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Created December 13, 2014 13:12
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Quick Implementation of RNCryptor
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module RNCryptor (Credentials(..), encrypt, decrypt) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Error (hoistEither, note, hush, runEitherT, EitherT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as PB
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Byteable
import Crypto.Hash
import Crypto.Cipher.AES
import Crypto.PBKDF.ByteString
import System.Entropy (getEntropy)
data RNCOptions = UseKey
| UsePassword { rncAesSalt :: B.ByteString, rncHmacSalt :: B.ByteString }
data Credentials = Key { credAesKey :: B.ByteString, credHmacKey :: B.ByteString }
| Password { credPassword :: B.ByteString }
deriving (Show)
instance Byteable RNCOptions where
toBytes UseKey = B.singleton 0
toBytes (UsePassword{..}) = B.concat [ B.singleton 1, rncAesSalt, rncHmacSalt ]
data RNCryptor = RNCryptor {
rncVersion :: Word8,
rncOptions :: RNCOptions,
rncIv :: B.ByteString,
rncCiphertext :: B.ByteString,
rncHmac :: B.ByteString
instance Byteable RNCryptor where
toBytes RNCryptor{..} = B.concat [ B.singleton rncVersion, toBytes rncOptions, rncIv, rncCiphertext, rncHmac ]
parseRNC :: PB.Parser RNCryptor
parseRNC = do
t <- RNCryptor <$> PB.word8 3 <*> parseRNCOptions <*> PB.take 16 <*> PB.takeByteString <*> pure B.empty
let l = B.length (rncCiphertext t)
guard $ l >= 32
let (realCiphertext, realHmac) = B.splitAt (l - 32) (rncCiphertext t)
return $ t { rncCiphertext = realCiphertext, rncHmac = realHmac }
parseRNCOptions :: PB.Parser RNCOptions
parseRNCOptions = do
option <- PB.anyWord8
case option of
0 -> return UseKey
1 -> UsePassword <$> PB.take 8 <*> PB.take 8
_ -> mzero
padMessage :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
padMessage msg = B.concat [ msg, B.replicate len (fromIntegral len) ]
where len = 16 - B.length msg `rem` 16
unpadMessage :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
unpadMessage msg = fst $ B.splitAt (B.length msg - fromIntegral (B.last msg)) msg
encrypt :: Credentials -> B.ByteString -> IO (Either String B.ByteString)
encrypt credentials plaintext = runEitherT $ do
(aesKey, hmacKey, credType) <- case credentials of
Password password -> do
hoistEither . note "The password cannot be empty." . guard . not . B.null $ password
aesSalt <- liftIO $ getEntropy 8
let aesKey = sha1PBKDF2 password aesSalt 10000 32
hmacSalt <- liftIO $ getEntropy 8
let hmacKey = sha1PBKDF2 password hmacSalt 10000 32
return (aesKey, hmacKey, UsePassword aesSalt hmacSalt)
Key aesKey hmacKey -> do
hoistEither . note "The AES key must be exactly 32 bytes." . guard . (==32) . B.length $ aesKey
hoistEither . note "The HMAC key must be exactly 32 bytes." . guard . (==32) . B.length $ hmacKey
return (aesKey, hmacKey, UseKey)
iv <- liftIO $ getEntropy 16
let padded = padMessage plaintext
let ciphertext = encryptCBC (initAES aesKey) iv padded
let t = RNCryptor 3 credType iv ciphertext B.empty
let mac = toBytes (hmac hmacKey (toBytes t) :: HMAC SHA256)
return $ B.concat [ toBytes t, mac ]
decrypt :: Credentials -> B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
decrypt credentials message = do
rnc@RNCryptor{..} <- hush $ PB.parseOnly parseRNC message
(aesKey, hmacKey) <- case (rncOptions, credentials) of
(UseKey, Password _) -> mzero
(UsePassword _ _, Key _ _) -> mzero
(UsePassword{..}, Password password) -> return (sha1PBKDF2 password rncAesSalt 10000 32,
sha1PBKDF2 password rncHmacSalt 10000 32)
(UseKey, Key aesKey hmacKey) -> return (aesKey, hmacKey)
let receivedHmac = rncHmac
let computedHmac = toBytes (hmac hmacKey (toBytes (rnc { rncHmac = B.empty })) :: HMAC SHA256)
guard $ constEqBytes receivedHmac computedHmac
let decrypted = decryptCBC (initAES aesKey) rncIv rncCiphertext
return $ unpadMessage decrypted
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