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Last active December 22, 2016 22:27
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  • Save kbs5280/c30a0529bc0d115b8647e1590f3b3119 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kbs5280/c30a0529bc0d115b8647e1590f3b3119 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Setup for Ruby using Homebrew Setup for Ruby using Homebrew

contributions by Kris Sparks and Brian Sayler

Open your terminal and enter: brew install exercism

If you don't have an account, create one on It's easiest to log in with GitHub.

Log into the -> click your profile in the top right -> click on API key -> copy and paste the code into your terminal.

Once you have the API key set up ->

Run exercism fetch ruby from the command line, and it will save down the first exercise to an ~/exercism directory.

You will see a file ~/exercism/hello-world/ and ~/exercism/hello-world/

The first task is to write a file called hello_world.rb and get all the tests to pass in hello_world_test.rb

After each test passes, remove the 'skip' from the next test until all the tests are passing.

Once you get the test passing (don't forget to check for 'skips') you can push a submission of the exercise to the website with the command exercism submit hello_world.rb

Only submit the file you wrote, not the test file. You can submit muliple files.

Then run exercism fetch to grab the next exercise.

If you want to pull down a specific exercise ->

You can view this list of exercises.

Run exercism fetch ruby <exercise-name>

Here is a full list of languages

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