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Last active August 18, 2016 08:39
Clojure defrecord, namespaces, and dashes vs underscores
user=> (ns my-ns)
my-ns=> (defrecord Outfit [shirt pants])
my-ns=> (ns clothes.outfit
#_=> (:require [my-ns])
#_=> (:import [my_ns Outfit])); note that we defined it in my-ns, but we have to use an underscore to import it
clothes.outfit=> (Outfit. "t-shirt" "jeans")
#my_ns.Outfit{:shirt "t-shirt", :pants "jeans"}
clothes.outfit=> (ns clothes.outfit
#_=> (:require [my-ns])
#_=> (:import [my-ns Outfit])) ; if we try to import it with a '-', like we defined it, we get a ClassNotFoundException
ClassNotFoundException my-ns.Outfit$ (
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Ya, this is weird. Why does it do this?

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