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Last active November 23, 2021 19:05
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from contextlib import contextmanager
import llvmlite.binding as llvm
import numba
import numpy as np
from numba import prange
from import compile_function_src
def use_optimized_cheap_pass(*args, **kwargs):
"""Temporarily replace the cheap optimization pass with a better one.
with use_optimized_cheap_pass():
# Compile Numba function...
from numba.core.registry import cpu_target
context = cpu_target.target_context._internal_codegen
old_pm = context._mpm_cheap
new_pm = context._module_pass_manager(
loop_vectorize=True, slp_vectorize=True, opt=3, cost="cheap"
context._mpm_cheap = new_pm
context._mpm_cheap = old_pm
test_array = np.random.random(size=(5, 5, 5))
axis = 1
ndim = 3
result_shape = (5, 5)
total_size =
result_size = int(total_size / test_array.shape[axis])
reduce_elemwise_fn_name = f"_reduce_elemwise"
global_dict = {"prange":prange}
res_cells = ""
arr_cells = ""
count = 0
for i in range(ndim):
if i==axis:
arr_cells += "[i]"
res_cells += f"[idx_arr[{count}]]"
arr_cells += f"[idx_arr[{count}]]"
count = count + 1
reduce_elemwise_def_src = f"""
def {reduce_elemwise_fn_name}(res, x, axis, idx_arr):
for i in range(x.shape[axis]):
res{res_cells} = max(res{res_cells}, x{arr_cells})
print("Generated function: ")
reduce_elemwise_fn_py = compile_function_src(reduce_elemwise_def_src, reduce_elemwise_fn_name, global_dict)
reduce_elemwise_fn = numba.njit(reduce_elemwise_fn_py)
@numba.njit(boundscheck=False, fastmath=True)
def careduce_axis(x, axis):
res = np.full(result_shape, -np.inf, dtype=np.float64)
for m in np.ndindex(result_shape):
reduce_elemwise_fn(res, x, axis, m)
return res
with use_optimized_cheap_pass():
numba_res = careduce_axis(test_array, axis)
np_res = np.max(test_array, axis=axis)
assert np.array_equal(numba_res, np_res)
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