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Created September 25, 2022 10:35
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potential bug with fh for in-sample prediction with forecasters that require fh in fit.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# copyright: sktime developers, BSD-3-Clause License (see LICENSE file)
"""Implements the probabilistic Squaring Residuals forecaster."""
__all__ = ["SquaringResiduals"]
__author__ = ["kcc-lion"]
from warnings import warn
import pandas as pd
from sktime.datatypes._convert import convert_to
from sktime.forecasting.base import BaseForecaster, ForecastingHorizon
from sktime.forecasting.model_selection import ExpandingWindowSplitter
from sktime.forecasting.naive import NaiveForecaster
class SquaringResiduals(BaseForecaster):
r"""Compute the prediction variance based on a separate forecaster.
Wraps a `forecaster` with another `residual_forecaster` object that
allows for quantile and interval estimation by fitting the
`residual_forecaster` to the rolling residuals.
Fitting proceeds as follows:
Let :math:`t_1, \dots, t_N` be the train set.
Let `steps_ahead` be a positive integer indicating the steps ahead
we want to forecast the residuals. Let `initial_window` be
the minimal number of observations to which the forecaster is fitted.
1. For :math:`i = initial\_window, \dots, N - steps\_ahead`
a. Train/Update forecaster A on :math:`y(t_1), \dots, y(t_i)`
b. Make point prediction for :math:`t_{i+steps\_ahead}` to get
c. Compute the residual for :math:`t_{i+steps\_ahead}` as
:math:`r(t_{i+steps\_ahead}) := y(t_{i+steps\_ahead})
- \hat{y}(t_{i+steps\_ahead})`
d. Compute :math:`e(t_{i+steps\_ahead}) := h(r(t_{i+steps\_ahead}))`
where :math:`h(x)` is given by :math:`strategy`
2. Train `residual_forecaster` on
:math:`e(t_{initial\_window+steps\_ahead}), \dots, e(t_{N})`
Prediction for :math:`t_{N+steps\_ahead}` is done as follows:
1. Use `forecaster` to predict location param :math:`\hat{y}(t_{N+steps\_ahead})`
2. Use `residual_forecaster` to predict scale param :math:`e(t_{N+steps\_ahead})`
3. Calculate prediction intervals based on e.g. normal assumption
:math:`N(\hat{y}(t_{N+steps\_ahead}), e(t_{N+steps\_ahead}))`
forecaster : sktime forecaster, BaseForecaster descendant, optional
Estimator to which probabilistic forecasts are being added
residual_forecaster : sktime forecaster, BaseForecaster descendant, optional
Estimator which is fitted to the residuals of forecaster
initial_window : int, optional, default=2
Size of initial_window to which forecaster is fitted
steps_ahead : int, optional, default=1
Steps ahead for which we predict the residuals
strategy : str, optional, default='square'
Function applied to the residuals
distr : str, optional, default='norm'
Distributional assumption (["norm", "laplace", "t", "cauchy"])
distr_kwargs : dict, optional
Additional arguments required by the distribution
>>> from sktime.datasets import load_macroeconomic
>>> from sktime.forecasting.base import ForecastingHorizon
>>> from sktime.forecasting.naive import NaiveForecaster
>>> from sktime.forecasting.theta import ThetaForecaster
>>> from sktime.forecasting.squaring_residuals import SquaringResiduals
>>> fc = NaiveForecaster()
>>> var_fc = ThetaForecaster()
>>> y = load_macroeconomic().realgdp
>>> sqr = SquaringResiduals(forecaster=fc, residual_forecaster=var_fc)
>>> fh = ForecastingHorizon(values=[1, 2, 3])
>>> sqr =, fh=fh)
>>> pred_interval = sqr.predict_interval(coverage=0.95)
_tags = {
"scitype:y": "univariate", # which y are fine? univariate/multivariate/both
"ignores-exogeneous-X": True, # does estimator ignore the exogeneous X?
"handles-missing-data": False, # can estimator handle missing data?
"y_inner_mtype": "pd.Series", # which types do _fit, _predict, assume for y?
"X_inner_mtype": "pd.DataFrame", # which types do _fit, _predict, assume for X?
"requires-fh-in-fit": True, # is forecasting horizon already required in fit?
"X-y-must-have-same-index": True, # can estimator handle different X/y index?
"enforce_index_type": None, # index type that needs to be enforced in X/y
"capability:pred_int": True, # does forecaster implement proba forecasts?
"python_version": None, # PEP 440 python version specifier to limit versions
def __init__(
self.forecaster = forecaster
self.residual_forecaster = residual_forecaster
self.strategy = strategy
self.initial_window = initial_window
self.distr = distr
self.distr_kwargs = distr_kwargs
super(SquaringResiduals, self).__init__()
assert self.distr in ["norm", "laplace", "t", "cauchy"]
assert self.strategy in ["square", "abs"]
assert self.initial_window >= 1, (
"Initial window should be larger or equal" " to one"
if self.forecaster is None:
self.forecaster = NaiveForecaster()
if self.residual_forecaster is None:
self.residual_forecaster = NaiveForecaster()
def _fit(self, y, X=None, fh=None):
"""Fit forecaster to training data.
private _fit containing the core logic, called from fit
Writes to self:
Sets fitted model attributes ending in "_".
y : guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("y_inner_mtype")
Time series to which to fit the forecaster.
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="univariate":
guaranteed to have a single column/variable
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="multivariate":
guaranteed to have 2 or more columns
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="both": no restrictions apply
fh : guaranteed to be ForecastingHorizon or None, optional (default=None)
The forecasting horizon with the steps ahead to to predict.
Required (non-optional) here if self.get_tag("requires-fh-in-fit")==True
Otherwise, if not passed in _fit, guaranteed to be passed in _predict
X : optional (default=None)
guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("X_inner_mtype")
Exogeneous time series to fit to.
self : reference to self
fh_rel = fh.to_relative(self.cutoff)
self._res_forecasters = {}
self._residual_forecaster_ = self.residual_forecaster.clone()
self._forecaster_ = self.forecaster.clone()
y = convert_to(y, "pd.Series")
cv = ExpandingWindowSplitter(initial_window=self.initial_window, fh=fh_rel)[: self.initial_window], X=X)
y_pred = self._forecaster_.update_predict(y=y, cv=cv, X=X, update_params=True)
for step_ahead in fh_rel:
if isinstance(y.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
fh_current = ForecastingHorizon(step_ahead, freq=y.index.freq)
fh_current = ForecastingHorizon(step_ahead)
# create current prediction series
if len(fh_rel) == 1:
y_pred_current = y_pred
y_pred_current = []
y_pred_current_index = []
for col in y_pred.columns:
fh_current_abs = fh_current.to_absolute(col)
y_pred_current.append([fh_current_abs[0], col])
y_pred_current = pd.Series(
data=y_pred_current, index=y_pred_current_index
# get residuals
y_step = y[y_pred_current.index]
residuals = y_step - y_pred_current
if self.strategy == "square":
residuals = residuals**2
residuals = residuals.abs()
# residuals.index = y_step_index
if isinstance(residuals.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
residuals = residuals.asfreq(y.index.freq)
# fit to residuals
self._res_step_forecaster_ = self.residual_forecaster.clone()
self._res_forecasters[step_ahead] = self._res_step_forecaster_
return self
def _predict(self, fh, X=None):
"""Forecast time series at future horizon.
private _predict containing the core logic, called from predict
State required:
Requires state to be "fitted".
Accesses in self:
Fitted model attributes ending in "_"
fh : guaranteed to be ForecastingHorizon or None, optional (default=None)
The forecasting horizon with the steps ahead to to predict.
If not passed in _fit, guaranteed to be passed here
X : optional (default=None)
guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("X_inner_mtype")
Exogeneous time series for the forecast
y_pred : pd.Series
Point predictions
y_pred = self._forecaster_.predict(X=X, fh=fh)
return y_pred
def _update(self, y, X=None, update_params=True):
"""Update time series to incremental training data.
private _update containing the core logic, called from update
State required:
Requires state to be "fitted".
Accesses in self:
Fitted model attributes ending in "_"
Writes to self:
Sets fitted model attributes ending in "_", if update_params=True.
Does not write to self if update_params=False.
y : guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("y_inner_mtype")
Time series with which to update the forecaster.
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="univariate":
guaranteed to have a single column/variable
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="multivariate":
guaranteed to have 2 or more columns
if self.get_tag("scitype:y")=="both": no restrictions apply
X : optional (default=None)
guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("X_inner_mtype")
Exogeneous time series for the forecast
update_params : bool, optional (default=True)
whether model parameters should be updated
self : reference to self
self._forecaster_.update(X=X, y=y, update_params=update_params)
for forecaster in self._res_forecasters.values():
forecaster.update(X=X, y=y, update_params=update_params)
return self
def _predict_quantiles(self, fh, X=None, alpha=None):
"""Compute/return prediction quantiles for a forecast.
private _predict_quantiles containing the core logic,
called from predict_quantiles and possibly predict_interval
State required:
Requires state to be "fitted".
Accesses in self:
Fitted model attributes ending in "_"
fh : guaranteed to be ForecastingHorizon
The forecasting horizon with the steps ahead to to predict.
X : optional (default=None)
guaranteed to be of a type in self.get_tag("X_inner_mtype")
Exogeneous time series for the forecast
alpha : list of float (guaranteed not None and floats in [0,1] interval)
A list of probabilities at which quantile forecasts are computed.
quantiles : pd.DataFrame
Column has multi-index: first level is variable name from y in fit,
second level being the values of alpha passed to the function.
Row index is fh, with additional (upper) levels equal to instance levels,
from y seen in fit, if y_inner_mtype is Panel or Hierarchical.
Entries are quantile forecasts, for var in col index,
at quantile probability in second col index, for the row index.
eval(f"exec('from scipy.stats import {self.distr}')")
fh_abs = fh.to_absolute(self.cutoff)
y_pred = self._forecaster_.predict(fh=fh_abs, X=X)
pred_var = self._predict_var(fh=fh, X=X)
if self.distr_kwargs is not None:
z_scores = eval(self.distr).ppf(alpha, **self.distr_kwargs)
z_scores = eval(self.distr).ppf(alpha)
errors = [pred_var * z for z in z_scores]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["Quantiles"], alpha])
pred_quantiles = pd.DataFrame(columns=index)
for a, error in zip(alpha, errors):
pred_quantiles[("Quantiles", a)] = y_pred + error
pred_quantiles.index = fh_abs
return pred_quantiles
def _predict_var(self, fh, X=None, cov=False):
"""Compute/return prediction variance for a forecast.
Must be run *after* the forecaster has been fitted.
fh : int, list, np.array or ForecastingHorizon
Forecasting horizon
X : pd.DataFrame, optional (default=None)
Exogenous time series
cov : bool, optional (default=False)
If True, return the covariance matrix.
If False, return the marginal variance.
pred_var :
if cov=False, pd.DataFrame with index fh.
a vector of same length as fh with predictive marginal variances;
if cov=True, pd.DataFrame with index fh and columns fh.
a square matrix of size len(fh) with predictive covariance matrix.
if cov:
warn(f"cov={cov} is not supported. Defaulting to cov=False instead.")
fh_abs = fh.to_absolute(self.cutoff)
fh_rel = fh.to_relative(self.cutoff)
pred_var = pd.Series(index=fh_rel)
for el in fh_rel:[el] = self._res_forecasters[el].predict(fh=el)[0]
if self.strategy == "square":
pred_var = pred_var**0.5
pred_var.index = fh_abs
return pred_var
def get_test_params(cls, parameter_set="default"):
"""Return testing parameter settings for the estimator.
parameter_set : str, default="default"
Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no
special parameters are defined for a value, will return `"default"` set.
There are currently no reserved values for forecasters.
params : dict or list of dict, default = {}
Parameters to create testing instances of the class
Each dict are parameters to construct an "interesting" test instance, i.e.,
`MyClass(**params)` or `MyClass(**params[i])` creates a valid test instance.
`create_test_instance` uses the first (or only) dictionary in `params`
from sktime.forecasting.croston import Croston
params = [
"forecaster": Croston(),
"residual_forecaster": Croston(),
"initial_window": 2,
"distr": "t",
"distr_kwargs": {"df": 21},
return params
if __name__ == "__main__":
from sktime.utils.estimator_checks import check_estimator
print(check_estimator(SquaringResiduals, fixtures_to_run='test_predict_residuals[SquaringResiduals-y:1cols-fh=1-int-int-True]', return_exceptions=False))
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