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Last active April 20, 2021 18:15
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executing shell commands in python
# ref:
# 1. using os
import os
output = os.system('ls -l')
# 2. using subprocess
import subprocess
# this example writes a dictionary (dict_obj) to a text file
put = subprocess.Popen(["hdfs", "dfs", "-put", "-", file_path],
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
# this example captures output using 'cat'
file_current = subprocess.check_output(["hadoop", "fs", "-cat", file_path])
list_obj = filter(None, file_current.split(sep)) # split into array
# leverage an existing bash script
# first, make sure bash script is executable
d = 'path/to/dir''./ {d} png', shell=True)
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