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Last active March 4, 2018 13:33
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Hacking MeshBasic/Phong/Lambert/Standard/Physical to use built-in SSAO (no post process = "free" antialias). Compatible with Three.js r84.
"use strict";
// The SSAO shader itself is taken and adapted from
// courtesy of alteredq
var ssaoShader = `
// packing stuff, packing is not loaded in basic shader, but is in phong and lambert
// this means we can't just blindly load the packing ShaderChunk
const float aoUnpackDownscale = 255. / 256.; // 0..1 -> fraction (excluding 1)
const vec3 aoPackFactors = vec3( 256. * 256. * 256., 256. * 256., 256. );
const vec4 aoUnpackFactors = aoUnpackDownscale / vec4( aoPackFactors, 1. );
float aoUnpackRGBAToDepth( const in vec4 v ) {
return dot( v, aoUnpackFactors );
vec2 aoRand( const in vec2 aoUv ) {
vec2 noise;
if ( aoUseNoise ) {
float nx = dot ( aoUv, vec2( 12.9898, 78.233 ) );
float ny = dot ( aoUv, vec2( 12.9898, 78.233 ) * 2.0 );
noise = clamp( fract ( 43758.5453 * sin( vec2( nx, ny ) ) ), 0.0, 1.0 );
} else {
float ff = fract( 1.0 - aoUv.s * ( aoResolution.x / 2.0 ) );
float gg = fract( aoUv.t * ( aoResolution.y / 2.0 ) );
noise = vec2( 0.25, 0.75 ) * vec2( ff ) + vec2( 0.75, 0.25 ) * gg;
return ( noise * 2.0 - 1.0 ) * aoNoiseAmount;
float readDepth( const in vec2 aoUv ) {
float cameraFarPlusNear = aoCameraFar + aoCameraNear;
float cameraFarMinusNear = aoCameraFar - aoCameraNear;
float cameraCoef = 2.0 * aoCameraNear;
float logz = aoUnpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( aoMap, aoUv ) );
float w = pow(2.0, (logz / logDepthBufFC)) - 1.0;
float z = (logz / w) + 1.0;
float z = aoUnpackRGBAToDepth( texture2D( aoMap, aoUv ) );
return cameraCoef / ( cameraFarPlusNear - z * cameraFarMinusNear );
float compareDepths( const in float depth1, const in float depth2, inout int far ) {
float garea = 2.0;
float diff = ( depth1 - depth2 ) * 100.0;
if ( diff < aoGaussDisplace ) {
garea = aoDiffArea;
} else {
far = 1;
float dd = diff - aoGaussDisplace;
float gauss = pow( EULER, -2.0 * dd * dd / ( garea * garea ) );
return gauss;
float calcAO( vec2 aoUv, float depth, float dw, float dh ) {
float dd = aoRadius - depth * aoRadius;
vec2 vv = vec2( dw, dh );
vec2 coord1 = aoUv + dd * vv;
vec2 coord2 = aoUv - dd * vv;
float temp1 = 0.0;
float temp2 = 0.0;
int far = 0;
temp1 = compareDepths( depth, readDepth( coord1 ), far );
if ( far > 0 ) {
temp2 = compareDepths( readDepth( coord2 ), depth, far );
temp1 += ( 1.0 - temp1 ) * temp2;
return temp1;
float sampleAO(vec2 aoUv)
vec2 noise = aoRand(aoUv);
float depth = readDepth(aoUv);
float tt = clamp(depth, aoClamp, 1.0);
float w = ( 1.0 / aoResolution.x ) / tt + ( noise.x * ( 1.0 - noise.x ) );
float h = ( 1.0 / aoResolution.y ) / tt + ( noise.y * ( 1.0 - noise.y ) );
float ao = 0.0;
float dz = 1.0 / float(aoSamples);
float z = 1.0 - dz / 2.0;
float l = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i <= aoSamples; i++) {
float r = sqrt(1.0 - z);
float pw = cos(l) * r;
float ph = sin(l) * r;
ao += calcAO(aoUv, depth, pw * w, ph * h);
z = z - dz;
l = l + DL;
return 1.0 - ao * dz * aoMapIntensity;
module.exports = function (THREE, webGlRenderer) {
var defaultRenderBufferDirect = webGlRenderer.renderBufferDirect;
webGlRenderer.renderBufferDirect = function (camera, fog, geometry, material, object, group) {
// this won't work on the first frame because the program is not yet created
if (material.aoMap && material.program && (
material.isMeshPhongMaterial ||
material.isMeshLambertMaterial ||
material.isMeshBasicMaterial ||
material.isMeshStandardMaterial ||
)) {
// bind the program so we can alter its uniforms
var p_uniforms = material.program.getUniforms();, material.aoOnly);, material.aoClamp);, material.aoResolution);, material.aoCameraNear);, material.aoCameraFar);
defaultRenderBufferDirect(camera, fog, geometry, material, object, group);
var prototypePatch = {
aoResolution: new THREE.Vector2(512, 512),
aoOnly: false,
aoClamp: 0.85,
aoCameraNear: 1.,
aoCameraFar: 10000.
Object.assign(THREE.MeshBasicMaterial.prototype, prototypePatch);
Object.assign(THREE.MeshPhongMaterial.prototype, prototypePatch);
Object.assign(THREE.MeshLambertMaterial.prototype, prototypePatch);
Object.assign(THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial.prototype, prototypePatch);
Object.assign(THREE.MeshStandardMaterial.prototype, prototypePatch);
THREE.UniformsLib.aomap = {
aoOnly: { value: false },
aoClamp: { value: 0.85 },
aoCameraNear: { value: 1. },
aoCameraFar: { value: 10000. },
aoMap: { value: null },
aoMapIntensity: { value: 1 },
aoResolution: { value: new THREE.Vector2(512, 512) }
THREE.ShaderChunk.aomap_pars_fragment = `
#ifdef USE_AOMAP
uniform sampler2D aoMap;
uniform float aoMapIntensity;
uniform vec2 aoResolution;
uniform bool aoOnly;
uniform float aoClamp;
uniform float aoCameraNear;
uniform float aoCameraFar;
#define DL 2.399963229728653 // PI * ( 3.0 - sqrt( 5.0 ) )
#define EULER 2.718281828459045
const int aoSamples = 8; // ao sample count
const float aoRadius = 4.75; // ao radius
const bool aoUseNoise = false; // use noise instead of pattern for sample dithering
const float aoNoiseAmount = 0.0003; // dithering amount
const float aoDiffArea = 0.45; // self-shadowing reduction
const float aoGaussDisplace = 0.5; // gauss bell center
THREE.ShaderChunk.aomap_fragment = `
#ifdef USE_AOMAP
vec2 unusedUv = vUv2; //do something with vUv2 to keep the warnings at bay
float ambientOcclusion = sampleAO(gl_FragCoord.xy / aoResolution.xy);
// can do some built-in vignetting while we're at it
//float vignette = smoothstep(0., 1., pow(clamp(1.5 - length(aoUv - 0.5)* 2., 0., 1.), 0.8));
if (aoOnly) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(ambientOcclusion, ambientOcclusion, ambientOcclusion, 1.);
} else {
reflectedLight.indirectDiffuse *= ambientOcclusion;
reflectedLight.directDiffuse *= (0.5 + ambientOcclusion * 0.5);
reflectedLight.directSpecular *= (0.5 + ambientOcclusion * 0.5);
#if defined( USE_ENVMAP ) && defined( PHYSICAL )
float dotNV = saturate( dot( geometry.normal, geometry.viewDir ) );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular *= computeSpecularOcclusion( dotNV, ambientOcclusion, material.specularRoughness );
reflectedLight.indirectSpecular *= ambientOcclusion;
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