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Last active June 29, 2023 21:00
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This gist shows how to use iebaltab to generate statistics and use them
in customized tex tables instead of using the iebaltab's default output
* Set up mock data example
* In this mock example we test for differences in means in blood-pressure
* between men and women in Stata's built-in mock example data bplong.dta
* Load built-in example data on blood pressure
sysuse bplong.dta, clear
* See that sex has categories 0 and 1
* where 0 is male and 1 is female
tab sex, nol
* Run iebaltab
* Run iebaltab on blood pressure variable using gender as the group variable.
* Specified like this, iebaltab generates no output, but it stores all
* calculated stats in a return matrix, where each row is a balance variable
* and each columns is a statistic
iebaltab bp, groupvar(sex)
* Save the restuls matrix in a matrix that is not a return value
mat iebt_mat = r(iebtab_rmat)
* Display the matrix. Row name correspond to the balance variable.
* Column name are on format value_group or value_pair.
* So mean_0 is the mean for obs with groupvar==0,
* and diff_1_0 is the diff between groups with groupvar==0 and groupvar==1.
mat list iebt_mat
* Access values from the return matrix
* Its possible to access items by row and column index
di iebt_mat[1,3]
* A more verbose but also more human readable way to access values is
* to use rownumb() and colnum() to access items by name.
local row = rownumb(iebt_mat,"bp") //Get row for var bp
di el(iebt_mat,`row',colnumb(iebt_mat,"mean_0"))
* You can store these values in locals
* Build a loop around this section if using several variables
local bp_m0 = el(iebt_mat,`row',colnumb(iebt_mat,"mean_0"))
local bp_m1 = el(iebt_mat,`row',colnumb(iebt_mat,"mean_1"))
local bp_d0_1 = el(iebt_mat,`row',colnumb(iebt_mat,"diff_0_1"))
local bp_p0_1 = el(iebt_mat,`row',colnumb(iebt_mat,"p_0_1"))
di "`bp_m0'" // mean groupvar == 0
di "`bp_m1'" // mean groupvar == 1
di "`bp_d0_1'" // diff between groupvar == 0 and == 1
di "`bp_p0_1'" // P-value for diff being significant
* Manually build a custom latex table
* The rest of the code use these locals to manually build a tex table
*Create a temporary texfile
tempname texhandle
tempfile textmpfile
* Add results to one tex table row - any formatting needed is not included here
* Build a loop around this section if using several variables
local texrow_bp "bp & `bp_m0' & `bp_m1' & `bp_d0_1' & `bp_p0_1'"
* Write this comment at the top of each tex file
file open `texhandle' using "`textmpfile'", text write
file write `texhandle' ///
"\documentclass{article}" _n ///
"\begin{document}" _n ///
"\begin{table}" _n ///
"\begin{tabular}{lcccc}" _n ///
"\\[-1.8ex]\hline \hline \\[-1.8ex]" _n ///
"Variable & Male & Female & Difference & P Value \\" _n ///
"\hline \\[-1.8ex]" _n ///
"`texrow_bp' \\" _n ///
"\hline \\[-1.8ex]" _n ///
"\end{tabular}" _n ///
"\end{table}" _n ///
"\end{document}" _n
file close `texhandle'
* Write temporay tex file to disk and prepare success string
local output_tex_file "/write/your/path/and/filename/here.tex"
copy "`textmpfile'" "`output_tex_file'" , replace
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