();
while($this->read()) {
if($this->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {
$plist[] = $this->parse_node();
if(count($plist) == 1 && $plist[0]) {
// Most plists have a dict as their outer most tag
// So instead of returning an array with only one element
// return the contents of the dict instead
return $plist[0];
} else {
return $plist;
private function parse_node() {
// If not an element, nothing for us to do
if($this->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT) return;
switch($this->name) {
case 'data':
return base64_decode($this->getNodeText());
case 'real':
return floatval($this->getNodeText());
case 'string':
return $this->getNodeText();
case 'integer':
return intval($this->getNodeText());
case 'date':
return $this->getNodeText();
case 'true':
return true;
case 'false':
return false;
case 'array':
return $this->parse_array();
case 'dict':
return $this->parse_dict();
// per DTD, the above is the only valid types
throw new Exception(sprintf("Not a valid plist. %s is not a valid type", $this->name), 4);
private function parse_dict() {
$array = array();
do {
if($this->nodeType !== XMLReader::ELEMENT || $this->name !== "key") {
// If we aren't on a key, then jump to the next key
// per DTD, dicts have to have <key><somevalue> and nothing else
if(!$this->next("key")) {
// no more keys left so per DTD we are done with this dict
return $array;
$key = $this->getNodeText();
$array[$key] = $this->parse_node();
$this->nextOfType(XMLReader::ELEMENT, XMLReader::END_ELEMENT);
} while($this->nodeType && !$this->isNodeOfTypeName(XMLReader::END_ELEMENT, "dict"));
return $array;
private function parse_array() {
$array = array();
do {
$array[] = $this->parse_node();
// skip over any whitespace
$this->nextOfType(XMLReader::ELEMENT, XMLReader::END_ELEMENT);
} while($this->nodeType && !$this->isNodeOfTypeName(XMLReader::END_ELEMENT, "array"));
return $array;
private function getNodeText() {
$string = $this->readString();
// now gobble up everything up to the closing tag
return $string;
private function nextOfType() {
$types = func_get_args();
// skip to next
// check if it's one of the types requested and loop until it's one we want
while($this->nodeType && !(in_array($this->nodeType, $types))) {
// node isn't of type requested, so keep going
private function isNodeOfTypeName($type, $name) {
return $this->nodeType === $type && $this->name === $name;
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