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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save kbourgoin/8bb47358c98806f05548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kbourgoin/8bb47358c98806f05548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# First, lets make some (slightly) malicious code I want to run.
# The import proves we could delete the entire disk, but really we have
# access to the whole machine if we can import anything we want.
code = """import shutil
print "\tI could have just done bad things"
# Obviously you're scanning for "import", so let's obfuscate a little bit.
# I use a rot13 cipher because it's easy, but any two-way cipher
# is sufficient to hide what we're really doing.
code = code.replace('\n', ';').encode('rot13')
# Now, all I need to do is submit this as my "job code" to be run
job_code = 'exec("""{}""".encode("rot13"))'.format(code)
print "I'm going to run some code, how bad could this be?"
print 'Running: "{}"'.format(job_code)
print 'Result:'
# You could be stripping exec and eval too, so let's see if we can get around that.
exec_str = 'execfile'.encode('rot13')
wrapper = """import tempfile
fun = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
print '\tI just wrote some code to {{}}'.format(
fn = getattr(locals()['__builtins__'], '{}'.encode('rot13'))
""".replace('\n', ';').format(code, exec_str)
print "This code doesn't eval or exec. Has to be good, right?"
print 'Running: "{}"'.format(wrapper)
print 'Result: '
I'm going to run some code, how bad could this be?
Running: "exec("""vzcbeg fuhgvy;cevag " V pbhyq unir whfg qbar onq guvatf";""".encode("rot13"))"
I could have just done bad things
This code doesn't eval or exec. Has to be good, right?
Running: "import tempfile;fun = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile();fun.write('vzcbeg fuhgvy;cevag " V pbhyq unir whfg qbar onq guvatf";'.encode('rot13'));fun.flush();print ' I just wrote some code to {}'.format(;fn = getattr(locals()['__builtins__'], 'rkrpsvyr'.encode('rot13'));fn(;"
I just wrote some code to /tmp/tmpkCQChX
I could have just done bad things
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