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Created November 29, 2011 20:28
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Gaussian Processes demo
% All based on Rasmussen and Williams.
N = 1000;
lo=0; hi=5;
x = linspace(lo, hi, N);
%xn = [2, 2.5, 3]';
%yn = [-1.9, -2, -1.9]';
xn = ([-4, -3, -1, 0, 2]'+5)/2;
yn = [-2, 0, 1, 2, -1]';
% alphas = [100]; aa = length(alphas);
% ells = [1]; ll = length(ells);
alphas = 10.^(-2:2); aa = length(alphas);
ells = 10.^(-2:2); ll = length(ells);
for i=1:3; figure(i); clf; end
for j=1:ll
for i=1:aa
alpha = alphas(i); ell = ells(j);
cov = @(r) alpha*exp(-1/(2*ell^2)*r.^2);
[P,Q] = ndgrid(x, x);
KStarStar = cov(P-Q) + 1e-6*eye(N);
KStarStarChol = chol(KStarStar,'lower');
% Plot the unconditioned draws.
subplot(aa, ll, ll*(i-1)+j)
%subaxis(aa, ll, j, i, 'Spacing', 0.03, 'Padding', 0, 'Margin', 0.03)
for k=1:10
hold on
if j==1; ylabel(sprintf('$\\alpha$=%g', alpha), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
if i==aa; xlabel(sprintf('$\\ell$=%g', ell), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
xlim([lo, hi])
% Plot mixtures
subplot(aa, ll, ll*(i-1)+j)
%subaxis(aa, ll, j, i, 'Spacing', 0.03, 'Padding', 0, 'Margin', 0.03)
s1 = KStarStarChol*randn(N,1);
s2 = KStarStarChol*randn(N,1);
for theta=linspace(-pi, pi,10)
plot(x, s1*cos(theta) + s2*sin(theta))
hold on
plot(x, s1, 'r')
plot(x, s2, 'r')
if j==1; ylabel(sprintf('$\\alpha$=%g', alpha), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
if i==aa; xlabel(sprintf('$\\ell$=%g', ell), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
xlim([lo, hi])
% Compute predictive distributions
[P,Q] = ndgrid(xn, xn);
K = cov(P-Q) + 1e-6*eye(length(xn));
Kchol = chol(K,'lower');
% vecAlpha = (K + sigma^2 I)^-1 * yn
vecAlpha = Kchol' \ (Kchol \ yn);
[P,Q] = ndgrid(xn, x);
Kstar = cov(P-Q);
predictiveMean = Kstar'*vecAlpha;
vecV = Kchol \ Kstar;
predictiveVar = KStarStar - vecV'*vecV;
varChol = chol(predictiveVar+1e-6*eye(N), 'lower');
logLikelihood = -(.5*yn'*vecAlpha + sum(log(diag(Kchol))) + length(xn)/2*log(2*pi));
% Plot samples from predictive distributions
%subaxis(aa, ll, j, i, 'Spacing', 0.03, 'Padding', 0, 'Margin', 0.03)
subplot(aa, ll, ll*(i-1)+j)
v_ = zeros(N,1);
for q=1:N
[P,Q] = ndgrid(xn, x(q));
vecVV = Kchol\cov(P-Q);
v_(q) = 1e-6 - vecVV'*vecVV;
v_ = 1e-6+diag(predictiveVar);
fill([x'; flipud(x')],[predictiveMean+2*sqrt(v_); flipud(predictiveMean-2*sqrt(v_))], [.5 .5 .5])
hold on
for sample=1:10
plot(x, predictiveMean+varChol*randn(N,1));
plot(xn, yn, 'xr')
plot(x, predictiveMean, 'g')
title(sprintf('LL=%g', logLikelihood))
if j==1; ylabel(sprintf('$\\alpha$=%g', alpha), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
if i==aa; xlabel(sprintf('$\\ell$=%g', ell), 'interpreter', 'latex'); end
xlim([lo, hi])
for fig=1:3; figure(fig); set(gca, 'xtickMode', 'auto'); end
figure(1); save_tight_pdf('GPdraws.pdf', 8, 6)
figure(2); save_tight_pdf('GPblends.pdf', 8, 6)
figure(3); save_tight_pdf('GPconditional.pdf', 8, 6)
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