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Created April 14, 2016 06:15
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace MarkDownTableReformatter
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var path = args[0];
var result = FormatBlock(File.ReadLines(path).ToArray());
var text = MakeString(result);
File.WriteAllText(path + "2", text, Encoding.UTF8);
private static string MakeString(List<List<string>> lines)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var line in lines)
foreach (var cell in line)
return sb.ToString();
private static List<List<string>> FormatBlock(string[] textLines)
var cellLines = textLines
.Select((x,i) => new {line=x.Trim(), lineno=i})
.Select(x => SplitLine(x.line, x.lineno))
var maxColumnCount = cellLines.Select(line => line.Count).Max();
NormalizeAllLinesToSameColumnCount(cellLines, maxColumnCount);
PadColumnsToSameWidth(maxColumnCount, cellLines);
return cellLines;
private static void PadColumnsToSameWidth(int maxColumnCount, List<List<string>> cellLines)
for (int col = 0; col < maxColumnCount; col++)
var maxColumnWidth = cellLines.Select(x => x[col].Length).Max();
foreach (var cellLine in cellLines)
cellLine[col] = PadColumnToWidth(cellLine, col, maxColumnWidth);
private static string PadColumnToWidth(List<string> cellLine, int col, int maxColumnWidth)
var cell = cellLine[col];
if (cell.Length < maxColumnWidth)
return cell.Substring(0, cell.Length - 1).PadRight(maxColumnWidth-1) + cell.Last();
return cell;
private static void NormalizeAllLinesToSameColumnCount(List<List<string>> cellLines, int maxColumns)
foreach (var cellLine in cellLines)
if (cellLine.Count < maxColumns)
for (int i = 0; i < maxColumns - cellLine.Count; i++)
private static List<string> SplitLine(string line, int lineno)
if (!line.StartsWith("^") && !line.StartsWith("|"))
throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot parse line. Needs to start with characters ^ or | at line {0}. Content: '{1}'", lineno, line));
char separator = line[0];
List<string> elements = new List<string>();
int pos = 1;
while (pos < line.Length)
var cell = GetCell(line, pos, separator, lineno);
pos += cell.Length;
elements.Add(" "+cell.Trim());
return elements;
private static string GetCell(string line, int pos, char separator, int lineno)
bool isInsideLinkScope = false;
for (int i = pos; i < line.Length; i++)
if (isInsideLinkScope)
if (line[i] == ']' && line.Length > i + 1 && line[i + 1] == ']')
isInsideLinkScope = false;
if (line[i] == '[' && line.Length > i + 1 && line[i + 1] == '[')
isInsideLinkScope = true;
if (line[i] == separator)
return line.Substring(pos, i - pos + 1);
if (isInsideLinkScope)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Did not find a closing link scope ']]' at line {0}", lineno));
throw new Exception(string.Format("Did not find a separator '{0}' for cell at line {1}", separator, lineno));
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