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Created November 29, 2009 22:33
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format numbers with separators using a single regex substitution operation
require 'yaml'
RX = /(\d)(?=\d{3}+(?!\d))/
# Long version
(\d) # One digit
(?= # That is followed by
\d{3}+ # One or more triples of digits
(?!\d) # That are not followed by a digit
ns = %w[
y { |s| s.gsub(RX, '\\1.') }
y "random 324123415 13445foo345345whatever4554".gsub(RX, '\\1.')
# I like programming that is declarative, and regular expressions fit the bill.
# You define a pattern, and the computer figures out what to do with it.
# There's no algorithmic hand-holding telling the machine how to go about it.
# The substitutions performed above place thousands separators in number
# strings. The regex used simply defines the places in a string of digits where
# a separator should occur. It's code down to its essence, unmarred by garish
# juggling of bits hither and thither.
# One example of an algorithmic solution (an amusing one, even):
# puts "12345".reverse.scan(/\d{1,3}/).join(".").reverse
# This solution also shows one problem with algorithmic code, when compared to
# a formal definition. This code will wreak havok on a mixed string, while the
# regex substitution will handle the occurrences of digits perfectly, without
# damage to its surroundings. (And a contrived example proves any argument.)
# In a way, regexen are similar to SQL queries. What you're doing there is
# coming up with the definition of the particular subset of the data that you
# want. That "SELECT" reads so imperative is an incidental conundrum.
# Thinking in declarative terms is also one of the cornerstones of functional
# programming. The difference between it and imperative programming being
# tantamount to the difference between saying "this is it" and "it's like when
# you do this, and then you do that, and if something then you do this other
# thing, unless …"
# Please consider that:
# • The number of bugs per lines of code is somewhat constant. The more you
# code you use to perform a task, the more bugs you introduce.
# • Typing leads to RSI, which can be excruciatingly painful, which leads to
# not typing anymore. Ever again.
# • Reading code is an onerous task. Overly long code leads pointless
# rewrites, which leads to wankery, more bugs, unemployment, bankruptcy.
# Think more so you can type less, read less, and maybe even have a chance at
# eventually producing bug-free code.
# With that said, you can listen to everything else jwz has to say.
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