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Last active April 26, 2016 17:13
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Quick implementation of a segment tree with fast range mconcat
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module FRM
( FastRangeMconcat
, fromVector
, toVector
, (!), (!?)
, mconcatRange, mconcatRange'
, update
) where
import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as VM
newtype FastRangeMconcat a = FRM (V.Vector a)
instance Eq a => Eq (FastRangeMconcat a) where
(==) = (==) `on` toVector
instance Ord a => Ord (FastRangeMconcat a) where
compare = compare `on` toVector
instance Show a => Show (FastRangeMconcat a) where
show = show . toVector
instance Foldable FastRangeMconcat where
fold v = mconcatRange 0 (length v) v -- O(1)
null (FRM v) = V.null v -- O(1)
length (FRM v) = V.length v `div` 2 -- O(1)
foldMap f = foldMap f . toVector
foldr f i = foldr f i . toVector
foldr' f i = foldr' f i . toVector
foldl f i = foldl f i . toVector
foldl' f i = foldl' f i . toVector
foldr1 f = foldr1 f . toVector
foldl1 f = foldl1 f . toVector
toList = V.toList . toVector
elem a = elem a . toVector
maximum = maximum . toVector
minimum = minimum . toVector
sum = sum . toVector
product = product . toVector
fromVector :: (Monoid a) => V.Vector a -> FastRangeMconcat a
fromVector arr = FRM $ V.constructrN (n * 2) go
where n = V.length arr
go v | V.length v < n = arr V.! (n - 1 - V.length v)
| V.length v < n * 2 = let i = n * 2 - V.length v - 1
lc = i * 2
rc = lc + 1
lc' = lc - (n * 2 - V.length v)
rc' = rc - (n * 2 - V.length v)
in v V.! lc' <> v V.! rc'
| otherwise = mempty
fromVector' :: forall a. (Monoid a) => V.Vector a -> FastRangeMconcat a
fromVector' arr = FRM (V.create act)
where act :: ST s (VM.MVector s a)
act = do
arr' <- V.thaw arr
tree <- VGM.growFront arr' (V.length arr)
build tree
where build tree = loop (V.length arr - 1) >> return tree
where loop !i = CM.when (i > 0) $ do
lc <- tree (i * 2)
rc <- tree (i * 2 + 1)
VGM.write tree i (lc <> rc)
loop (i - 1)
toVector :: FastRangeMconcat a -> V.Vector a
toVector (FRM v) = V.slice n n v
where n = V.length v `div` 2
{-# INLINE toVector #-}
(!) :: FastRangeMconcat a -> Int -> a
(!) t i = fromMaybe (error "index out of range") (t !? i)
{-# INLINE (!) #-}
(!?) :: FastRangeMconcat a -> Int -> Maybe a
(FRM v) !? i
| 0 <= i && i < n = Just (v V.! (i + n))
| otherwise = Nothing
where n = V.length v `div` 2
{-# INLINE (!?) #-}
mconcatRange :: (Monoid a) => Int -> Int -> FastRangeMconcat a -> a
mconcatRange l r t = fromMaybe (error "index out of range") (mconcatRange' l r t)
{-# INLINE mconcatRange #-}
mconcatRange' :: (Monoid a) => Int -> Int -> FastRangeMconcat a -> Maybe a
mconcatRange' l r (FRM v)
| 0 <= l && l < n && 0 <= r && r < n = mconcatRangeImpl v (l + n) (r + n) mempty mempty
| otherwise = Nothing
where n = V.length v `div` 2
{-# INLINE mconcatRange' #-}
mconcatRangeImpl :: (Monoid a) => V.Vector a -> Int -> Int -> a -> a -> Maybe a
mconcatRangeImpl !v = loop
where loop !l !r !rvL !rvR =
if l < r then do
let (!l', !rvL') = if testBit l 0 then ((l + 1) `div` 2, rvL <> (v V.! l)) else (l `div` 2, rvL)
let (!r', !rvR') = if testBit r 0 then ((r - 1) `div` 2, (v V.! (r - 1)) <> rvR) else (r `div` 2, rvR)
loop l' r' rvL' rvR'
else return $! (rvL <> rvR)
{-# INLINE mconcatRangeImpl #-}
update :: (Monoid a) => Int -> a -> FastRangeMconcat a -> FastRangeMconcat a
update i a (FRM v) | 0 <= i && i < n = FRM (V.modify action v)
| otherwise = FRM v
where n = V.length v `div` 2
action tree = do
VGM.write tree (i + n) a
loop (i + n)
where loop !p = CM.when (p > 1) $ do
lc <- tree p
rc <- tree (p `xor` 1)
VGM.write tree (p `div` 2) (lc <> rc)
loop (p `div` 2)
{-# INLINE update #-}
-- Properties for Testing --
prop_canRoundTripToVectorFromVector :: [String] -> Bool
prop_canRoundTripToVectorFromVector (V.fromList -> v) = v == toVector (fromVector v)
prop_constructrNSameAsMutable :: [String] -> Bool
prop_constructrNSameAsMutable (V.fromList -> v) = fromVector v == fromVector' v
prop_rangeMconcatSameAsSlow :: [String] -> Int -> Int -> Bool
prop_rangeMconcatSameAsSlow (V.fromList -> v) i j = let t = fromVector v in naiveMconcatRange i j == mconcatRange' i j t
where naiveMconcatRange l r | 0 <= l && l < n && 0 <= r && r < n && l < r = Just (mconcat (V.toList (V.slice i (j - i) v)))
| 0 <= l && l < n && 0 <= r && r < n = Just mempty
| otherwise = Nothing
where n = V.length v
prop_canUpdateFRM :: [String] -> Int -> String -> Bool
prop_canUpdateFRM (V.fromList -> v) i a = let t = fromVector v in fromVector vecUpdated == update i a t
where vecUpdated | 0 <= i && i < n = v V.// [(i, a)]
| otherwise = v
where n = V.length v
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