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Created August 26, 2010 08:19
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Save kch/551055 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Apple Mail plugin that fixes your sender for mailing lists


This is an Apple Mail plugin that'll select the From: address of your choosing (see step 2) when:

  • you're replying to a message from a mailing list (that has a List-Id header)

  • One of the recipients is a known mailing list address from your configuration. (Again, see step 2.)


  1. Be sure to have the Nu framework on your system:

  2. Compile main:

     cd Contents/MacOS/
     clang main.m -o main -bundle -framework Foundation -framework Nu
  3. Edit Contents/Resources/ with your own info.

  4. Put this folder (the one containing this file) in ~/Library/Mail/Bundles/ and make sure it ends in a .mailbundle extension. E.g. the final path should look something like ~/Library/Mail/Bundles/MailingListFromFix.mailbundle

;; SET YOUR INFO HERE; TOO LAZY TO MAKE A PREF PANE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Put here the sender you which to use for mailing lists exactly as it appears in the From: popup UI.
(set $my_list_sender "Your Full Name <>")
;; Put here the email addresses for every mailing list that you send email to.
(set $list_addresses (array "" ""))
(class ComposeBackEnd
(- (void) updateSenderToUserListSenderAndNotifyHeadersEditor is
(self setSender:$my_list_sender)
(((self delegate) headersEditor) mailAccountsDidChange)))
(class MailDocumentEditor
(- (void) withMailingListAddress_finishLoadingEditor is
(self withMailingListAddress_finishLoadingEditor)
(if (((self settings) "Messages") find:(do (message) ((message headers) headersForKey:"list-id")))
((self backEnd) updateSenderToUserListSenderAndNotifyHeadersEditor))))
(class HeadersEditor
(- (void) withMailingListAddress_recipientsDidChange: (id) sender is
(self withMailingListAddress_recipientsDidChange:sender)
(let (backEnd (@documentEditor backEnd))
(let (recipients ((backEnd allRecipients) componentsJoinedByString:"\n"))
(if ($list_addresses find:(do (addr) (!= (recipients rangeOfString:"<#{addr}>") '(-1 0)) ))
(backEnd updateSenderToUserListSenderAndNotifyHeadersEditor))))))
(MailDocumentEditor exchangeInstanceMethod:"finishLoadingEditor" withMethod:"withMailingListAddress_finishLoadingEditor")
(HeadersEditor exchangeInstanceMethod:"recipientsDidChange:" withMethod:"withMailingListAddress_recipientsDidChange:")
; (load "console")
; (set $console ((NuConsoleWindowController alloc) init))
; ($console toggleConsole:nil)
(NSLog "Loaded plugin SomethingSomethingMailingListsWhatever")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
// Hi. Compile me with:
// clang main.m -o main -bundle -framework Foundation -framework Nu
#import <Nu/Nu.h>
@interface JustToTrickMailIntoRunningOurInitializeMethodSinceWeCantHaveAMainBecauseItsABundle : NSObject {}
@implementation JustToTrickMailIntoRunningOurInitializeMethodSinceWeCantHaveAMainBecauseItsABundle
+ (void) initialize
static int initialized = 0;
if (initialized) return;
initialized = 1;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:self];
NSString *main_path = [bundle pathForResource:@"bundle" ofType:@"nu"];
if (main_path) {
NSString *nu_main = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:main_path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
if (nu_main) {
id parser = [Nu parser];
id script = [parser parse:nu_main];
[parser eval:script];
NSLog(@"loaded Nu, yay.");
[pool release];
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