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Created December 19, 2009 12:33
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fancier align assignments command for textmate
#!/usr/bin/env ruby1.9
# encoding: UTF-8
# Copyright © 2009 Caio Chassot
# Licensed under the WTFPL
def alternation(*s);"|") end
# All input is read here.
LINES = $stdin.readlines
# Magic happens here.
# ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS: There's love for C, ruby, perl, python, javascript, java, even pascal. Hash/Dict assignment included too.
# TROUBLEMAKERS: non-assignment operators that could match as assigment.
ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = %w( = -= += /= //= %= *= **= ^= |= &= ||= &&= <<= >>= >>>= .= x= := ::= => )
TROUBLEMAKERS = %w( <= >= <=> == === != =~ )
TROUBLEMAKERS_BEFORE = { |s| s[/^(.+)=/, 1] }.compact.uniq
TROUBLEMAKERS_AFTER = { |s| s[/=(.+)$/, 1] }.compact.uniq
(^.*?) # capture 1 — everything before assignment
( \s* # capture 2 — assignment operator with surrounding spaces
(?<! #{alternation(*TROUBLEMAKERS_BEFORE)} )
( (?: #{alternation(*ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS)} ) # capture 3 — assignment operator
| :(?!\w|:) ) # special handling for the ':' assignment op (yaml, javascript, etc)
(?! #{alternation(*TROUBLEMAKERS_AFTER )} )
\s* )
l0, lf = [0, LINES.length.pred]
l0, lf = begin # try to look up assignment block since we're not in a selection
ix0 = ixf = %w[ to_i succ pred ].map { |m| CURRENT_LINE.send(m) }.find { |ix| LINES[ix] =~ RX_ASSIGNMENT_LINE }.to_i # assignment must exist in either this line, next, or previous
ix0 = ix0.pred while ix0 > l0 && LINES[ix0.pred] =~ RX_ASSIGNMENT_LINE # extend scope to assignments immediately above
ixf = ixf.succ while ix0 < lf && LINES[ixf.succ] =~ RX_ASSIGNMENT_LINE # extend scope to assignments immediately below
[ix0, ixf]
end unless IS_SELECTION
match_lines = LINES[l0..lf].map { |s| [s.match(RX_ASSIGNMENT_LINE), s] }.select { |m, s| m }
len_leftside = { |m, s| m.begin(2) }.max
len_operator = { |m, s| m[3].length }.max
match_lines.each { |m, s| s.replace [m[1].ljust(len_leftside), m[3].rjust(len_operator), m.post_match].join(" ") }
puts LINES
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Assignment block tidier, version 0.1.
# Copyright Chris Poirier 2006.
# Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0.
# This script can be used as a command for TextMate to align all
# of the equal signs within a block of text. When using it with
# TextMate, set the command input to "Selected Text" or "Document",
# and the output to "Replace Selected Text". Map it to a key
# equivalent, and any time you want to tidy up a block, either
# select it, or put your cursor somewhere within it; then hit the
# key equivalent. Voila.
# Note that this is the first version of the script, and it hasn't
# been heavily tested. You might encounter a bug or two.
# Per the license, use of this script is ENTIRELY at your own risk.
# See the license for full details (they override anything I've
# said here).
lines = STDIN.readlines()
selected_text = ENV.member?("TM_SELECTED_TEXT")
relevant_line_pattern = /^[^=]+[^-+<>=!%\/|&*^]=(?!=|~)/
column_search_pattern = /[\t ]*=/
# If called on a selection, every assignment statement
# is in the block. If called on the document, we start on the
# current line and look up and down for the start and end of the
# block.
if selected_text then
block_top = 1
block_bottom = lines.length
# We start looking on the current line. However, if the
# current line doesn't match the pattern, we may be just
# after or just before a block, and we should check. If
# neither, we are done.
start_on = ENV["TM_LINE_NUMBER"].to_i
block_top = lines.length + 1
block_bottom = 0
search_top = 1
search_bottom = lines.length
search_failed = false
if lines[start_on - 1] !~ relevant_line_pattern then
if lines[start_on - 2] =~ relevant_line_pattern then
search_bottom = start_on = start_on - 1
elsif lines[start_on] =~ relevant_line_pattern then
search_top = start_on = start_on
search_failed = true
# Now with the search boundaries set, start looking for
# the block top and bottom.
unless search_failed
start_on.downto(search_top) do |number|
if lines[number-1] =~ relevant_line_pattern then
block_top = number
start_on.upto(search_bottom) do |number|
if lines[number-1] =~ relevant_line_pattern then
block_bottom = number
# Now, iterate over the block and find the best column number
# for the = sign. The pattern will tell us the position of the
# first bit of whitespace before the equal sign. We put the
# equals sign to the right of the furthest-right one. Note that
# we cannot assume every line in the block is relevant.
best_column = 0
block_top.upto(block_bottom) do |number|
line = lines[number - 1]
if line =~ relevant_line_pattern then
m = column_search_pattern.match(line)
best_column = m.begin(0) if m.begin(0) > best_column
# Reformat the block. Again, we cannot assume all lines in the
# block are relevant.
block_top.upto(block_bottom) do |number|
if lines[number-1] =~ relevant_line_pattern then
before, after = lines[number-1].split(/[\t ]*=[\t ]*/, 2)
lines[number-1] = [before.ljust(best_column), after].join(after[0,1] == '>' ? " =" : " = ")
# Output the replacement text
lines.each do |line|
puts line
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