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Created March 21, 2023 11:24
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Python Pomodoro Script
import argparse
import time
import os
def show_notification(title, subtitle, message):
# Play alert sound
os.system('afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Glass.aiff')
# Show notification
osascript -e 'display notification "{}" with title "{}" subtitle "{}" sound name "Glass"'
""".format(message, title, subtitle))
def start_pomodoro(pomodoro_time):
"""Startet einen Pomodoro Timer."""
print("Starte Pomodoro...")
time_left = pomodoro_time
while time_left > 0:
minutes, seconds = divmod(time_left, 60)
time_str = f"{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}"
print(f"Zeit übrig: {time_str}")
time_left -= 1
print("Pomodoro beendet.")
show_notification("Pomodoro abgeschlossen", "", "Zeit ist abgelaufen.")
def take_short_break(short_break_time):
"""Macht eine kurze Pause."""
print("Mache kurze Pause...")
time_left = short_break_time
while time_left > 0:
minutes, seconds = divmod(time_left, 60)
time_str = f"{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}"
print(f"Zeit übrig: {time_str}")
time_left -= 1
show_notification("Kurze Pause beendet", "", "Zeit für den nächsten Pomodoro.")
def take_long_break(long_break_time):
"""Macht eine lange Pause."""
print("Mache lange Pause...")
time_left = long_break_time
while time_left > 0:
minutes, seconds = divmod(time_left, 60)
time_str = f"{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}"
print(f"Zeit übrig: {time_str}")
time_left -= 1
show_notification("Lange Pause beendet", "", "Zeit für den nächsten Pomodoro.")
def main(pomodoro_time, short_break_time, long_break_time, num_pomodoros):
"""Hauptfunktion des Skripts."""
pomodoros_completed = 0
while True:
pomodoros_completed += 1
if pomodoros_completed == num_pomodoros:
pomodoros_completed = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Pomodoro-Technik Skript')
parser.add_argument('pomodoro_time', type=int, help='Länge des Pomodoro in Sekunden')
parser.add_argument('short_break_time', type=int, help='Länge der kurzen Pause in Sekunden')
parser.add_argument('long_break_time', type=int, help='Länge der langen Pause in Sekunden')
parser.add_argument('num_pomodoros', type=int, help='Anzahl von Pomodoros bis zur langen Pause')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.pomodoro_time, args.short_break_time, args.long_break_time, args.num_pomodoros)
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Danke für das Teilen des Codes.
Werde es für mich noch auf Windows umschreiben müssen XD

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