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Last active September 25, 2022 02:48
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#!/usr/bin/env bb
(deps/add-deps '{:deps {com.github.kbosompem/bb-excel {:mvn/version "0.0.3-SNAPSHOT"}}})
(ns bbexcel
(:require [bb-excel.core :refer [get-sheets]]
[ :refer [make-parents]]
[ :refer [parse-opts]]
[clojure.string :refer [split join lower-case trim] :as str]
[clojure.pprint :refer [print-table]])
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn left
"Takes up to n characters from a string"
[s n]
(cond (and s (string? s))
(subs s 0 (max 0 (min (count s) n)))
(coll? s) (take n s)))
(defn skeyword
"Sanitizes column headers and converts them to keywords.
1. Removes slashes and spaces
2. Lower cases
3. Takes up to 50 characters
4. Replaces non-ascii characters with an underscore.
**Not appropriate for foreign language headers"
(str/replace (trim (lower-case (str s))) #"[\[\]]" "")
#"[^A-Za-z0-9\-]+" "_") 50)))
(def fxns
"Map of functions"
{:str str
"str" str
:keyword keyword
"keyword" keyword
:skeyword skeyword
"skeyword" skeyword
nil str})
(defn bbexcel
"Extract Excel Sheets into EDN"
[input output options]
(or (nil? input) (nil? output))
(make-parents output)
(spit output (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint (get-sheets input options))))))
(def cli-options
"Command Line Options"
[["-d" "--hdr" "Use Header Row"]
["-r" "--row r" "Start Row"
:parse-fn #(parse-long %)
:desc "Start Row"]
["-n" "--rows s" "End Row"
:parse-fn #(parse-long %)
:desc "End Row"]
["-f" "--fxn f" "Function"
:parse-fn fxns
:desc "Parser"]
["-s" "--sheet x" "Sheet"
:desc "Sheet Name"]
["-p" "--print"
:desc "Print Tables"]
["-c" "--columns c"
:parse-fn #(map keyword (split % #" "))
:desc "Columns"]
["-h" "--help"]])
(defn error-msg
"Error messages"
(str "The following errors occurred while parsing your command:\n"
(join \newline errors)))
(defn help
"Command line options"
(->> ["bbexcel"
"Usage: bb input-file output-file options"
"Please refer to the manual page for more information."]
(join \newline)))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors]}
(parse-opts (first args) cli-options)
[input output] arguments]
errors (println (error-msg errors))
(and (empty? options) (nil? output)) (println (help summary))
(or (nil? (first args))
(:help options)) (println (help summary))
(:print options) (doseq [y (get-sheets input options)]
(println :SHEET= (:name y))
(print-table (:sheet y)))
:else (bbexcel input output options))))
(-main *command-line-args*)
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