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Last active March 14, 2019 07:33
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  • Save kbilsted/d0393cad42c7ec0812e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kbilsted/d0393cad42c7ec0812e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A keyboard remapping making it easier to program with nordic (DK, SE, NO) Qwerty keyboard layouts
; To use this script first install
; ------------------------------------------------------------
; This script remaps your keyboard so it is more convenient to code
; while under the slavery of the nordic QWERTY mapping
; The script will do the following
; * Remap alt-j, alt-k. alt-l. alt-i to become cursor movements
; * Remap å and ¨ to imulate the nice position of []{} on US-QWERTY
; * Remap alt-h to be ";\n" since that is a very frequent sequence for C#. Java, C, ... programmers
; Enjoy
; - Kasper Graversen, 2015
; Remove this line if you want it to run in all apps
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe devenv.exe
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Easy access to [] and {}
; Using this script over switching to US-QWERTY is advantageous
; since you still want access to eg. CTRL-å
; And you need not have multiple keyboards that potentially gets activated
; in other applications than VS
å::Send [
¨::Send ]
+å::Send {{}
+¨::Send {}}
; return & semi-colon
Send {;}
Send {Return}
; extra cursor keys.
Send {Left down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Left up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Left down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Left up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Right down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Right up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Right down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Right up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Up down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Up up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Up down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Up up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Down down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Down up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
Send {Down down} ; Hold down the left-arrow key.
KeyWait a ; Wait for the user to release the key.
Send {Down up} ; Release the left-arrow key.
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