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Created November 28, 2014 09:51
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Save kbob/045978eb044be88fe568 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Polyphase decimation filter.
// Convert an oversampled audio stream to non-oversampled. Uses a
// windowed sinc FIR filter w/ Blackman window to control aliasing.
// Christian Floisand's 'blog explains it very well.
// This version has a very simple main processing loop (the decimate
// method) which vectorizes easily.
// Refs:
class Decimator {
void initialize(double decimatedSampleRate,
double passFrequency,
unsigned oversampleRatio);
double oversampleRate() const { return mOversampleRate; }
int oversampleRatio() const { return mRatio; }
void decimate(float *in, float *out, size_t outCount);
// N.B., input must have (ratio * outCount) samples.
double mDecimatedSampleRate;
double mOversampleRate;
int mRatio; // oversample ratio
float *mKernel;
size_t mKernelSize;
float *mShift; // shift register
size_t mCursor;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: mKernel(NULL),
delete [] mKernel;
delete [] mShift;
void Decimator::initialize(double decimatedSampleRate,
double passFrequency,
unsigned oversampleRatio)
mDecimatedSampleRate = decimatedSampleRate;
mRatio = oversampleRatio;
mOversampleRate = decimatedSampleRate * oversampleRatio;
double NyquistFreq = decimatedSampleRate / 2;
assert(passFrequency < NyquistFreq);
// See DSP Guide.
double Fc = (NyquistFreq + passFrequency) / 2 / mOversampleRate;
double BW = (NyquistFreq - passFrequency) / mOversampleRate;
int M = ceil(4 / BW);
if (M % 2) M++;
size_t activeKernelSize = M + 1;
size_t inactiveSize = mRatio - activeKernelSize % mRatio;
mKernelSize = activeKernelSize + inactiveSize;
// DSP Guide uses approx. values. Got these from Wikipedia.
double a0 = 7938. / 18608., a1 = 9240. / 18608., a2 = 1430. / 18608.;
// Allocate and initialize the FIR filter kernel.
delete [] mKernel;
mKernel = new float[mKernelSize];
double gain = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inactiveSize; i++)
mKernel[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < activeKernelSize; i++) {
double y;
if (i == M/2)
y = 2 * M_PI * Fc;
y = (sin(2 * M_PI * Fc * (i - M / 2)) / (i - M / 2) *
(a0 - a1 * cos(2 * M_PI * i/ M) + a2 * cos(4 * M_PI / M)));
gain += y;
mKernel[inactiveSize + i] = y;
// Adjust the kernel for unity gain.
float inv_gain = 1 / gain;
for (size_t i = inactiveSize; i < mKernelSize; i++)
mKernel[i] *= inv_gain;
// Allocate and clear the shift register.
delete [] mShift;
mShift = new float[mKernelSize];
for (size_t i = 0; i < mKernelSize; i++)
mShift[i] = 0;
mCursor = 0;
// The filter kernel is linear. Coefficients for oldest samples
// are on the left; newest on the right.
// The shift register is circular. Oldest samples are at cursor;
// newest are just left of cursor.
// We have to do the multiply-accumulate in two pieces.
// Kernel
// +------------+----------------+
// | 0 .. n-c-1 | n-c .. n-1 |
// +------------+----------------+
// ^ ^ ^
// 0 n-c n
// Shift Register
// +----------------+------------+
// | n-c .. n-1 | 0 .. n-c-1 |
// +----------------+------------+
// ^ ^ ^
// mShift shiftp n
void Decimator::decimate(float *in, float *out, size_t outCount)
assert(!(mCursor % mRatio));
assert(mCursor < mKernelSize);
size_t cursor = mCursor;
float *inp = in;
float *shiftp = mShift + cursor;
for (size_t i = 0; i < outCount; i++) {
// Insert mRatio input samples at cursor.
for (size_t j = 0; j < mRatio; j++)
*shiftp++ = *inp++;
if ((cursor += mRatio) == mKernelSize) {
cursor = 0;
shiftp = mShift;
// Calculate one output sample.
double acc = 0;
size_t size0 = mKernelSize - cursor;
size_t size1 = cursor;
const float *kernel1 = mKernel + size0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < size0; j++)
acc += shiftp[j] * mKernel[j];
for (size_t j = 0; j < size1; j++)
acc += mShift[j] * kernel1[j];
out[i] = acc;
mCursor = cursor;
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