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Created September 25, 2018 04:02
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  • Save kckennylau/6d1e02b8289f24be38416642b5d91142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ /c/lean/bin/lean --profile algebra/big_operators.lean
parsing took 1.14ms
type checking of directed.finset_le took 0.239ms
compilation of directed.finset_le took 0.00302ms
decl post-processing of directed.finset_le took 0.0143ms
parsing took 0.16ms
elaboration of prod took 0.553ms
type checking of prod took 0.111ms
compilation of took 1.5ms
elaboration of directed.finset_le took 12.3ms
decl post-processing of prod took 152ms
parsing took 0.241ms
type checking of prod_eq_fold took 0.607ms
compilation of finset.prod_eq_fold took 0.00151ms
elaboration of prod_eq_fold took 0.769ms
decl post-processing of prod_eq_fold took 148ms
parsing took 0.0955ms
type checking of prod_empty took 0.107ms
compilation of finset.prod_empty took 0.00151ms
elaboration of prod_empty took 0.933ms
decl post-processing of prod_empty took 127ms
parsing took 0.172ms
type checking of prod_insert took 0.202ms
compilation of finset.prod_insert took 0.0143ms
elaboration of prod_insert took 81.9ms
decl post-processing of prod_insert took 140ms
parsing took 0.088ms
type checking of prod_singleton took 0.0544ms
compilation of finset.prod_singleton took 0.00113ms
elaboration of prod_singleton took 93.3ms
decl post-processing of prod_singleton took 142ms
parsing took 5.05ms
type checking of prod_const_one took 0.0914ms
compilation of finset.prod_const_one took 0.00151ms
decl post-processing of prod_const_one took 0.197ms
parsing took 0.139ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.62ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 15ms
num. allocated objects: 173
num. allocated closures: 172
15ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
15ms 100.0% tactic.step
15ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
15ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
15ms 100.0% tactic.istep
15ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
15ms 100.0% scope_trace
15ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
14ms 93.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
14ms 93.3% tactic.simp_target
14ms 93.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
14ms 93.3% tactic.simplify
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 6.7% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
1ms 6.7% tactic.try
1ms 6.7% tactic.try_core
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 6.7% tactic.save_const_type_info._lambda_1
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 6.7% tactic.save_type_info
1ms 6.7% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 6.7% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
elaboration of prod_const_one took 32.7ms
type checking of sum_const_zero took 0.0899ms
compilation of finset.sum_const_zero took 0.00151ms
decl post-processing of sum_const_zero took 0.245ms
elaboration of sum_const_zero took 3.12ms
parsing took 0.493ms
type checking of prod_image took 0.537ms
compilation of finset.prod_image took 0.00378ms
elaboration of prod_image took 132ms
decl post-processing of prod_image took 219ms
parsing took 2.08ms
type checking of prod_congr took 0.106ms
compilation of finset.prod_congr took 0.00151ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.59ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 65ms
num. allocated objects: 107
num. allocated closures: 125
65ms 100.0% tactic.step
65ms 100.0% scope_trace
65ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
65ms 100.0% all_goals_core
65ms 100.0% tactic.istep
65ms 100.0% tactic.seq
65ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
65ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
65ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
65ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
60ms 92.3% tactic.to_expr
5ms 7.7% tactic.exact
elaboration of prod_congr took 111ms
decl post-processing of prod_congr took 157ms
parsing took 0.197ms
type checking of prod_union_inter took 0.451ms
compilation of finset.prod_union_inter took 0.00227ms
elaboration of prod_union_inter took 118ms
decl post-processing of prod_union_inter took 199ms
parsing took 3.11ms
type checking of prod_union took 0.247ms
compilation of finset.prod_union took 0.00189ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.18ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 10ms
num. allocated objects: 195
num. allocated closures: 182
10ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
10ms 100.0% tactic.seq
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep
10ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
10ms 100.0% scope_trace
9ms 90.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
9ms 90.0% all_goals_core
9ms 90.0% tactic.interactive.exact
9ms 90.0% tactic.all_goals
9ms 90.0% tactic.to_expr
1ms 10.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
1ms 10.0% rw_core
1ms 10.0% tactic.rewrite
1ms 10.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
1ms 10.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
1ms 10.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
1ms 10.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 10.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 10.0% _interaction._lambda_2
1ms 10.0% interactive.loc.apply
elaboration of prod_union took 27.2ms
decl post-processing of prod_union took 137ms
parsing took 3.13ms
type checking of prod_sdiff took 0.221ms
compilation of finset.prod_sdiff took 0.00227ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.43ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 4ms
num. allocated objects: 121
num. allocated closures: 124
4ms 100.0% rw_core
4ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
4ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
4ms 100.0% tactic.step
4ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
4ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
4ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
4ms 100.0% tactic.istep
4ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
4ms 100.0% scope_trace
4ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
4ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
2ms 50.0% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
2ms 50.0% tactic.to_expr
2ms 50.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 25.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 25.0% tactic.rewrite
1ms 25.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 25.0% tactic.replace_target
elaboration of prod_sdiff took 16.4ms
decl post-processing of prod_sdiff took 218ms
eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem : (∀ (x : ?M_1), x ∉ ?M_2) → ?M_2 = ∅
parsing took 27.3ms
type checking of prod_bind took 0.643ms
compilation of finset.prod_bind took 0.0034ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.15ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.21ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 17ms
num. allocated objects: 133
num. allocated closures: 119
17ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
17ms 100.0% tactic.step
17ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
17ms 100.0% scope_trace
17ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
17ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
17ms 100.0% tactic.istep
16ms 94.1% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
16ms 94.1% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
16ms 94.1% tactic.simp_target
16ms 94.1% interaction_monad_orelse
14ms 82.4% tactic.simplify
2ms 11.8% tactic.replace_target
2ms 11.8% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 5.9% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 5.9% report_invalid_simp_lemma
1ms 5.9% to_fmt
1ms 5.9% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 5.9% name.has_to_format
1ms 5.9% name.to_string_with_sep
1ms 5.9% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 5.9% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 5.9% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
elaboration: tactic compilation took 9.68ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 10ms
num. allocated objects: 509
num. allocated closures: 439
10ms 100.0% scope_trace
10ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep
10ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
10ms 100.0% tactic.seq
8ms 80.0% tactic.all_goals
8ms 80.0% all_goals_core
8ms 80.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
4ms 40.0% tactic.rcases_core
4ms 40.0% tactic.to_expr
4ms 40.0% tactic.focus1
4ms 40.0% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
4ms 40.0% tactic.interactive.rintro
4ms 40.0% tactic.rintro
4ms 40.0% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
4ms 40.0% tactic.rcases.continue
4ms 40.0% tactic.interactive.exact
3ms 30.0% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
3ms 30.0% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
3ms 30.0% tactic.cases_core
2ms 20.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
2ms 20.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
2ms 20.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
2ms 20.0% tactic.rewrite_target
2ms 20.0% interactive.loc.apply
2ms 20.0% rw_core
2ms 20.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
2ms 20.0% _interaction._lambda_2
1ms 10.0% tactic.replace_target
1ms 10.0% tactic.has_opt_auto_param._lambda_2
1ms 10.0% tactic.infer_type
1ms 10.0% tactic.rewrite
1ms 10.0% tactic.assert_core
1ms 10.0% tactic.assert
1ms 10.0% to_fmt
1ms 10.0% expr.has_to_format
1ms 10.0% expr.to_string
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.44ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 28ms
num. allocated objects: 129
num. allocated closures: 97
28ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
28ms 100.0% tactic.step
28ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
28ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
28ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
28ms 100.0% scope_trace
28ms 100.0% tactic.istep
26ms 92.9% interaction_monad_orelse
25ms 89.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
25ms 89.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
25ms 89.3% tactic.simp_target
23ms 82.1% tactic.simplify
3ms 10.7% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
3ms 10.7% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
3ms 10.7% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
3ms 10.7% tactic.mk_simp_set
2ms 7.1% tactic.to_expr
2ms 7.1% tactic.replace_target
2ms 7.1% tactic.mk_app
2ms 7.1% tactic.mk_id_eq
1ms 3.6% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
1ms 3.6% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 3.6% simp_lemmas.add_simp
decl post-processing of prod_bind took 166ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 100ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
100ms 100.0% tactic.step
100ms 100.0% scope_trace
100ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
100ms 100.0% all_goals_core
100ms 100.0% tactic.istep
100ms 100.0% tactic.seq
100ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
100ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
100ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
100ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
99ms 99.0% tactic.to_expr
1ms 1.0% tactic.exact
elaboration of prod_bind took 169ms
parsing took 42.4ms
type checking of prod_product took 0.163ms
compilation of finset.prod_product took 0.00113ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 10.8ms
decl post-processing of prod_product took 164ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 98ms
num. allocated objects: 1488
num. allocated closures: 1274
98ms 100.0% tactic.istep
98ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
98ms 100.0% scope_trace
98ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
98ms 100.0% tactic.step
33ms 33.7% interaction_monad_orelse
33ms 33.7% tactic.cc_core
32ms 32.7% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
32ms 32.7% tactic.solve1
27ms 27.6% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
22ms 22.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core
21ms 21.4% tactic.simp_target
21ms 21.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
21ms 21.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
20ms 20.4% tactic.focus1
19ms 19.4% tactic.simplify
16ms 16.3% tactic.to_expr
15ms 15.3% tactic.interactive.exact
14ms 14.3% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
14ms 14.3% tactic.congr._main._lambda_2
9ms 9.2% tactic.congr_core
9ms 9.2% tactic.apply_eq_congr_core
7ms 7.1% tactic.try_core
7ms 7.1% tactic.try
7ms 7.1% tactic.mk_specialized_congr_lemma
6ms 6.1% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
6ms 6.1% tactic.rintro
6ms 6.1% tactic.rcases_core
6ms 6.1% tactic.interactive.rintro
6ms 6.1% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
6ms 6.1% tactic.rcases.continue
5ms 5.1% interactive.loc.apply
5ms 5.1% interaction_monad.orelse'
5ms 5.1% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
5ms 5.1% tactic.cases_core
5ms 5.1% rw_core
5ms 5.1% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
5ms 5.1% tactic.apply_core
5ms 5.1% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
5ms 5.1% tactic.rcases.continue._main._lambda_2
5ms 5.1% tactic.replace_target
4ms 4.1% tactic.rewrite_target
4ms 4.1% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
4ms 4.1% all_goals_core
4ms 4.1% tactic.apply
4ms 4.1% tactic.congr._main._lambda_1
4ms 4.1% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
4ms 4.1% tactic.all_goals
3ms 3.1% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
3ms 3.1% tactic.infer_type
3ms 3.1% tactic.find_same_type
3ms 3.1% tactic.exact
2ms 2.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
2ms 2.0% tactic.interactive.funext
2ms 2.0% relation_tactic
2ms 2.0% tactic.funext_core
2ms 2.0% tactic.funext_core._main._lambda_2
2ms 2.0% tactic.applyc
2ms 2.0% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
2ms 2.0% tactic.apply_congr_core
1ms 1.0% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 1.0% tactic.cleanup
1ms 1.0% string.has_to_format
1ms 1.0% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 1.0% format.of_string
1ms 1.0% environment.get
1ms 1.0% report_invalid_simp_lemma
1ms 1.0% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 1.0% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
1ms 1.0% tactic.set_goals
1ms 1.0% to_fmt
1ms 1.0% tactic.intro_core
1ms 1.0% tactic.assert
1ms 1.0% tactic.rewrite
1ms 1.0% tactic.mk_const
1ms 1.0% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 1.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 1.0% tactic.intro
1ms 1.0% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
elaboration of prod_product took 176ms
parsing took 45.8ms
type checking of prod_sigma took 0.235ms
compilation of finset.prod_sigma took 0.00151ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 3.93ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.8ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 2ms
num. allocated objects: 62
num. allocated closures: 101
2ms 100.0% tactic.rewrite
2ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
2ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
2ms 100.0% tactic.step
2ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
2ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
2ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
2ms 100.0% rw_core
2ms 100.0% scope_trace
2ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
2ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
2ms 100.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 50.0% tactic.infer_type
1ms 50.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 50.0% tactic.has_opt_auto_param._lambda_2
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.48ms
decl post-processing of prod_sigma took 164ms
parsing took 1.78ms
type checking of prod_mul_distrib took 0.219ms
compilation of finset.prod_mul_distrib took 0.00227ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 104ms
num. allocated objects: 816
num. allocated closures: 677
104ms 100.0% scope_trace
104ms 100.0% tactic.step
104ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
104ms 100.0% tactic.seq
104ms 100.0% tactic.istep
76ms 73.1% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
76ms 73.1% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
76ms 73.1% tactic.all_goals
76ms 73.1% all_goals_core
65ms 62.5% tactic.cc_core
64ms 61.5% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
28ms 26.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core
28ms 26.9% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
28ms 26.9% _interaction._lambda_2
28ms 26.9% interaction_monad_orelse
26ms 25.0% tactic.simplify
26ms 25.0% tactic.simp_target
26ms 25.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
26ms 25.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
11ms 10.6% tactic.interactive.rintro
11ms 10.6% tactic.rintro
9ms 8.7% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
9ms 8.7% tactic.focus1
9ms 8.7% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
9ms 8.7% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
9ms 8.7% tactic.rcases_core
9ms 8.7% tactic.rcases.continue
8ms 7.7% tactic.rcases.continue._main._lambda_2
6ms 5.8% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
5ms 4.8% tactic.cases_core
4ms 3.8% tactic.rcases.process_constructors
4ms 3.8% tactic.get_arity
4ms 3.8% tactic.get_pi_arity
4ms 3.8% tactic.whnf
3ms 2.9% get_pi_arity_aux
3ms 2.9% _private.2788053289.get_pi_arity_aux._main._lambda_1
2ms 1.9% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
2ms 1.9% tactic.rintro._lambda_2
2ms 1.9% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
2ms 1.9% tactic.mk_simp_set
2ms 1.9% tactic.intro
2ms 1.9% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
2ms 1.9% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
2ms 1.9% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
2ms 1.9% tactic.intro_core
1ms 1.0% tactic.try
1ms 1.0% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 1.0% tactic.try_core
1ms 1.0% tactic.save_type_info
1ms 1.0% tactic.save_const_type_info._lambda_1
1ms 1.0% cc_state.internalize
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.6ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.02ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 14ms
num. allocated objects: 109
num. allocated closures: 113
14ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
14ms 100.0% tactic.seq
14ms 100.0% tactic.istep
14ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
14ms 100.0% tactic.step
14ms 100.0% scope_trace
14ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
14ms 100.0% rw_core
13ms 92.9% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
13ms 92.9% interactive.loc.apply
13ms 92.9% tactic.rewrite_core
13ms 92.9% tactic.rewrite
13ms 92.9% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
13ms 92.9% interaction_monad.orelse'
13ms 92.9% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
13ms 92.9% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 7.1% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
1ms 7.1% tactic.try
1ms 7.1% tactic.apply_core
1ms 7.1% tactic.try_core
1ms 7.1% relation_tactic
elaboration of prod_mul_distrib took 145ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 71ms
num. allocated objects: 11
num. allocated closures: 10
71ms 100.0% tactic.step
71ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
71ms 100.0% tactic.istep
71ms 100.0% tactic.cc_core
71ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
71ms 100.0% scope_trace
69ms 97.2% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
2ms 2.8% tactic.mk_app
elaboration: tactic execution took 268ms
num. allocated objects: 66
num. allocated closures: 63
268ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
268ms 100.0% tactic.step
268ms 100.0% scope_trace
268ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
268ms 100.0% all_goals_core
268ms 100.0% tactic.istep
268ms 100.0% tactic.seq
268ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
268ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
268ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
268ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_sigma took 427ms
decl post-processing of prod_mul_distrib took 254ms
parsing took 18.6ms
type checking of prod_comm took 0.175ms
compilation of finset.prod_comm took 0.00227ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.46ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 15ms
num. allocated objects: 133
num. allocated closures: 119
15ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
15ms 100.0% tactic.step
15ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
15ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
15ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
15ms 100.0% tactic.istep
15ms 100.0% scope_trace
15ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
14ms 93.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
14ms 93.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
14ms 93.3% tactic.simp_target
13ms 86.7% tactic.simplify
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 6.7% tactic.replace_target
1ms 6.7% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 6.7% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
1ms 6.7% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
1ms 6.7% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 6.7% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 6.7% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.1ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 16ms
num. allocated objects: 151
num. allocated closures: 132
16ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
16ms 100.0% tactic.step
16ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
16ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
16ms 100.0% scope_trace
16ms 100.0% tactic.istep
16ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
13ms 81.2% tactic.simplify
13ms 81.2% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
13ms 81.2% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
13ms 81.2% interaction_monad_orelse
13ms 81.2% tactic.simp_target
2ms 12.5% tactic.try_core
2ms 12.5% tactic.exact
2ms 12.5% tactic.try
2ms 12.5% tactic.triv
1ms 6.2% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 6.2% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 6.2% simp_lemmas.add
1ms 6.2% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 6.2% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
elaboration of prod_comm took 77.1ms
decl post-processing of prod_comm took 209ms
parsing took 3.37ms
type checking of prod_hom took 0.234ms
compilation of finset.prod_hom took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of prod_hom took 182ms
parsing took 0.206ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.17ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 1ms
num. allocated objects: 82
num. allocated closures: 99
1ms 100.0% tactic.replace_target
1ms 100.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
1ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
1ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
1ms 100.0% scope_trace
1ms 100.0% rw_core
1ms 100.0% tactic.exact
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
1ms 100.0% tactic.step
1ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep
1ms 100.0% tactic.seq
1ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
1ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
1ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
elaboration of prod_hom took 189ms
type checking of sum_nat_cast took 0.367ms
compilation of finset.sum_nat_cast took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of sum_nat_cast took 0.00302ms
parsing took 42ms
elaboration of sum_nat_cast took 51.1ms
type checking of prod_subset took 0.165ms
compilation of finset.prod_subset took 0.00189ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 3.67ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.49ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 9ms
num. allocated objects: 184
num. allocated closures: 180
9ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
9ms 100.0% scope_trace
9ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
9ms 100.0% tactic.step
9ms 100.0% tactic.istep
9ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
9ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
9ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core
8ms 88.9% tactic.try
8ms 88.9% tactic.try_core
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
6ms 66.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
6ms 66.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
6ms 66.7% tactic.simp_target
5ms 55.6% tactic.simplify
2ms 22.2% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
2ms 22.2% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
2ms 22.2% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
2ms 22.2% tactic.mk_simp_set
2ms 22.2% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
2ms 22.2% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 11.1% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
1ms 11.1% tactic.intro_core
1ms 11.1% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
1ms 11.1% tactic.find_same_type
1ms 11.1% tactic.unify
1ms 11.1% tactic.intro
1ms 11.1% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 11.1% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
1ms 11.1% tactic.replace_target
1ms 11.1% tactic.assert
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.58ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 18ms
num. allocated objects: 258
num. allocated closures: 247
18ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
18ms 100.0% scope_trace
18ms 100.0% tactic.seq
18ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
18ms 100.0% tactic.istep
18ms 100.0% tactic.step
18ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
16ms 88.9% tactic.all_goals
16ms 88.9% interaction_monad_orelse
16ms 88.9% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
16ms 88.9% all_goals_core
16ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core
15ms 83.3% tactic.simp_target
15ms 83.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
15ms 83.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
14ms 77.8% tactic.simplify
2ms 11.1% rw_core
2ms 11.1% _interaction._lambda_2
2ms 11.1% interactive.loc.apply
1ms 5.6% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
1ms 5.6% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 5.6% tactic.replace_target
1ms 5.6% tactic.to_expr
1ms 5.6% tactic.mk_app
1ms 5.6% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 5.6% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
1ms 5.6% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
1ms 5.6% interaction_monad.orelse'
1ms 5.6% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
1ms 5.6% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 5.6% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
1ms 5.6% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
1ms 5.6% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
1ms 5.6% tactic.mk_id_eq
elaboration: tactic execution took 62ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
62ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
62ms 100.0% tactic.step
62ms 100.0% scope_trace
62ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
62ms 100.0% all_goals_core
62ms 100.0% tactic.istep
62ms 100.0% tactic.seq
62ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
62ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
62ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
62ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_subset took 107ms
decl post-processing of prod_subset took 166ms
parsing took 27.4ms
type checking of prod_eq_single took 0.231ms
compilation of finset.prod_eq_single took 0.00227ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 3.56ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 12.1ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 10ms
num. allocated objects: 326
num. allocated closures: 366
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep
10ms 100.0% scope_trace
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
10ms 100.0% tactic.solve1
10ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
9ms 90.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
7ms 70.0% tactic.try_core
7ms 70.0% interaction_monad_orelse
7ms 70.0% tactic.try
6ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
6ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
6ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
6ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_2
6ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
5ms 50.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
5ms 50.0% tactic.simplify
4ms 40.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
4ms 40.0% tactic.interactive.rwa
4ms 40.0% tactic.simp_target
3ms 30.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
3ms 30.0% rw_core
3ms 30.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
3ms 30.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
3ms 30.0% interactive.loc.apply
2ms 20.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_2
2ms 20.0% tactic.replace_target
2ms 20.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_4
2ms 20.0% tactic.to_expr
2ms 20.0% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
1ms 10.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 10.0% tactic.unify
1ms 10.0% tactic.assert
1ms 10.0% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
1ms 10.0% tactic.find_same_type
1ms 10.0% tactic.assert_core
1ms 10.0% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
1ms 10.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.6ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 19ms
num. allocated objects: 49
num. allocated closures: 58
19ms 100.0% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
19ms 100.0% tactic.step
19ms 100.0% scope_trace
19ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
19ms 100.0% tactic.cc_core
19ms 100.0% all_goals_core
19ms 100.0% tactic.istep
19ms 100.0% tactic.seq
19ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
19ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
19ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
elaboration: tactic execution took 125ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 40
125ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
125ms 100.0% tactic.step
125ms 100.0% scope_trace
125ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
125ms 100.0% all_goals_core
125ms 100.0% tactic.istep
125ms 100.0% tactic.seq
125ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
125ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
125ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
125ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_eq_single took 205ms
decl post-processing of prod_eq_single took 226ms
parsing took 16.2ms
type checking of prod_attach took 0.175ms
compilation of finset.prod_attach took 0.00189ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.3ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.45ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 16ms
num. allocated objects: 155
num. allocated closures: 153
16ms 100.0% tactic.seq
16ms 100.0% tactic.step
16ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
16ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
16ms 100.0% scope_trace
16ms 100.0% tactic.istep
15ms 93.8% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
15ms 93.8% tactic.rewrite_target
15ms 93.8% _interaction._lambda_2
15ms 93.8% interactive.loc.apply
15ms 93.8% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
15ms 93.8% interaction_monad.orelse'
15ms 93.8% rw_core
15ms 93.8% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
14ms 87.5% tactic.rewrite
9ms 56.2% tactic.rewrite_core
5ms 31.2% char.of_nat
5ms 31.2% tactic.has_opt_auto_param._lambda_2
1ms 6.2% tactic.replace_target
1ms 6.2% tactic.interactive.exact
1ms 6.2% tactic.all_goals
1ms 6.2% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
1ms 6.2% tactic.mk_id_eq
1ms 6.2% tactic.mk_app
1ms 6.2% tactic.exact
1ms 6.2% all_goals_core
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.45ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 2ms
num. allocated objects: 108
num. allocated closures: 107
2ms 100.0% tactic.step
2ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
2ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep
2ms 100.0% scope_trace
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
2ms 100.0% rw_core
1ms 50.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
1ms 50.0% relation_tactic
1ms 50.0% interactive.loc.apply
1ms 50.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
1ms 50.0% tactic.rewrite
1ms 50.0% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
1ms 50.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
1ms 50.0% tactic.try
1ms 50.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
1ms 50.0% tactic.rewrite_target
1ms 50.0% tactic.apply_core
1ms 50.0% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 50.0% tactic.try_core
elaboration: tactic execution took 40ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
40ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
40ms 100.0% tactic.step
40ms 100.0% scope_trace
40ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
40ms 100.0% all_goals_core
40ms 100.0% tactic.istep
40ms 100.0% tactic.seq
40ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
40ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
40ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
40ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_attach took 68.8ms
decl post-processing of prod_attach took 176ms
parsing took 24.9ms
type checking of prod_bij took 0.302ms
compilation of finset.prod_bij took 0.0034ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.78ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.97ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 21ms
num. allocated objects: 664
num. allocated closures: 578
21ms 100.0% scope_trace
21ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
21ms 100.0% tactic.step
21ms 100.0% tactic.seq
21ms 100.0% tactic.istep
18ms 85.7% interaction_monad_orelse
16ms 76.2% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
16ms 76.2% tactic.interactive.simp_core
16ms 76.2% _interaction._lambda_2
14ms 66.7% tactic.simplify
14ms 66.7% tactic.simp_target
14ms 66.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
14ms 66.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
5ms 23.8% all_goals_core
5ms 23.8% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
5ms 23.8% tactic.all_goals
5ms 23.8% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
3ms 14.3% tactic.focus1
3ms 14.3% tactic.cases_core
3ms 14.3% tactic.rcases.continue
3ms 14.3% tactic.rcases_core
3ms 14.3% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
3ms 14.3% tactic.rintro
3ms 14.3% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
3ms 14.3% tactic.interactive.rintro
3ms 14.3% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
2ms 9.5% tactic.try_core
2ms 9.5% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
2ms 9.5% list.any_of
2ms 9.5% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
2ms 9.5% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
2ms 9.5% tactic.apply_core
2ms 9.5% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
2ms 9.5% tactic.mk_simp_set
2ms 9.5% tactic.apply
2ms 9.5% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
2ms 9.5% tactic.solve_by_elim
2ms 9.5% tactic.apply_assumption._lambda_2
2ms 9.5% tactic.solve_by_elim_aux
2ms 9.5% tactic.apply_assumption._lambda_4
1ms 4.8% tactic.rcases.continue._main._lambda_2
1ms 4.8% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
1ms 4.8% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 4.8% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.04ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 21ms
num. allocated objects: 255
num. allocated closures: 174
21ms 100.0% tactic.istep
21ms 100.0% scope_trace
21ms 100.0% tactic.step
21ms 100.0% tactic.seq
21ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
17ms 81.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
17ms 81.0% tactic.rcases
17ms 81.0% _interaction._lambda_2
17ms 81.0% tactic.interactive.rcases
16ms 76.2% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
16ms 76.2% tactic.focus1
16ms 76.2% tactic.rcases_core
16ms 76.2% tactic.rcases._lambda_2
15ms 71.4% tactic.cases_core
15ms 71.4% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
13ms 61.9% tactic.rcases.continue
13ms 61.9% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
4ms 19.0% tactic.interactive.exact
4ms 19.0% all_goals_core
4ms 19.0% tactic.all_goals
4ms 19.0% tactic.to_expr
4ms 19.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
2ms 9.5% interaction_monad_orelse
1ms 4.8% tactic.infer_type
1ms 4.8% tactic.subst_core
1ms 4.8% tactic.rcases._lambda_1
elaboration: tactic execution took 71ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
71ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
71ms 100.0% tactic.step
71ms 100.0% scope_trace
71ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
71ms 100.0% all_goals_core
71ms 100.0% tactic.istep
71ms 100.0% tactic.seq
71ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
71ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
71ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
71ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_bij took 136ms
decl post-processing of prod_bij took 174ms
parsing took 25.3ms
type checking of prod_bij_ne_one took 0.468ms
compilation of finset.prod_bij_ne_one took 0.00189ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.55ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.31ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 9ms
num. allocated objects: 165
num. allocated closures: 164
9ms 100.0% tactic.seq
9ms 100.0% tactic.istep
9ms 100.0% tactic.step
9ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
9ms 100.0% scope_trace
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core
8ms 88.9% interaction_monad_orelse
8ms 88.9% _interaction._lambda_2
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
8ms 88.9% tactic.simp_target
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
8ms 88.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
8ms 88.9% tactic.simplify
1ms 11.1% tactic.to_expr
1ms 11.1% all_goals_core
1ms 11.1% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
1ms 11.1% tactic.all_goals
1ms 11.1% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
1ms 11.1% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.27ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 10ms
num. allocated objects: 127
num. allocated closures: 124
10ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
10ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
10ms 100.0% tactic.simp_target
10ms 100.0% scope_trace
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
10ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
10ms 100.0% tactic.istep
10ms 100.0% tactic.seq
10ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
10ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
10ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
9ms 90.0% tactic.simplify
1ms 10.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 10.0% tactic.replace_target
elaboration: tactic execution took 91ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
91ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
91ms 100.0% tactic.step
91ms 100.0% scope_trace
91ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
91ms 100.0% all_goals_core
91ms 100.0% tactic.istep
91ms 100.0% tactic.seq
91ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
91ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
91ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
91ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration of prod_bij_ne_one took 159ms
decl post-processing of prod_bij_ne_one took 169ms
parsing took 21.6ms
type checking of exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one took 0.154ms
compilation of finset.exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one took 0.00189ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 3.62ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.51ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 13ms
num. allocated objects: 239
num. allocated closures: 246
13ms 100.0% tactic.istep
13ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
13ms 100.0% tactic.step
13ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
13ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.rwa
13ms 100.0% scope_trace
11ms 84.6% tactic.rewrite_hyp
11ms 84.6% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_2
11ms 84.6% interaction_monad.orelse'
11ms 84.6% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
11ms 84.6% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_3
11ms 84.6% rw_core
11ms 84.6% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
11ms 84.6% interactive.loc.apply
11ms 84.6% rw_hyp
9ms 69.2% tactic.rewrite_core
9ms 69.2% tactic.rewrite
2ms 15.4% tactic.try
2ms 15.4% interaction_monad_orelse
2ms 15.4% tactic.try_core
2ms 15.4% tactic.replace_hyp
2ms 15.4% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
2ms 15.4% tactic.mk_eq_mp
2ms 15.4% tactic.find_same_type
1ms 7.7% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
1ms 7.7% tactic.infer_type
1ms 7.7% tactic.unify
elaboration: tactic execution took 48ms
num. allocated objects: 31
num. allocated closures: 39
48ms 100.0% tactic.step
48ms 100.0% scope_trace
48ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
48ms 100.0% all_goals_core
48ms 100.0% tactic.istep
48ms 100.0% tactic.seq
48ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
48ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
48ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
48ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.exact
47ms 97.9% tactic.to_expr
1ms 2.1% tactic.exact
elaboration of exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one took 91.2ms
decl post-processing of exists_ne_one_of_prod_ne_one took 219ms
parsing took 4.06ms
type checking of prod_range_succ took 0.169ms
compilation of finset.prod_range_succ took 0.00264ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.34ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 11ms
num. allocated objects: 95
num. allocated closures: 107
11ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
11ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
11ms 100.0% scope_trace
11ms 100.0% rw_core
11ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep
11ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
11ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
11ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 90.9% tactic.to_expr
10ms 90.9% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
1ms 9.1% tactic.rewrite
1ms 9.1% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 9.1% tactic.rewrite_target
elaboration of prod_range_succ took 29.1ms
decl post-processing of prod_range_succ took 160ms
parsing took 4.39ms
type checking of prod_range_succ' took 0.16ms
compilation of finset.prod_range_succ' took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of prod_range_succ' took 0.00264ms
parsing took 11.2ms
type checking of prod_const took 0.168ms
compilation of finset.prod_const took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of prod_const took 0.427ms
parsing took 0.27ms
type checking of sum_const took 0.15ms
compilation of finset.sum_const took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of sum_const took 0.402ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.52ms
elaboration of sum_const took 7.08ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.08ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 12ms
num. allocated objects: 192
num. allocated closures: 173
12ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
12ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
12ms 100.0% tactic.rewrite_target
12ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
12ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
12ms 100.0% scope_trace
12ms 100.0% rw_core
12ms 100.0% tactic.step
12ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
12ms 100.0% tactic.istep
12ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
12ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
12ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
8ms 66.7% tactic.rewrite
8ms 66.7% tactic.rewrite_core
4ms 33.3% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
4ms 33.3% tactic.replace_target
elaboration of prod_const took 39.5ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 11ms
num. allocated objects: 239
num. allocated closures: 216
11ms 100.0% tactic.seq
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep
11ms 100.0% scope_trace
11ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
11ms 100.0% tactic.step
10ms 90.9% tactic.rewrite
10ms 90.9% interactive.loc.apply
10ms 90.9% tactic.rewrite_target
10ms 90.9% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
10ms 90.9% interaction_monad.orelse'
10ms 90.9% _interaction._lambda_2
10ms 90.9% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
10ms 90.9% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
10ms 90.9% rw_core
9ms 81.8% tactic.rewrite_core
1ms 9.1% tactic.interactive.exact
1ms 9.1% all_goals_core
1ms 9.1% tactic.to_expr
1ms 9.1% tactic.has_opt_auto_param._lambda_2
1ms 9.1% tactic.all_goals
1ms 9.1% char.of_nat
1ms 9.1% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
elaboration of prod_range_succ' took 102ms
parsing took 0.213ms
type checking of sum_range_succ' took 0.141ms
compilation of finset.sum_range_succ' took 0.00151ms
decl post-processing of sum_range_succ' took 0.00264ms
elaboration of sum_range_succ' took 3.46ms
parsing took 0.133ms
type checking of prod_inv_distrib took 0.121ms
compilation of finset.prod_inv_distrib took 0.00189ms
elaboration of prod_inv_distrib took 6.26ms
decl post-processing of prod_inv_distrib took 157ms
parsing took 0.28ms
type checking of card_sigma took 0.177ms
compilation of finset.card_sigma took 0.00151ms
decl post-processing of card_sigma took 0.215ms
parsing took 0.157ms
elaboration of card_sigma took 5.47ms
type checking of sum_sub_distrib took 0.136ms
compilation of finset.sum_sub_distrib took 0.00151ms
decl post-processing of sum_sub_distrib took 0.35ms
elaboration of sum_sub_distrib took 12.4ms
parsing took 12.6ms
type checking of sum_le_sum took 0.179ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_sum took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_sum took 0.00264ms
parsing took 2ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.2ms
type checking of zero_le_sum took 0.498ms
compilation of finset.zero_le_sum took 0.00302ms
decl post-processing of zero_le_sum took 0.0117ms
parsing took 4.32ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.01ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 11ms
num. allocated objects: 69
num. allocated closures: 86
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% scope_trace
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
11ms 100.0% tactic.try
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep
11ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
11ms 100.0% tactic.try_core
11ms 100.0% tactic.step
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
10ms 90.9% tactic.simplify
10ms 90.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
8ms 72.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_2
8ms 72.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_4
8ms 72.7% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
2ms 18.2% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
2ms 18.2% tactic.simp_target
1ms 9.1% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 9.1% tactic.to_expr
1ms 9.1% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 9.1% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
1ms 9.1% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
elaboration of sum_le_sum took 80.5ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of zero_le_sum took 37.9ms
type checking of sum_le_zero took 0.466ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_zero took 0.00415ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_zero took 0.00415ms
parsing took 0.321ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.49ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of sum_le_zero took 27.3ms
type checking of sum_mul took 0.204ms
compilation of finset.sum_mul took 0.00264ms
decl post-processing of sum_mul took 0.00302ms
parsing took 0.298ms
type checking of mul_sum took 0.177ms
compilation of finset.mul_sum took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of mul_sum took 0.00378ms
elaboration of sum_mul took 18.9ms
parsing took 7.93ms
elaboration of mul_sum took 27.8ms
type checking of prod_eq_zero took 0.75ms
compilation of finset.prod_eq_zero took 0.00831ms
decl post-processing of prod_eq_zero took 0.00906ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.57ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 15.4ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of prod_eq_zero took 115ms
parsing took 344ms
type checking of prod_sum took 0.534ms
compilation of finset.prod_sum took 0.00264ms
decl post-processing of prod_sum took 0.00302ms
parsing took 13.3ms
type checking of prod_eq_zero_iff took 0.314ms
compilation of finset.prod_eq_zero_iff took 0.00302ms
decl post-processing of prod_eq_zero_iff took 0.0034ms
parsing took 13.9ms
type checking of sum_le_sum' took 0.241ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_sum' took 0.0068ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_sum' took 0.0034ms
parsing took 2.99ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 11.4ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.88ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 5ms
num. allocated objects: 452
num. allocated closures: 415
5ms 100.0% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
5ms 100.0% scope_trace
5ms 100.0% tactic.try
5ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
5ms 100.0% tactic.try_core
5ms 100.0% tactic.istep
5ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
5ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
5ms 100.0% tactic.step
5ms 100.0% relation_tactic
5ms 100.0% tactic.apply_core
5ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
elaboration of prod_eq_zero_iff took 69ms
type checking of zero_le_sum' took 0.282ms
compilation of finset.zero_le_sum' took 0.00302ms
decl post-processing of zero_le_sum' took 0.00302ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 40.8ms
parsing took 2.98ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 11ms
num. allocated objects: 69
num. allocated closures: 86
11ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.try_core
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_2
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep
11ms 100.0% tactic.step
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
11ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
11ms 100.0% tactic.simplify
11ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
11ms 100.0% tactic.try
11ms 100.0% scope_trace
11ms 100.0% tactic.simp_target
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
11ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
elaboration of sum_le_sum' took 65.3ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.79ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of zero_le_sum' took 17.8ms
type checking of sum_le_zero' took 0.268ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_zero' took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_zero' took 0.0034ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 5.15ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 2ms
num. allocated objects: 113
num. allocated closures: 110
2ms 100.0% tactic.apply_core
2ms 100.0% scope_trace
2ms 100.0% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
2ms 100.0% rw_core
2ms 100.0% tactic.try
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
2ms 100.0% tactic.try_core
2ms 100.0% tactic.istep
2ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
2ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
2ms 100.0% tactic.step
2ms 100.0% relation_tactic
elaboration of sum_le_zero' took 15.8ms
parsing took 21.6ms
type checking of sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg took 0.416ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg took 0.00302ms
parsing took 13.5ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.46ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 7ms
num. allocated objects: 203
num. allocated closures: 186
7ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
7ms 100.0% tactic.step
7ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
7ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
7ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
7ms 100.0% scope_trace
7ms 100.0% tactic.istep
7ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
4ms 57.1% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
4ms 57.1% tactic.try
4ms 57.1% tactic.try_core
4ms 57.1% tactic.interactive.simp_core
3ms 42.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
3ms 42.9% tactic.simplify
3ms 42.9% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
3ms 42.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
3ms 42.9% tactic.simp_target
2ms 28.6% tactic.find_same_type
2ms 28.6% tactic.infer_type
1ms 14.3% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
1ms 14.3% tactic.mk_simp_set
1ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
1ms 14.3% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
1ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
1ms 14.3% tactic.exact
1ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.5ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 1ms
num. allocated objects: 33
num. allocated closures: 67
1ms 100.0% tactic.to_expr
1ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
1ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
1ms 100.0% interaction_monad.orelse'
1ms 100.0% scope_trace
1ms 100.0% rw_core
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep
1ms 100.0% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
1ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
1ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
1ms 100.0% tactic.step
1ms 100.0% interactive.loc.apply
1ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
elaboration of sum_le_sum_of_subset_of_nonneg took 61.8ms
type checking of sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg took 0.403ms
compilation of finset.sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg took 0.00264ms
decl post-processing of sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg took 0.0034ms
parsing took 4.41ms
type checking of single_le_sum took 0.287ms
compilation of finset.single_le_sum took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of single_le_sum took 0.0034ms
parsing took 0.213ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.45ms
type checking of sum_le_sum_of_subset took 0.249ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_sum_of_subset took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_sum_of_subset took 0.0034ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of single_le_sum took 22.3ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 12.2ms
elaboration of sum_le_sum_of_subset took 7.11ms
parsing took 25.7ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 38ms
num. allocated objects: 2744
num. allocated closures: 1511
38ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
38ms 100.0% tactic.seq
38ms 100.0% tactic.istep
38ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
38ms 100.0% scope_trace
38ms 100.0% tactic.step
34ms 89.5% tactic.all_goals
34ms 89.5% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
34ms 89.5% all_goals_core
32ms 84.2% interaction_monad_orelse
23ms 60.5% tactic.solve_by_elim
23ms 60.5% tactic.solve_by_elim_aux
23ms 60.5% tactic.apply_assumption._lambda_4
23ms 60.5% tactic.try_core
23ms 60.5% list.any_of
22ms 57.9% tactic.apply_core
22ms 57.9% tactic.apply_assumption._lambda_2
15ms 39.5% tactic.apply
14ms 36.8% tactic.symm_apply._lambda_1
11ms 28.9% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
7ms 18.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
7ms 18.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
7ms 18.4% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
7ms 18.4% tactic.simp_target
7ms 18.4% tactic.simplify
7ms 18.4% relation_tactic
7ms 18.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core
4ms 10.5% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
4ms 10.5% interactive.loc.apply
4ms 10.5% _interaction._lambda_2
4ms 10.5% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
4ms 10.5% interaction_monad.orelse'
4ms 10.5% rw_core
3ms 7.9% tactic.focus1
3ms 7.9% tactic.rintro
3ms 7.9% tactic.interactive.rintro
2ms 5.3% tactic.rcases.continue._main._lambda_2
2ms 5.3% tactic.rewrite_target
2ms 5.3% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
2ms 5.3% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
2ms 5.3% tactic.rcases.continue
2ms 5.3% tactic.subst_core
2ms 5.3% tactic.rcases_core
2ms 5.3% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
2ms 5.3% tactic.replace_target
2ms 5.3% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
2ms 5.3% tactic.to_expr
2ms 5.3% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 2.6% tactic.cases
1ms 2.6% tactic.intro_core
1ms 2.6% tactic.rintro._lambda_2
1ms 2.6% tactic.interactive.cases_core._lambda_1
1ms 2.6% tactic.intro
1ms 2.6% tactic.interactive.cases_core
1ms 2.6% tactic.kdependencies
1ms 2.6% kdependencies_core
1ms 2.6% tactic.interactive.cases
1ms 2.6% tactic.kdepends_on
1ms 2.6% tactic.revert_kdependencies
type checking of sum_le_sum_of_ne_zero took 0.48ms
compilation of finset.sum_le_sum_of_ne_zero took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of sum_le_sum_of_ne_zero took 0.0034ms
elaboration of sum_eq_zero_iff_of_nonneg took 117ms
parsing took 6.96ms
type checking of abs_sum_le_sum_abs took 0.291ms
compilation of finset.abs_sum_le_sum_abs took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of abs_sum_le_sum_abs took 0.00302ms
parsing took 0.562ms
type checking of card_pi took 0.37ms
compilation of finset.card_pi took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of card_pi took 0.472ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 6.93ms
elaboration of card_pi took 38ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.6ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 0ms
elaboration of abs_sum_le_sum_abs took 91.8ms
parsing took 25.8ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.29ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 7ms
num. allocated objects: 232
num. allocated closures: 211
7ms 100.0% tactic.seq
7ms 100.0% tactic.step
7ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
7ms 100.0% tactic.istep
7ms 100.0% scope_trace
7ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
6ms 85.7% rw_core
6ms 85.7% interactive.loc.apply
6ms 85.7% tactic.rewrite_target
6ms 85.7% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
6ms 85.7% interaction_monad.orelse'
6ms 85.7% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
6ms 85.7% _interaction._lambda_2
6ms 85.7% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
4ms 57.1% tactic.rewrite
4ms 57.1% tactic.rewrite_core
2ms 28.6% tactic.replace_target
1ms 14.3% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
1ms 14.3% tactic.all_goals
1ms 14.3% tactic.interactive.concat_tags._lambda_5
1ms 14.3% tactic.apply
1ms 14.3% tactic.apply_core
1ms 14.3% tactic.exact
1ms 14.3% all_goals_core
1ms 14.3% tactic.interactive.apply._lambda_1
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.69ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 23ms
num. allocated objects: 166
num. allocated closures: 164
23ms 100.0% tactic.seq
23ms 100.0% tactic.istep
23ms 100.0% tactic.step
23ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
23ms 100.0% scope_trace
19ms 82.6% tactic.interactive.simp_core
19ms 82.6% _interaction._lambda_2
19ms 82.6% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
17ms 73.9% tactic.simp_target
17ms 73.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
17ms 73.9% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
17ms 73.9% tactic.simplify
17ms 73.9% interaction_monad_orelse
4ms 17.4% tactic.to_expr
4ms 17.4% all_goals_core
4ms 17.4% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
4ms 17.4% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
4ms 17.4% tactic.all_goals
4ms 17.4% tactic.interactive.exact
elaboration: tactic compilation took 10.6ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 13ms
num. allocated objects: 201
num. allocated closures: 196
13ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_1
13ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simpa._lambda_4
13ms 100.0% tactic.istep
13ms 100.0% tactic.step
13ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
13ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
13ms 100.0% scope_trace
13ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
12ms 92.3% tactic.try
12ms 92.3% tactic.try_core
12ms 92.3% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
12ms 92.3% tactic.simp_target
12ms 92.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core
12ms 92.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
12ms 92.3% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
12ms 92.3% tactic.simplify
1ms 7.7% tactic.unify
1ms 7.7% tactic.find_same_type
1ms 7.7% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
1ms 7.7% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
elaboration of sum_le_sum_of_ne_zero took 237ms
type checking of took 0.329ms
compilation of took 0.00264ms
decl post-processing of took 0.00264ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 8.57ms
parsing took 32ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 84ms
num. allocated objects: 540
num. allocated closures: 528
84ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
84ms 100.0% all_goals_core
84ms 100.0% scope_trace
84ms 100.0% tactic.step
84ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
84ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
84ms 100.0% tactic.istep
84ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
84ms 100.0% tactic.seq
84ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
83ms 98.8% tactic.focus1
83ms 98.8% tactic.interactive.simp_core
83ms 98.8% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags._lambda_3
81ms 96.4% interaction_monad_orelse
77ms 91.7% tactic.simplify
77ms 91.7% tactic.simp_target
77ms 91.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
77ms 91.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
6ms 7.1% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
6ms 7.1% tactic.mk_simp_set
5ms 6.0% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
5ms 6.0% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
4ms 4.8% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
3ms 3.6% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
2ms 2.4% tactic.try_core
2ms 2.4% tactic.try
2ms 2.4% tactic.save_type_info
2ms 2.4% simp_lemmas.add_simp
2ms 2.4% tactic.save_const_type_info._lambda_1
1ms 1.2% tactic.get_main_tag
1ms 1.2% add_simps
1ms 1.2% simp_lemmas.add
1ms 1.2% tactic.main_goal
1ms 1.2% tactic.to_expr
1ms 1.2% tactic.get_goals
1ms 1.2% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_3
elaboration of took 118ms
type checking of took 0.309ms
compilation of took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of took 0.00302ms
parsing took 0.234ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.1ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 33ms
num. allocated objects: 465
num. allocated closures: 425
33ms 100.0% tactic.step
33ms 100.0% _private.3954514829.focus_aux._main._lambda_3
33ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
33ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
33ms 100.0% focus_aux
33ms 100.0% tactic.seq_focus
33ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
33ms 100.0% tactic.istep
33ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
33ms 100.0% tactic.focus
33ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
33ms 100.0% tactic.focus1
33ms 100.0% scope_trace
33ms 100.0% tactic.simp_target
33ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags._lambda_3
33ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.simp_core
33ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
32ms 97.0% tactic.simplify
1ms 3.0% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
1ms 3.0% tactic.replace_target
elaboration of took 75.6ms
type checking of inv_prod took 0.239ms
compilation of inv_prod took 0.00227ms
decl post-processing of inv_prod took 0.00302ms
elaboration of inv_prod took 1.18ms
parsing took 98.8ms
type checking of to_finset_sum_count_eq took 0.185ms
compilation of multiset.to_finset_sum_count_eq took 0.00189ms
decl post-processing of to_finset_sum_count_eq took 0.289ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.99ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 28ms
num. allocated objects: 787
num. allocated closures: 741
28ms 100.0% tactic.seq_focus
28ms 100.0% tactic.step
28ms 100.0% tactic.istep
28ms 100.0% scope_trace
28ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
28ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
23ms 82.1% tactic.simp_target
20ms 71.4% tactic.simplify
18ms 64.3% interaction_monad_orelse
17ms 60.7% tactic.interactive.simp_core
17ms 60.7% _private.3954514829.focus_aux._main._lambda_3
17ms 60.7% focus_aux
17ms 60.7% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
17ms 60.7% tactic.focus
13ms 46.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
13ms 46.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
11ms 39.3% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
11ms 39.3% _interaction._lambda_2
11ms 39.3% tactic.reduce_ifs_at
11ms 39.3% tactic.seq
11ms 39.3% tactic.all_goals
11ms 39.3% all_goals_core
11ms 39.3% tactic.using_new_ref
11ms 39.3% split_ifs_core
11ms 39.3% _private.3909137105.split_ifs_core._main._lambda_1
10ms 35.7% tactic.reduce_ifs_at._lambda_4
4ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
4ms 14.3% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
4ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
4ms 14.3% tactic.mk_simp_set
4ms 14.3% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
4ms 14.3% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
3ms 10.7% tactic.replace_target
2ms 7.1% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
2ms 7.1% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 3.6% tactic.unify
1ms 3.6% tactic.eval_expr
1ms 3.6% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
1ms 3.6% tactic.get_user_simp_lemmas
1ms 3.6% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
1ms 3.6% get_attribute_cache_dyn._lambda_1
1ms 3.6% tactic.exact
1ms 3.6% tactic.find_same_type
elaboration: tactic compilation took 26.2ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 7.01ms
elaboration: tactic compilation took 4.75ms
elaboration: tactic execution took 1ms
num. allocated objects: 32
num. allocated closures: 44
1ms 100.0% interaction_monad_orelse
1ms 100.0% scope_trace
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
1ms 100.0% tactic.focus1
1ms 100.0% tactic.subst_core
1ms 100.0% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
1ms 100.0% tactic.istep
1ms 100.0% tactic.seq
1ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
1ms 100.0% tactic.step
1ms 100.0% tactic.rintro
1ms 100.0% tactic.rcases.continue
1ms 100.0% tactic.interactive.rintro
elaboration: tactic execution took 848ms
num. allocated objects: 3028
num. allocated closures: 2916
848ms 100.0% tactic.solve1
848ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
848ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
848ms 100.0% scope_trace
848ms 100.0% tactic.istep
848ms 100.0% tactic.step
543ms 64.0% tactic.cc_core
542ms 63.9% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
205ms 24.2% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
127ms 15.0% tactic.to_expr
106ms 12.5% interaction_monad_orelse
105ms 12.4% tactic.interactive.simp_core
103ms 12.1% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
100ms 11.8% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux
100ms 11.8% tactic.interactive.simp_core_aux._lambda_5
100ms 11.8% tactic.simp_target
100ms 11.8% rw_core
97ms 11.4% tactic.simplify
97ms 11.4% interactive.loc.apply
97ms 11.4% interaction_monad.orelse'
94ms 11.1% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
94ms 11.1% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
51ms 6.0% tactic.rewrite_target
48ms 5.7% tactic.rewrite
48ms 5.7% tactic.rewrite_core
43ms 5.1% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
42ms 5.0% tactic.interactive.have._lambda_1
33ms 3.9% tactic.interactive.exact
12ms 1.4% tactic.refine
9ms 1.1% tactic.replace_target
7ms 0.8% tactic.rintro
7ms 0.8% tactic.interactive.rintro
6ms 0.7% tactic.rcases_core
6ms 0.7% relation_tactic
6ms 0.7% tactic.rcases.continue
6ms 0.7% tactic.rintro._lambda_3
6ms 0.7% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_5
6ms 0.7% tactic.focus1
6ms 0.7% _private.878893113.relation_tactic._lambda_1
5ms 0.6% simp_lemmas.add_pexpr
5ms 0.6% _private.4232751329.simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add._lambda_2
5ms 0.6% tactic.apply_core
5ms 0.6% tactic.mk_simp_set_core
5ms 0.6% simp_lemmas.resolve_and_add
5ms 0.6% simp_lemmas.append_pexprs
5ms 0.6% tactic.mk_simp_set
4ms 0.5% tactic.cases_core
4ms 0.5% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_2
4ms 0.5% tactic.exact
4ms 0.5% is_valid_simp_lemma_cnst
4ms 0.5% tactic.rcases_core._main._lambda_3
4ms 0.5% char.of_nat
3ms 0.4% tactic.rewrite_hyp
3ms 0.4% tactic.mk_app
3ms 0.4% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_2
3ms 0.4% rw_hyp
3ms 0.4% tactic.mk_id_eq
3ms 0.4% tactic.rcases.continue._main._lambda_2
3ms 0.4% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_3
3ms 0.4% tactic.assert
2ms 0.2% tactic.assert_core
2ms 0.2% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
2ms 0.2% and.decidable
2ms 0.2% tactic.reflexivity
1ms 0.1% assume_core
1ms 0.1% tactic.mk_const
1ms 0.1% tactic.intro_core
1ms 0.1% cc_state.proof_for_false
1ms 0.1% tactic.try_core
1ms 0.1% declaration.univ_params
1ms 0.1% tactic.intro
1ms 0.1% tactic.interactive.assume
1ms 0.1% tactic.try
1ms 0.1% simp_lemmas.add_simp
1ms 0.1% tactic.rintro._lambda_2
1ms 0.1% tactic.subst_core
elaboration: tactic execution took 49ms
num. allocated objects: 49
num. allocated closures: 58
49ms 100.0% cc_state.mk_using_hs_core
49ms 100.0% tactic.step
49ms 100.0% scope_trace
49ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
49ms 100.0% tactic.cc_core
49ms 100.0% all_goals_core
49ms 100.0% tactic.istep
49ms 100.0% tactic.seq
49ms 100.0% tactic.all_goals
49ms 100.0% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
49ms 100.0% _private.3864167971.all_goals_core._main._lambda_2
elaboration of prod_sum took 1.29s
elaboration: tactic execution took 95ms
num. allocated objects: 1843
num. allocated closures: 1668
95ms 100.0% tactic.step
95ms 100.0% tactic.istep
95ms 100.0% scope_trace
95ms 100.0% _interaction._lambda_2
95ms 100.0% tactic.istep._lambda_1
93ms 97.9% tactic.solve1
64ms 67.4% tactic.to_expr
57ms 60.0% tactic.interactive.exact
31ms 32.6% interaction_monad.monad._lambda_9
30ms 31.6% tactic.interactive.propagate_tags
29ms 30.5% interaction_monad.orelse'
29ms 30.5% rw_core
29ms 30.5% interactive.loc.apply
28ms 29.5% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_2
28ms 29.5% _private.3132620493.rw_goal._lambda_4
24ms 25.3% tactic.rewrite_target
15ms 15.8% tactic.rewrite
13ms 13.7% tactic.rewrite_core
10ms 10.5% tactic.replace_target
7ms 7.4% tactic.interactive.rwa
7ms 7.4% tactic.mk_eq_mpr
4ms 4.2% tactic.interactive.to_expr'
3ms 3.2% tactic.interactive.have._lambda_1
3ms 3.2% tactic.try_core
3ms 3.2% interaction_monad_orelse
3ms 3.2% tactic.assumption._lambda_1
3ms 3.2% tactic.find_same_type
3ms 3.2% tactic.try
2ms 2.1% tactic.interactive.by_cases
2ms 2.1% tactic.by_cases
2ms 2.1% tactic.interactive.concat_tags._lambda_5
2ms 2.1% tactic.interactive.by_cases._lambda_2
2ms 2.1% tactic.unify
2ms 2.1% tactic.find_same_type._main._lambda_1
2ms 2.1% tactic.exact
2ms 2.1% tactic.has_opt_auto_param._lambda_2
1ms 1.1% tactic.intro_lst
1ms 1.1% tactic.intro
1ms 1.1% rw_hyp
1ms 1.1% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_2
1ms 1.1% expr.const
1ms 1.1% char.of_nat
1ms 1.1% tactic.rewrite_hyp
1ms 1.1% tactic.mk_mapp
1ms 1.1% _private.1542453965.rw_hyp._main._lambda_3
1ms 1.1% expr.is_napp_of
1ms 1.1% tactic.interactive.intros._lambda_2
1ms 1.1% tactic.assert_core
1ms 1.1% tactic.interactive.intros
1ms 1.1% tactic.intro_core
1ms 1.1% expr.get_app_fn
1ms 1.1% tactic.assert
1ms 1.1% expr.is_app_of
elaboration of to_finset_sum_count_eq took 299ms
cumulative profiling times:
compilation 1.61ms
decl post-processing 4.23s
elaboration 5.67s
elaboration: tactic compilation 469ms
elaboration: tactic execution 2.71s
parsing 968ms
type checking 15.2ms
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