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Created June 3, 2012 16:07
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F# solution to "find connected subgraphs in graph" exercise
type 'a Node = 'a * 'a list
type 'a Graph = 'a Node list
let g = [('a', ['b'; 'd']); ('b', ['a'; 'c'; 'd']); ('c', ['b']); ('d', ['a'; 'b']); ('e', ['f']); ('f', ['e'])]
let findConnectedGraph (map : Map<'a, 'a list>) (firstVal : 'a) =
let rec walk (seen : 'a list) (tosearch : 'a list) =
let isSeen n =
seen |> List.exists (fun i -> i=n)
let notSeenOnly (nodes : 'a list) =
nodes |> List.filter (fun i -> not <| isSeen i)
let notSeenNeighbors = tosearch |> List.collect (fun i -> map.[i] |> notSeenOnly)
match tosearch with
| [] -> seen
| _ -> walk (seen @ notSeenNeighbors) notSeenNeighbors
walk [firstVal] [firstVal]
let findAllConnectedGraphs (g : 'a Graph) =
let map = Map.ofList g
let rec findAllConnectedGraphsWorker (availableNodes : 'a list) = [
let graph = findConnectedGraph map (availableNodes |> List.head)
yield graph
let remainingNodes = (Set.ofList availableNodes) - (Set.ofList graph)
if not (Set.isEmpty remainingNodes) then
yield! findAllConnectedGraphsWorker (Set.toList remainingNodes)
findAllConnectedGraphsWorker (g |> (fun i -> fst i))
let result = findAllConnectedGraphs g
printfn "RESULT: %A" result
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