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Last active February 13, 2018 03:07
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Modified testing files for Kolacinski EECS 233
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* @author Rich
public class boolArrayListNGTest
* Set up a few Objects for use in test fixture
int nBits = 4;
* Initialize input sequences:
Boolean[] seq0;
Boolean[] seq1;
Boolean[] seq2;
Boolean[] seq3;
public boolArrayListNGTest()
public static void setUpClass()
public static void tearDownClass()
public void setUpMethod()
* Set up test fixture...
* Initialize input sequences:
* seq0 = (0010)_2 = (2)_10
* seq1 = (0110)_2 = (6)_10
* seq2 = (1110)_2 = (-2)_10
* seq3 = (1010)_2 = (-6)_10
seq0 = new Boolean[]{false, false, true, false};
seq1 = new Boolean[]{false, true, true, false};
seq2 = new Boolean[]{true, true, true, false};
seq3 = new Boolean[]{true, false, true, false};
public void tearDownMethod()
* Test of size method, of class boolArrayList.
public void testSize()
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
//boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList(10);
* Query empty object
int expResult = 0;
int result = instance.size();
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Query size
expResult = nBits;
result = instance.size();
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of insert method, of class boolArrayList.
public void testInsert()
boolArrayList instance0 = new boolArrayList();
boolArrayList instance1 = new boolArrayList();
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance0.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Test encapsulation:
* Next line shoule be illegal...
* comment out as needed.
* N.B. Didn't specify names of object fields so this is not nearly
* general enough to use with everybody's code
//boolean temp = instance0.array[0];
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance0.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Check corner case - add element beyond last current element
int offset = 4;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance1.insert(i + offset, seq0[i]);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance1.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for insert method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. Receiving error:
* cannot find symbol
* symbol: method expected()
* location: @interface Test
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
* <p>
* Note also, an exception not specified for the remove method in handout
* (though I should have specified one...). This is just for style points.
//@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void testInsertException()
System.out.println("insert exception");
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
//boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList(10);
* Try inserting elements before nonexistent
int target = -1;
boolean toInsert = true;
boolean result;
instance.insert(target, toInsert);
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Try removing elements a nonexistent element from the list...
target = -1;
instance.insert(target, toInsert);
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Test of remove method, of class boolArrayList.
public void testRemove()
boolArrayList instance0 = new boolArrayList();
boolArrayList instance1 = new boolArrayList();
boolArrayList instance2 = new boolArrayList();
boolArrayList instance3 = new boolArrayList();
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance0.insert(i, seq0[i]);
instance1.insert(i, seq1[i]);
instance2.insert(i, seq2[i]);
instance3.insert(i, seq3[i]);
* Remove leading (first) element
int toRemove = 0;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
int expIntResult;
int intResult;
intResult = instance0.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance0.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i + 1];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove trailing (last) element
toRemove = nBits - 1;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
intResult = instance1.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance1.lookup(i);
expResult = seq1[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove an arbitrary element
toRemove = 2;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
intResult = instance2.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
// Elements preceeding removed item
for(int i = 0; i < toRemove; i++)
result = instance2.lookup(i);
expResult = seq2[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Elements following removed item
for(int i = toRemove; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance2.lookup(i);
expResult = seq2[i + 1];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove non-existent element
toRemove = 6;
* Make sure bookkeeping done properly...
intResult = instance3.size();
expIntResult = nBits;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance3.lookup(i);
expResult = seq3[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of lookup method, of class boolArrayList.
public void testLookup()
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
//boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList(10);
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for lookup method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. See above comment for testRemoveException.
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
//@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void testLookupException()
System.out.println("lookup exception");
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
//boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList(10);
* Try looking up elements from an empty list...
int toLookup = 0;
boolean result;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Try looking up elements beyond existing list...
toLookup = -1;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
toLookup = nBits;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Test of negateAll method, of class boolArrayList.
public void testNegateAll()
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
//boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList(10);
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Negate elements
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance.lookup(i);
expResult = !seq0[i]; // Negation of stored result
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for negateAll method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. See above comment for testRemoveException.
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
* <p>
* Also set up to return a flag for successful completion, not necessarily
* going to have code that tosses an exception.
//@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNegateAllException()
System.out.println("negateAll exception");
boolArrayList instance = new boolArrayList();
* Try negating elements from an empty list...
boolean result;
boolean flagResult;
//flagResult = instance.negateAll();
//result = !flagResult;
result = false;
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* @author Rich
public class boolLinkedListNGTest
* Set up a few Objects for use in test fixture
int nBits = 4;
* Initialize input sequences:
Boolean[] seq0;
Boolean[] seq1;
Boolean[] seq2;
Boolean[] seq3;
public void setUpMethod()
* Set up test fixture...
* Initialize input sequences:
* seq0 = (0010)_2 = (2)_10
* seq1 = (0110)_2 = (6)_10
* seq2 = (1110)_2 = (-2)_10
* seq3 = (1010)_2 = (-6)_10
seq0 = new Boolean[]{false, false, true, false};
seq1 = new Boolean[]{false, true, true, false};
seq2 = new Boolean[]{true, true, true, false};
seq3 = new Boolean[]{true, false, true, false};
* Test of size method, of class boolLinkedList.
public void testSize()
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Query empty object
int expResult = 0;
int result = instance.size();
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Query size
expResult = nBits;
result = instance.size();
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of insert method, of class boolLinkedList.
public void testInsert()
boolLinkedList instance0 = new boolLinkedList();
boolLinkedList instance1 = new boolLinkedList();
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance0.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance0.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Check corner case - add element beyond last current element
int offset = 4;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance1.insert(i + offset, seq0[i]);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance1.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for insert method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. Receiving error:
* cannot find symbol
* symbol: method expected()
* location: @interface Test
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
* <p>
* Note also, an exception not specified for the remove method in handout
* (though I should have specified one...). This is just for style points.
//@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void testInsertException()
System.out.println("insert exception");
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Try inserting elements before nonexistent
int target = -1;
boolean toInsert = true;
boolean result;
instance.insert(target, toInsert);
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Try removing elements a nonexistent element from the list...
target = -1;
instance.insert(target, toInsert);
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Test of remove method, of class boolLinkedList.
public void testRemove()
boolLinkedList instance0 = new boolLinkedList();
boolLinkedList instance1 = new boolLinkedList();
boolLinkedList instance2 = new boolLinkedList();
boolLinkedList instance3 = new boolLinkedList();
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance0.insert(i, seq0[i]);
instance1.insert(i, seq1[i]);
instance2.insert(i, seq2[i]);
instance3.insert(i, seq3[i]);
* Remove leading (first) element
int toRemove = 0;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
int expIntResult;
int intResult;
intResult = instance0.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance0.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i + 1];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove trailing (last) element
toRemove = nBits - 1;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
intResult = instance1.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance1.lookup(i);
expResult = seq1[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove an arbitrary element
toRemove = 2;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
intResult = instance2.size();
expIntResult = nBits - 1;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
// Elements preceeding removed item
for(int i = 0; i < toRemove; i++)
result = instance2.lookup(i);
expResult = seq2[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Elements following removed item
for(int i = toRemove; i < nBits - 1; i++)
result = instance2.lookup(i);
expResult = seq2[i + 1];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Remove non-existent element
toRemove = 6;
* Make sure bookeeping done properly...
intResult = instance3.size();
expIntResult = nBits;
assertEquals(intResult, expIntResult);
* Query individual elements
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance3.lookup(i);
expResult = seq3[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of lookup method, of class boolLinkedList.
public void testLookup()
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance.lookup(i);
expResult = seq0[i];
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for lookup method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. See above comment for testRemoveException.
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
//@Test(expected = IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)
public void testLookupException()
System.out.println("lookup exception");
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Try looking up elements from an empty list...
int toLookup = 0;
boolean result;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Add some elements to instance
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Try looking up elements beyond existing list...
toLookup = -1;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
toLookup = nBits;
result = false;
catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* Test of negateAll method, of class boolLinkedList.
public void testNegateAll()
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Add some elements to instances
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
instance.insert(i, seq0[i]);
* Negate elements
* Query individual elements
boolean expResult;
boolean result;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
result = instance.lookup(i);
expResult = !seq0[i]; // Negation of stored result
assertEquals(result, expResult);
* Test of exception for negateAll method, of class boolArrayList.
* N.B. For some reason, the "expected" parameter is not being
* recognized. See above comment for testRemoveException.
* <p>
* Commenting out use of @Test annotation and implementing try/catch
* idiom.... In any case, may have different types of exceptions selected
* (not specified in handout).
* <p>
* Also set up to return a flag for successful completion, not necessarily
* going to have code that tosses an exception.
//@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void testNegateAllException()
System.out.println("negateAll exception");
boolLinkedList instance = new boolLinkedList();
* Try negating elements from an empty list...
boolean result;
boolean flagResult;
result = false;
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
// Not going to test message or the like...
result = true;
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
* @author Rich
public class boolListDemoNGTest
* Set up a few Objects for use in test fixture
int nBits = 4;
* Initialize input sequences:
Boolean[] seq0;
Boolean[] seq1;
Boolean[] seq2;
Boolean[] seq3;
* Initialize corresponding test values
private Integer test0;
private Integer test1;
private Integer test2;
private Integer test3;
public void setUpMethod()
* Set up test fixture...
* Initialize input sequences:
* seq0 = (0010)_2 = (2)_10
* seq1 = (0110)_2 = (6)_10
* seq2 = (1110)_2 = (-2)_10
* seq3 = (1010)_2 = (-6)_10
seq0 = new Boolean[]{false, false, true, false};
seq1 = new Boolean[]{false, true, true, false};
seq2 = new Boolean[]{true, true, true, false};
seq3 = new Boolean[]{true, false, true, false};
* Initialize test values
test0 = 2;
test1 = 6;
test2 = -2;
test3 = -6;
* Test of boolToSigned method, of class boolListDemo.
//public void testBoolToSigned() throws IOException {
public void testBoolToSigned()
* With boolList interface
// Using array lists...
boolList instance0 = new boolArrayList();
boolList instance1 = new boolArrayList();
boolList instance2 = new boolArrayList();
boolList instance3 = new boolArrayList();
// and using linked lists.
boolList instance4 = new boolLinkedList();
boolList instance5 = new boolLinkedList();
boolList instance6 = new boolLinkedList();
boolList instance7 = new boolLinkedList();
* Add some elements to instances
* N.B. Storing elements in reverse order so that rightmost element
* of storage array (e.g. seq0,...) corresponds to LSB, which
* should be indexed as 0 in the boolList objects.
/* This code won't work if we can't specify the position of the entry */
int k;
for(int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
k = (nBits - 1) - i;
instance0.insert(i, seq0[k]);
instance1.insert(i, seq1[k]);
instance2.insert(i, seq2[k]);
instance3.insert(i, seq3[k]);
instance4.insert(i, seq0[k]);
instance5.insert(i, seq1[k]);
instance6.insert(i, seq2[k]);
instance7.insert(i, seq3[k]);
* Check computation of signed integers...
int result;
int expResult;
* seq0 = (0010)_2 = (2)_10
expResult = 2;
// Array list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance0);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Linked list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance4);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// seq1 = (0110)_2 = (6)_10
expResult = 6;
// Array list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance1);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Linked list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance5);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// seq2 = (1110)_2 = (-2)_10
expResult = -2;
// Array list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance2);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Linked list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance6);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// seq3 = (1010)_2 = (-6)_10
expResult = -6;
// Array list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance3);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
// Linked list
result = boolListDemo.boolToSigned(instance7);
assertEquals(result, expResult);
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added corrected boolLinkedList unit tests

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added corrected boolListDemo unit tests

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