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Created May 31, 2018 03:05
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-- in this construction we do not care about the polynomials
-- we only want its universal mapping property
import data.finsupp data.equiv
class algebra (R : out_param Type*) (A : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] extends comm_ring A :=
(f : R → A) [hom : is_ring_hom f]
instance algebra.to_is_ring_hom (R : out_param Type*) (A : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] : is_ring_hom (algebra.f A) :=
algebra.hom A
instance algebra.to_module (R : out_param Type*) (A : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] : module R A :=
{ smul := λ r x, algebra.f A r * x,
smul_add := λ r x y, mul_add (algebra.f A r) x y,
add_smul := λ r s x, show algebra.f A (r + s) * x
= algebra.f A r * x + algebra.f A s * x,
by rw [is_ring_hom.map_add (algebra.f A), add_mul],
mul_smul := λ r s x, show algebra.f A (r * s) * x
= algebra.f A r * (algebra.f A s * x),
by rw [is_ring_hom.map_mul (algebra.f A), mul_assoc],
one_smul := λ x, show algebra.f A 1 * x = x,
by rw [is_ring_hom.map_one (algebra.f A), one_mul] }
theorem algebra.smul_def (R : out_param Type*) (A : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] (c : R) (x : A) :
c • x = algebra.f A c * x := rfl
class is_alg_hom {R : out_param Type*} {A : Type*} {B : Type*}
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
(φ : A → B) extends is_ring_hom φ : Prop :=
(commute : ∀ r, φ (algebra.f A r) = algebra.f B r)
def alg_hom {R : out_param Type*} (A : Type*) (B : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] [algebra R B] :=
{ φ : A → B // is_alg_hom φ }
instance alg_hom.to_is_alg_hom {R : out_param Type*} (A : Type*) (B : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
(φ : alg_hom A B) : is_alg_hom φ.val :=
instance alg_hom.to_is_ring_hom {R : out_param Type*} (A : Type*) (B : Type*)
[out_param $ comm_ring R] [algebra R A] [algebra R B]
(φ : alg_hom A B) : is_ring_hom φ.val :=
by apply_instance
variables (R : Type*) [decidable_eq R] [comm_ring R]
def polynomial : Type* := ℕ →₀ R
instance polynomial.comm_ring : comm_ring (polynomial R) :=
instance polynomial.algebra : algebra R (polynomial R) :=
{ f := λ r, finsupp.single 0 r,
hom :=
{ map_add := λ x y, finsupp.single_add,
map_mul := λ x y, show finsupp.single (0 + 0) (x * y) = _, from finsupp.single_mul_single.symm,
map_one := rfl } }
def polynomial.UMP (A : Type*) [algebra R A] :
A ≃ alg_hom (polynomial R) A :=
{ to_fun := λ r, ⟨λ f, f.sum $ λ n c, c • r^n,
have H1 : ∀ n c, finsupp.sum (finsupp.single n c) (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n) = c • r ^ n,
from λ n c, finsupp.sum_single_index zero_smul,
have Hp : ∀ f g : polynomial R, finsupp.sum (f + g) (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n) =
finsupp.sum f (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n)
+ finsupp.sum g (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n),
from λ f g, finsupp.sum_add_index (λ _, zero_smul) (λ _ _ _, add_smul),
{ map_add := Hp,
map_mul :=
intros f g,
change finsupp.sum (f * g) (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n) =
finsupp.sum f (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n) * finsupp.sum g (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n),
rw [finsupp.mul_def, finsupp.sum_sum_index],
apply finsupp.induction f,
{ simp [finsupp.sum_zero_index] },
{ intros n c f hf hc ih,
rw [finsupp.sum_add_index, finsupp.sum_single_index, ih],
rw [Hp, H1, add_mul],
suffices : finsupp.sum (finsupp.sum g (λ (a₂ : ℕ) (b₂ : R), finsupp.single (n + a₂) (c * b₂)))
(λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n)
= c • r ^ n * finsupp.sum g (λ (n : ℕ) (c : R), c • r ^ n),
{ rw this },
apply finsupp.induction g,
{ simp [finsupp.sum_zero_index] },
{ intros n c g hg hc ih,
rw [finsupp.sum_add_index, finsupp.sum_single_index],
rw [Hp, H1, ih, Hp, H1],
rw [mul_add, mul_smul, pow_add],
rw [algebra.smul_def, algebra.smul_def, algebra.smul_def, algebra.smul_def],
{ rw [mul_zero, finsupp.single_zero] },
{ intros, rw [mul_zero, finsupp.single_zero] },
{ intros,
rw [mul_add, finsupp.single_add] } },
{ convert finsupp.sum_zero_index,
convert finsupp.sum_zero,
rw [zero_mul, finsupp.single_zero],
apply_instance, apply_instance },
{ intros,
convert finsupp.sum_zero_index,
convert finsupp.sum_zero,
rw [zero_mul, finsupp.single_zero],
apply_instance, apply_instance },
{ intros a r s,
apply finsupp.induction g,
{ simp [finsupp.sum_zero_index] },
{ intros n c g hg hc ih,
convert Hp _ _,
convert finsupp.sum_add,
{ funext, rw [add_mul, finsupp.single_add] },
apply_instance, apply_instance } } },
{ intros, apply zero_smul },
{ intros, apply add_smul }
map_one := by convert H1 0 1; rw [one_smul]; refl,
commute := λ r, by unfold algebra.f;
rw [finsupp.sum_single_index];
[apply mul_one, { change (0:R) • (1:A) = 0, apply zero_smul }]}⟩,
inv_fun := λ φ, φ.1 (finsupp.single 1 1),
left_inv := λ r, by dsimp; rw [finsupp.sum_single_index];
[{ change (1:R) • (r^1:A) = r, rw [one_smul, pow_one] },
{ change (0:R) • (r^1:A) = 0, apply zero_smul }],
right_inv := _ }
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